6 Zeal With the Extramundane (2/2)

”GHHH... A-and H-how did you know that? ”

”I told you already, a goddess offered help and is here with us spectating the very last living moments of the most foolish person that have ever existed.”

He then looked around with heavy grasping and blood gushing out from the wounds the bullets have inflicted, in search for the said-goddess. But it looks like he can't see her.


”What did you just say? I dare you to say that again you retard...”

I grabbed his wounded shoulder and cut the wounds more open using my finger's tight grip.

”GHAAAAAAAAAAAA!” There was nothing he could do but meliorate the pain by the means of desperate screaming.

The fourth bullet, as I was still not satisfied. I hit his other shoulder, cutting off another arm.

He then was losing consciousness, but I made sure that he would not. For every attempt of his eyes to close, I would gobble one of his wounds making him awake.

And then I was getting ready to serve the main dish of pain. And that is, for the final three bullets to pierce his bare heart.

”Pl- please... Kill me now. I- I want none of this no longer.” He was hopeless. He was in deep pain that is incomparable for me to imagine. Yet, I know that he deserves more than this little chastening that I, his 'younger brother' am giving him.

”NOW THAT'S THE SPIRIT!, but before that, I would like to remind you of the sins you committed just this night.”

”1st. You let your hunger for power take over your humanity.”

”2nd. You killed 'our' family which you even called 'Hooligans'.”

”3rd. You did not listen to our sister's pitiful voice when she begged for life.”

”4th. You made me sign a contract with a deity, a contract of which I know nothing of (Well partially that was my fault, not to mention, I did not read the conditions prior approval).”

”And lastly, the most deranged sin was... your existence itself.”

”Now brother... the heir not of this family, but of shame and the embodiment of foolishness, take your leave from this world with your legacy intact.”

Having said that, at will, I let the three remaining bullets....purge down, with his heart as the final destination.

After a very loud shout, while wearing a pitiful and grotesque facade, he then breathed his last.

That makes it the fourth corpse on the mansion.

Then, from the crimson-colored environment, it returned to being monochromatic.

I looked at the moon by the window to take back which I said prior...” I wish, that the moon would not be as large as this. it will just remind me, the size of the empty hole in myself and this shrewd picture of derangement. ”

Then later, I heard a gentle myriad of claps coming from behind me. I looked, and there she was, the goddess who forced allegiance with me and is, fortunately, hiding something I know nothing about.

”*Clap, clap, clap*”

”What a wonderful performance that was. Both you and your brother deserves Oscar's award if I were to be the panelist.”

”Shut up. Could you tell me what happened? You promised that I will never feel anything again, yet what happened was the complete opposite.”

”My my! What a vulgar mouth you have there, telling a goddess to shut up, and besides this is partly your fault as you were too lenient to read the conditions, but I, out of the kindness of my heart shall tell you this...”


”Truly, the contract promised to make your emotions null. But it did not say 'right away'.”

”What do you mean?”

”Remember, how the clock-like symbol on your hand moved just moments ago?”

”Yes it did, and what of it?”

”That showed that you conquered the first and second emotions, which are 'anger' and 'fear'. Tonight, was your last feel of those. As you can see, humans have 12 major emotions, each one assigned to the 12-hour threshold in that Insignia. Anger. Happiness. Sorrow. Disgust. Anticipation. Fear. Love and etcetera. To put it simply, there are 10 more emotions for you to encounter for the last time before your wish is wholly granted. There are no shortcuts, but to everything, there is a process, as the conditions which you did not read explicitly stated. That, young Jaiden, ends today's lesson which you solely named as your 'Zeal with the Extramundane', of which you were too lenient to inform yourselves more.”