Part 26 (1/2)
”It's too much forto puzzle over that phase of the round”
Frank, who had been lost in thought, spoke up unexpectedly
”Captain Folsom,” he said, ”isn't it pretty certain such a h in the councils of the sine so”
”And he would not run the risk of discovery and capture without soood cause?”
”Then,” said Frank, ”is it possible his reason for this act is to drive the guards away or take them prisoner in order to obtain te papers--perhaps, frolers failed to take away or destroy when Lieutenant Summers captured the place last week?”
The others were silent a few moments Then Captain Folsom said:
”Perhaps, you are correct Certainly, your theory is plausible And it would account for such a rash step being taken, by the seneral discussion was abandoned, as Lieutenant Summers felt his services were needed on deck The boat was nearing Starfish Cove
Night had fallen Another half hour would bring theht of the strand Captain Folson plans The boys were left to themselves
”Who do you think this mysterious man behind the operations of the liquor runners can be?” Frank asked, as they leaned in a group apart on the rail, watching the phosphorescence in the water alongside
”I haven't the least idea,” confessed Jack
”Nor I,” said Bob ”Unless, after all, it is Higginbotham”
”No,” said Frank, ”Captain Folsom declares it cannot be he, that he hient”
”The little scoundrel,” exclaimed Bob ”He's a smooth one to take in Mr McKay like that Dad always speaks of Mr McKay very highly Think of Higginbotha the perfect secretary to hi on such plots as this”
The beat of the engines began to slon They were stealing along as close to the shore as Lieutenant Su before, on this sale Boat 17 had run aground in the shallows during a fog, between East Haansett It behooved the Nark to proceed with caution
The boys were in the bo, peering ahead Starfish Cove was very near Ahead lay the nearer of the two horns enclosing it Gradually the little bay opened out around the point of land, and a dark blot showed in the water The ht and not dark
Suddenly, froht carried by the Nark cut through the darkness like the stab of a sword
Lieutenant Summers directed it be played full upon the dark blot ahead, and instantly the latter stood out fully illu fro to depart There were a score of figures on her deck But what delayed her departure was the fact that she waited for a s across the water toward her frolare of the searchlight contained a pair offrantically at the oars, and a third seated in the stern, grasping the tiller ropes and urging the rowers to exert themselves to the utmost
He wore a cap pulled far down to obscure his features, and did not look up as did his coht s those on deck of the strange sub chaser
Men ran here and there, as if undirected, not knohat to do
”He's running away,” cried Frank, suddenly ”Look In the sh, theher about for shore, and the roere bending their backs as they sent her along on the opposite course Moreover, a few strokes e sub chaser between her and the Nark, and whoever was aboard would escape