49 The Point of No Return 1 (1/2)
”Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.”
-Haruki Murakami
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I sat down, drowning myself in what I approved and still with the nostalgic nightmare boggling my head, when suddenly, through the city's public address system, a siren's emergency sound echoed through the whole city very loudly, as if a nuclear missile is fast approaching, with us as the primal target.
Well, that has zero possibilities of happening. Only earth would have such an asinine invention designed to inflict catastrophe on the land we so personally walked.
”What's happening?” I looked at my clock and it's now 2:27 AM. Hmmm. It's comprehensible...That Alarm is sounded on purpose. To remind everyone of the journey that awaits, just thirty minutes more.
The alarm js very loud that it likely woke everyone up, it goes on for almost like 5 minutes and then a new unfamiliar voice followed.
”Bim pom pam pom!” here's another weird emcee.
”Hello everyone! Rise and Shine! Time check! It's now 2:32 AM. Time check! 2: 32 AM Thirty minutes less before we begin our pilgrimage outside this city! Aren't you excited! Awww, but, It is rather sad that not everyone is able to make it on the first night as they foolishly took their life thinking that all of this was a part of a dream! They disregarded how Mr. Hermes implicitly said that Death plays a constant role here. Well, for now, we sent their bodies to Hades. You won't have to worry of any uncanny smell anytime soon.”
”Now then, I recommend everyone to settle up and recon at the city gates. Remember this okay? Those that chose 'Chaos Armada' would have to take the Southern gate and for the 'Mirage Armada', please do take the northern gate! Are we all clear? Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself, I am Goddess Athena and with me is Ms. Alexandra Ludenburgh, we will be the announcer throughout the entirety of the game, to its fruition, providing you fast undelayed statistical and rule updates! Don't think weirdly of my name now. I know, it sounds horrible, but it has a nice meaning to it!”
Wait, my homeroom teacher? Ms. Ludenburgh? Announcer? She was a great actress though, playing the role of a homeroom teacher in front of us...if she knew that this was to happen all along.
”Then everyone! As of now, there are 345 thousand and 457 hundred active delegates left in the warfare. I can't simply forget to inform all this statistical news. Outside of the gates that you chose, is an Anima, awaiting your arrival, one for each Armada. They will explain to you what to do next, as your primal steps on the land you all are undoubtedly foreign! See you there!” the rather early announcement ended.
Yet, is to just me or these deities are really conservative on using their power, except for that Hermes who blew a whole terrain off just for demonstration. Yet, in all of their authority over the natural laws, why the hell are they making use of the public address system? It's just weird for them to utilize such a tech. Whatever...
300 thousand huh? That's a lot lesser than I expected. But still, as of this time, it's still implausible to think, that in that remaining 300k+, one is only assured to get out with the wish in hand...and alive.
Surely though, that Athena wouldn't have to worry about bullying all because of her 'Godly' name soon. So it finally starts...
I then grabbed all of my stuff as I know that I can't waste another second. First thing, I need to stop by a convenient store as planned and buy a larger suitcase, buy some basic necessities, like rope, flashlights, canned foods, clothes, and several others. and I think my money would be enough.
Wait, do I really need them? It's a land ruled by magic right? Well, it won't hurt to give me a head start, so I guess its okay. I should just keep the numbers to a bare minimum. I would not want to stand out because of the stuff I'm carrying.
”Shiro...time to wake up.” I then soundly approached the girl in her sleep and started to wake her up gently.
”Hee? It's still early oni-chama.” the girl waking up replied, as though shuttering her synapses, fighting the inevitable and undeniable lure to sleepiness and the unending call of the comfortable bed and pillows.
The night still rolls and it would be a while before the sun shows again. It's normal for a little girl to act like this. What's not normal is how she is able to have a decent sleep in spite of everything she saw, even having her parents dead in front of her. In my case, it was a week of unable to wake up, another week of sleep deprivation, a month of complete isolation and years of memories haunting me to no end. Even here. Maybe some are just born strong-willed? Whatever the reason may be, this kid is quite something else.
”Yes, but we need to prepare now ok?”, I added.
”*Ya-aawwn*. Ok, Oni-chama”, with a little yawn and back stretches the girl got into her feet and prepared... It took a little while, she persisted to take a bath first... I then checked out on the digital terminal the hotel has had at the front desk and left the room key as instructed.