10 Sociopaths Stale Transition (1/2)
”Every chapter must end with a cliffhanger.”
-F. Dickson
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Whatever obscurity that took place that eventide, I considered obsolete in my memories as dwelling in the past can't help me do anything at all. That...is undoubtedly correct. Although the saved images in my mind can't seem to let me go for the better, haunting me to my quotidian living up to my worst nightmares, I compelled myself to move on, towards a future so opaque and colorless, that it is enough to induce someone into the highest extent of nausea, or into the deepest part of the abyss, where a single ray of hope can't enter and where a minuscule of gargantuan despair can't even abscond.
If I were to describe how the years came and go from that grotesque night of derangement, it was to be that one word.
Every day, I would wake up in the same room and follow the same path, to dully live the recent day the same as yesterday. As Spencer Cathcart would say, ”every day is a new adventure”, yet along the way of that pilgrimage, nothing changed, for me...at least. I am now 18 years old and is currently attending a life of humility and simplicity with a bit of mixture of a supernatural element, yet with great satisfaction. And today, a big alteration to my daily paradigm is about to unveil.
What? Don't tell me you expected more?
Well, as far as it concerns me, I am currently enrolled in an elite educational institution where if you lack intelligence, you are of no meaning and merit. Oh right, every educational institution is like that, may it be elite or not...my bad. Education today fail to fathomless extents that calling it ”education” would be a stereotypical insult. How can I say so, you ask? Well, there are barrels of rational reasons and a few arguments that support the idea of education as a daunted system. Hear me out as I extrapolate a few, with my experiences as the pedestal...
First. Teachers would offer more of their attention to students that are already intellectually stellar and have a clear future up ahead and just discard those students that need help in discovering their potential and capabilities from the get-go. Simply put, if we are to not have these 'innate” talents to reign supreme in any academic endeavors, we are hereby given the sobriquet 'Nimrod', a name of petty humiliation, as it means nothing more but foolishness and uselessness in the fastly improving economy.
Second. Instead of going to school to learn, the majority of parents would desperately make their children binge study the whole damned academic book before the school year would even start or even enroll them on cramming schools and pay a fortune, for them to notch an easy honor roll when class officially starts. That, dear parents, destroy the core purpose of the existence of education, and most of the time just makes me wonder if the school is a place for learning or is it just a mad dominance filled with selfish passion and competition. Tell me, which is it? School as a place of learning? Or school as a place for your children's' competition, where we deem ourselves as pokemons that never questions their owners' decisions, and are exploited from time to time.
Competition overall is not bad of course, yet as to how it was implemented in the system falter in ways that are assured to give off unauthentic aftermaths. Yet, I can neither blame the parents or the learners as it is the system's fault on brainwashing the masses, that education is ”life's greatest equalizer” which is not and never will, as it failed to reach even a quarter of life's worth.
As an excursus, school is supposed to be a place of failure as it was preordained to be filled with our ”firsts” in life. Yet that was not the case, as the system made it seem like a place of consecutive achievements making us unprepared for the unprecedented ups and downs on the upcoming chapters of our individual fairy tales. Not conventional enough?
How about setting our perspectives in a more sophisticated monetary way? Education as many claimed, is a primeval gateway to what is referred to as ”success”, where anyone who completes it will have a decent job one day and be ”happy to no bounds”. Moreover, na-ah. I can't find myself believing in such idealistic balderdash. If education is that potent in developing ”life-long learners”, then society would have had a lot of iconic personas which already made their names or sparked any legacy in different sectors of businesses, and the world as we could have known had long- won the fight against poverty and economic crisis. Yet what happened? 53 % of graduates according to reliable statistics find themselves unemployed and financially struggling just a year after receiving their college or university diplomas.
And let us say, 100 % of college graduates are employed (which is quite impossible), there is one out of eleven personas that are not receiving a paycheck, five out of ten whose monthly wages don't reach the recommended median and two out of ten, find themselves in a pinch after being recruited by corrupt leaders. Now tell me. Is education a gateway to success? Or does it simply just move the course of life to a more intricate and harder level. Levels filled with elevated stress and escalated financial needs. Not to mention our days, under these systems are in continuous hectic schedules.
You see, the healthiest of human beings have an utmost 115 years of lifespan, of which 93% of the current population would even fail to reach their 90's. And in that 90 years of life (If you are lucky that is), you spent approximately 27 years in the school including the fruition of your master course, which if converted is a whopping 41, 760 hours, excluding the time you spent on doing extracurricular activities and your daily home works and lesson reviews. You are then expected to be married somewhere between your 20's and 30's and is forced to work until you are 65 years of age only to get a dime of time left to be spent with your family before your last breath. Now, does that seem rational to you?
Why am I saying this? For no special reason.