31 Status Quo (2/2)
I am to be a subject of her decision if whether she wants to save or destroy mankind.
That was supposed to be it. But, for additional the deity made me choose my power given that it is not too overpowered or too weak to defend myself while I am on this gamble.
I chose to ”Control anything dark by default”. The goddess granted it as she thought it was not significant. Little did she know that I feigned her.
After the passing of powers, I was to follow the goddess outside of her realm. Towards reality. I was ready to defend myself from Celes and the phantom with whatever black I had with me. The jet black ink of my pen of course.
Yet, the moment I stepped out of the portal, something more peculiar was spelled into the city affecting even those who are not a participant of the warfare. A powerful viscount figure named ”End” summoned a giant and putrid gargoyle emblazoned ”Atlas”. The giant, in its wake, killed several hundred while he strangled the island with brute force. If it were not of the massive magical circles protecting us, a fraction of the whole population could have been the only ones that are left.
Many died, as those gigantic hand took hold of the whole island dragging us towards this dark tear on the sky. which was little known to be some sort of a portal towards a different realm, which we knew nothing of. For hours the island has been in the dark, with gruesome death, cries of pain and agony engulfing us whole.
I then found myself helping this little girl whose name is Shiro. Her family was one of those killed in the wake of the gargoyle. I was certainly not an act of kindness nor sympathy. I just saw myself in her as she gazed on the lifeless bodies of her beloved mom and dad.
Now as the gargoyle stepped out from the darkness where it dragged us into, here we are. In what Lacrimosa called as ”The Third Realm”. The far vision of Tokyo is gone and the towering skyscrapers of neighboring cities are nowhere in sight. In contrast, you could see medieval-themed kingdoms, with dragons drifting in the vast skies and other unnamed entities.
I already get it. The purpose of this game that we are to participate into. What I don't get is why they decided to also draw those mere humans in this game. I presumed that they came into this city to start anew in their lives. Now, here they are questioning everything that they are seeing and recovering from their loss. Probably having difficulties in differentiating reality and delusion while also being trapped in a vicious circle of carnage in a world they believed could have only existed in fairy tales.
”All right gather round now!”
A large and virile-pitched voice then came echoing in the far ends of the island through the Public Address System. I then found myself and the whole population in that dominance listening and taking heed of the voice as it seemed rather important. Maybe it would explain the whole status quo...
”I am Hermes. One of the game masters of this warfare... I am summoned to explain to you the basics, the rules, and also to give you a little overview of the game...While there are so many things that are needed to be explained...Ehhh... Let me say this one thing as a major kick start of the most anticipated event of the eon... WELCOME TO THE THIRD REALM!”