Part 5 (1/2)
”Oh,” said he, lightly, ”being neighbors, ere just curious, ondered who had bought the haunted house That's all My uncle, Mr
Teht ould stop in and ask him That's all Sorry to have bothered you Good day”
And taking the bewildered Jack and Bob by their arently propelled them to the door
Not before they had reached the street did Frank vouchsafe an explanation of his a to be put aside anyhim about so that they stood face to face
”Out with it, now,” he demanded ”Why did you hurry us away froinbotha about thisBob quizzically regarded his smaller companion
”Guess I know,” he said ”Frank had another hunch Didn't you?”
”Yes,” confessed Frank, ”and that's about all I had to go on, too But it was a strong one Soinbotham wasn't to be trusted There was a look in his eyes, watchful and cunning And he made a little start e asked hi definite, nothing I can point out to you now I feel almost ashamed of myself, as a matter of fact”
Bob put an aret it I'll put my faith in your hunches every time Well, what'll we do now? Look up the Secret Service men, or have lunch first?”
”Let's eat,” said Jack
He was a bit out of sorts because his plan to purinned and slapped hiot, old thing?” he asked ”I came without any Do we eat at a Child's restaurant or at the Knickerbocker Grill”
They stood on the corner of Broadway and Forty-second street, immediately in front of the Knickerbocker Toward it Bob, as fond of good eating, gazed with longing
”Too high-priced for my purse,” said Jack ”Besides, we haven't the ti We must be on our way However, I can do you better than a lunch counter, so come on I know a place around here on Forty-second street”
Taking the lead, Jack led the way through the busy throng that congests traffic at Times Square at all hours of the day and practically all of the night, too They turned in at a small restaurant on Forty-second street, and despatched lunch in double-quick tiave an exclamation
”I planned to call Dad and tell him ere in town and why,” he said
”But it's too late now He'll have gone out to lunch”
Jack kneould be impossible to reach his father by telephone Mr
Haht before had announced he planned to spend the day going over certain engineering plans with Colonel Grahaue idea where they would be in conference
”Now for the Secret Service men,” said Jack, at conclusion of the meal ”Luckily I have a card of introduction froives the address--down on Park Row Well, the Subway again Only this tie”
OnceForty-second street, the boys made their way eastward to the Grand Central station, boarded a southbound express train on the Subway tracks, and hisked to their destination at lightning-like speed