-2 Foreword: Icarus Deceptions (1/2)
Hi! Icarus here, but the Icarus who fell even before receiving artificial wings and even before he could take flight...Hehehe. Oh and uh, I also felt the need to say this here. Just in case, this novel's sudden appearance on run-down websites. Contents and trademarks are protected under the Philippine Intellectual Property Code and the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. Any website that pirate the contents are PUNISHABLE by law. READ ON WEBNOVEL ONLY.
Now, it might actually be trivial to publish this here along with those chapters that I'm quite proud of, but I hope that this would somehow be integral for you to understand my perspective in writing this fantasy novel, the only work that I consider to be of significance in this dull world of ours.
A little extra word of caution. If by far, philosophic standpoints do not intrigue you, then you are free to move on toward's the first arc. No problem. But first, let me welcome you, to the Ethereal Paradigm! Have a nice stay! Oh and uh, MAKE SURE that you're reading this in WEBNOVEL... Not on those disgusting piracy sites.
Here goes the pessimistic foreword...
While it is not an intent to make this book seem one of those religious doctrines, which clearly isn't, I am laying hold of this chance to canvass a subject of importance. Please take heed.
”Satan, in the garden of Eden told Adam and Eve to transgress a commandment of divinity and eat of the Tree of Knowledge to be equal with God themselves, able to discern good and evil. ”
For several eons, this sacred mantra has always articulated this way, the commencement of humanity's fall from the grace of the omnipotent. The starting point of mankind's plummet to various abominations and probably Lucifer- the light-bearers, debut to becoming mankind's villain, his transformation to becoming ”Satan- the adversary and the prince of darkness”.
Yet, one viewpoint that humanity failed to consider, is that the adversary did not say anything about perpetrating mass murders, diabolical lust, disparaging adulteries, covetousness and many other forms of whatnot immoralities, that drowned the whole world today to the deepest pit of oblivion whilst experiencing ignorant euphoria. He said no such things, as his main intent at that moment was only to make humanity sever their link with God.
In other words, it was man's fate led astray from the dependence of God that made them the paragons of sin, and not of a peculiar fruit that was eaten in the center of a vast garden as per instruction of a talking basilisk. It was man's foolish decision to favor the knowledge of evil that made them the cancers they are today.
You see, eating of the fruit means humanity now has a live embodiment of extinguishers between what should have been good and what should have been evil. Should our ancestors have had eaten that forbidden fruit, and then considered favoring the knowledge of good, the rampancy of evil should have still ceased to exist. Yet sad to say, that they had planned the otherwise.
Moreover, what defines good? How about evil? Simple. We know if it is good if it abides or adds to power and evil if it is aftermath caused by weakness. But, don't take my word for it. Several more authentic philosophers out there think the same.
What's more fiendish, is how they often hold liable the name of the fallen angel when they sin, knowing first hand that it was their very own heart that told them to do so.