Part 28 (1/2)
But it was in organizing the importation of liquor frohts He had assembled a fleet of old schooners, many of which had seen better days and lacked business, commanded by skippers ere in desperate need ofwhat to theht, others chartered for long periods
These boats would work their way up the Atlantic coast to specified points on the Jersey and Long Island coastlines Then they would discharge their cargoes, and shore with trucks would carry the liquor to distributing points
More recently, Captain Folsoun to utilize radio
To avoid the employment of more than a minimum force ofcrews es Likewise, there was an added danger of e creere employed Thethe law, he could not appeal for legal retaliation in case they should seize a vessel and dispose of it and its contents
Therefore, he decided to depend on trusty skippers, whom he paid well, and skeleton crehom the skippers and mates could control
Thus the radio-controlled boats, which were really not boats at all, ca Island was established and two others, in isolated spots on the Jersey coast, were in process of construction when the end cainbotham's discovery by the boys and their interference in McKay's sche the construction of the plants
Higginbothalected so correspondence which would have betrayed McKay's identity as the controlling power in the liquor s He had fled to his eer
At the tile boat, built for sub the World War, but which two years earlier the United States govern a period of reduction of expenses This boat he had kept in the Bahaht North He intended to use it to protect liquor runners as escort, the assu it one of themselves, other boats of the ”Dry Navy” would leave the vessels alone
How he had obtained possession of the naval uniforhty captain assuht discarded uniforms in soinbothah Brooklyn and New York in disguise, having lain hidden several days in order to avoid the first heat of the search which he kneould be o to the Brownell place in the sub chaser He figured its appearance would disaruards left by Lieutenant Suh before their identities were discovered to carry the place without force Their superior nuuards
Such proved to be the case One of the guards, however, escaped and,his way to the Haht the Nark to the scene just as McKay washis escape
The boys received great praise for their part in breaking up the plot, and bringing the perpetrators to book For the thieves who had stolen their speed boat had made their way to McKay's retreat in New Jersey, and there later the boat was recovered In it, all spentro Bob developed considerably during the balance of her stay at the TeetherFor the dairl frequently aloft
All five young people took part jointly in ot Marjorie to hiood deal, but as the banter was all good-natured, it was not resented
Della and Frank, too, drew ether that surown up together Now as they stood on the verge of young e in their relations of coood pals, but there was sos for each other
Jack sighed one night, as he and his chuirls had gone visiting with Mrs Te thicker every day with Della Here's old Bob, who has lost his head over Marjorie I'o back to capture Senorita Rafaela?” asked Bob, slyly ”When we fleay fro to come back for her, you know”
Bob's reference was to the daughter of Don Fernandez y Calo in a palace in the Sonora mountains in Old Mexico The previous summer, the Don as leader of a faction of Mexican rebels had kidnapped Jack's father, e of oil properties in New Mexico, and carried him prisoner to his retreat Thereby, the Don had hoped to eon of Mexico, perhaps to bring about American intervention, all of which would be of benefit to the rebel cause Mr
Te of his friend and business associate should be kept secret, in order to prevent American intervention which he considered would be harone into Old Mexico and, through a series of exciting adventures as related in ”The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border,” had effected Mr Hampton's rescue Jack had fallen victihter
Now, at Bob's words, Jack said nothing, but looked away over the hts often when he was alone were concerned with the fascinating Spanish girl Even the passage of a year's tie fro up, and pushi+ng his two companions over into the sand ”Beat you home”
He darted away, and they tore after him