46 Countdown till Hades (1/2)
”Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red.”
-Clive Barker
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Cheshire Cat. A well-known fictional character, notable for its broad grin and the ability to appear and disappear. It's all clear now. So this is what this kid is talking with earlier, and as a hypothesis, deities have this innate ability to conceal their presence from anyone except their Herrscher and I guess this cat-deity did the same. That's why I was only able to sense one presence.”
”We are sorry! Please let us go! It would be bad if he was to lose his leg now!” With a grotesque whimsical voice, It started talking all of the sudden.
”Why are you saying you're sorry to me? ...And why should I care?”
”Wait! We'll do anything!”
”You two were having fun together killing mercilessly, and now your begging? How inconsequential” I stated while the spoiled boy is still unable to speak as I concealed his one means of speech, with this 'Cheshire' deity a meter away unable to answer anything. Hmmm. sorry, but the kid needs his lesson. A leg is just a little collateral for the life he took.
”Let's just continue the fun. ok!?” With a fake smile, I suddenly plunge my scythe in his leg. It penetrated to the impeccable division of its bones like it was cake, and the youngster unable to scream the agony, as I have had control of his mouth became very ecstatic of the gruesome pain he is feeling as blood came oozing out of the deep wound. He wrestled more as the grip of the chains becomes stronger by the seconds, probably because of the unbearable pain that he can't even scream out.
”Struggle more and you're gonna have to say bye-bye to your head as well.”
Not taking heed to my warning, with his deity unable to do anything, the boy started to move in the most intense ways. At this rate, he's gonna be killed. Hmmm, and I'm not stupid to kill someone of this caliber here.
”How spoiled” I then made the chain which was entangled in his neck suddenly exert brute strangling force, enough to make him unconscious for a while.
”You're tired from all of that fun, right? You should probably rest for a while.”
As the boy begins to trance, I undid the binding which made him fall to the ground in his face. And then, his deity, Cheshire, retrieved his unconscious body while being extra careful with his soon-to-fall cut leg and started carrying it.
”You! you're gonna pay for this! I'm gonna report this to Alice, to Mad Hatter, to March Hare...You better be prepared, boy!”
Are they all deities? This is not a circus you know. To have such light characters in a dark-themed environment is a very grotesque 'another side of the same coin'. Unless, if their facades all resemble those horrible cannibals, then I'm not buying it.
”Hmmm? Is that supposed to be the Circle of Disney's friendship Pipsquicks? Then say this to them. If by far you are planning to harm me on the game, you would not lose only a leg...And you know this best than anyone. Now then, scram.”
As the deity utilized his power and started disappearing with the unconscious boy in his provision, he began to left words of warning with an eerily dreadful grin enough to inflict me some goosebumps.
”I'll remember this boy. I'm gonna kill you and Lacrimosa. Mark my words.”
And then, disappeared together with the black charisma that I felt prior. If he thinks that I felt threatened with that small words of his, he is one dunderheaded-cat. What can I say? Poor lad. Having to start the game with a leg about to fall off if not of a skin that I left uncut.
Hayst. I really wish that he would be the last referenced character. Sad to say all of Wonderland's casts seem here too. Whatever. They're not gonna survive for long in their adventurous nature...I presume.
I probably should get to the main business now. Dinner. But, first, as a form of respect for the deceased, I bowed my head and covered him with a white mantel.
”Have a peaceful rest now mister.” That's the least I could do.
I should probably go back to Shiro now.
I made sure that my demeanor is cleansed form the cruel act of doing amputation without a medical license and then reopened the kitchen door with the fried chicken she requested and a little of mine, while Shiro was sitting there behaved in the seat she chose. But, she's somewhat distracted on looking up at something through the food chain's crystal glass walls.