43 In the Pangs of Darkness (2/2)
”No. There's no way we are killing-...”
”You sure about that though?” I intervened...
The girl, believing in the power of friendship is unable to say any additional words.
”You all really are clueless about what's happening. Surely, it's high time for you to realize that this is not the kind of nightmare that you have in your sleep...It's a nightmare of the dissatisfied reality that awaits us every time we open our eyes. You can play 'friends to everyone' but, let me repeat, we are in a game where we will kill each other to achieve our own goals and to determine the fate of humanity. There's no way I would tell openly what Armada I chose, that's like persuading a thief to steal your millions in your own accord. Except, we are not talking about money here.”
Everyone is left speechless, even the Wolfenschtein himself.
What's fascinating though is how they just keep doing better and better in making their situation worse. For them, it was the most logical thing to do. Find friends. Form a group. And be safe together. Yet, that's just a juvenile way of thinking. Everyone here has their own reasons why they venially want that wish and inevitably, Homo sapiens have this insatiable hunger for the irrational. It's only a matter of time when someone would make the first move of betrayal.
”If you have nothing more to say then I'll take my leave. And lastly, Instead of arguing here why someone chose to be against the 99% of the crowd present, you should have had started preparing. What you're doing now is beyond childish, and thinking you'll probably survive outside just because you found these dear friends who can't even survive a little jab is but the worst case of narcissism there is. You saw that right? How that man was killed in front of us just because he defied an instruction. This is a warfare, where killing is the new norm...And this is not a matter between going head-to-head or hand-in-hand, it's a matter of strategy. But what you're doing here is publicly announcing that you are okay being betrayed yonder... Let's go, Shiro. I don't want you getting acquainted with such people.” And with that, I should be on their top - 10 most hated list right now. But, I also think that it's for the best as it was somehow inevitable. Men will always prefer comforting lies rather than the ugly truth. It's a part of their matrix.
”Hey! Undo this, will you?! Hey you!” Zen, still under my dominance shouted. Well, the moment his head cools down the bind would automatically be unchained.
Without saying anymore, I then hastily got out of the scene without even saying anything to Celes. And I presume that somehow, she will be able to handle herself just fine. It's just that, I came in a very bad timing. How did everyone know that she is in the Chaos Armada anyway?
I quickly made my exit feeling a little exhausted. Probably from using my power to control someone and of course, gaining that much of a de trop attention... So this is the backlash huh? It is almost like a life span was sucked out of me shortening my days. I should probably train using this more, the moment the real journey starts... I wonder to what extent can I really make use of this?
Yet... That Wolfenschtein, is really something else. If Gold is also considered valuable on the new land we are soon to explore, he's one lucky bastard. But, that has a minuscule chance of being the case. The Midas Touch. Now, it feels like, I'm not the only one who tricked a deity unto giving a power that is beyond balanced.
Ahhhh. I completely ruined the low-key plan. Oh well, can't hurt to restart again.
Celes Reignsworth. You heard everything right? There's simply no means of 'complete' trust right now. It's vague beyond question. And I know you too, think the same. While we may be taking the same gate leading outside, I know that the path we will take... is very discrepant from each other.
”Oni-chama are you ok?” Shiro, seeing how somewhat exhausted my demeanor is and how deep my thoughts seem, started worrying.
”Of course. You don't need to worry about me okay?”
”Kay.” She replied, even though her face clearly showed a very concerned expression.
I checked my clock to see what time it is. It's 9:30 PM... It's enough. We should probably eat for now and rest. Tomorrow at the early three. The threshold begins.