20 Phantom Deity 1 (1/2)
”Wildly, my mind beats against you, but my soul obeys.”
-Charles Hart
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”Let's take this someplace else.”
Celes having said that, I found myself in a dire and baffling scenario whilst sauntering from stairs to stairs towards an ambient rooftop, where love stories in most entertainment series begin. Yet, the atmosphere of this one, however, spells a different type of beginning, and I am certain that I am not gonna like it.
The moment we arrived, she then placed her paper bag-wrapped food in one of the benches.
”You're not gonna eat?” I asked.
”I will... after I confirm something.” Of course. Then out of the initiative, I sat on the bench while Celes was acting rather defensive a meter or two away.
”So what are we talking about again?”
”Proceeding to the main point. Lacrimosa. You're her Herrscher aren't you?”
Yeah, this is what we were talking about. Truth be told, the first moment, Celes mentioned Lacrimosa's name, confusion mingled in my insides and yet I felt the need to be composed and to stay calm rather than to reveal superficial parts of me, even now.
”Ahhh. What? Lacrimosa? Is that supposed to be a video game character?... And Herrscher? Is that supposed to be rank or something?” I sarcastically asked sitting on the bench with a composure like that of a dead fish.
”Hmmm. That insignia in your right hand? That's the symbol of your contract with her am I correct?” She instantly nullified my sarcasm.
”Insignia?” I get the feeling that she is about the clock-like tattoo in my right hand, but why give it that very austere sobriquet?
More importantly, how? I don't recall showing this to anyone and it is impossible for anyone to coincidentally see as I had covered it with a wrist band blending flawlessly with my uniform, and why does she have knowledge of a contract between me and that Goddess?
Wait, now that I remember it, Lacrimosa spoke of the need to stay stealthy from these ”others” being the reason why she had to weaken her powers a bit. Is there something that the talkative goddess is hiding from me?
Calm down. First, I need to give her a proper answer without stirring further controversy.
”Hayst... It's just a wrist band,. and even if I did have one, It should only be for my appreciation for art, nothing more and less.”
”Oh, doesn't that make you more suspicious? Why would you even need a wrist band worn under your long sleeve uniform? There's no use protecting that part from a little bit of sunray. ”
As Celes bombarded me with questions in which some I have no answer, I feel like I am being drawn to bottomless quicksand without any means of escape or of diversion. This has gotten troublesome that it's becoming a pain.
”Hey look, I don't know what you're talking about. Period.” I then got up from the bench and turned around to walk away and to stop my further submersion on the quicksand of questions, but is stopped as if suddenly...