Part 1 (1/2)

The Radio Boys with the Revenue Guards

by Gerald Breckenridge



”Not much like last summer, is it, Jack?”

”Not much, Frank”

”No Mexican bandits No Chinese bad men No dens in Chinatown Say, Jack, remember how you felt ere licked in our attempt to escape from that dive out in San Francisco? Boy, that was the tihty blue Jack?”

No answer

”Jack?” In a louder tone

Still no answer

Frank turned around ied in the open doorway of the radio station, and faced his chu-in,” he exclaiazed southward to where, less than a ht July sunshi+ne the clear waters of the open Atlantic

Frank Merrick was thinking of the adventures crowded into the lives of hi their summer vacation the previous year All three boys were sons of wealthy parents and lived on country estates at the far end of Long Island

Jack's mother was dead Frank as an orphan, lived with the Teton Hall Military Academy, but Jack, a year older and a class ahead of his chu and already had spent his Freshone to New Mexico with his father, an engineer, as then superintendent in charge of field operations of a syndicate of independent oil operators Mr Hampton had been captured by Mexican rebels, and rescued by the boys, for Frank and Bob with Mr Temple had joined Jack after his father's loss Later Mr

Temple had taken the boys on to San Francisco with hiang of Chinese and whitecoolies into the country in violation of the Exclusion Act

It is not to be wondered at that Frank, dreaed in the doorway, felt a twinge of regret at what promised to be a dull vacation by co to make them happy and keep them interested, however Here was the powerful radio station built by Mr Hath, for purposes of trans-oceanic experiment Then, too, Frank and Bob jointly owned a powerful all-metal plane, equipped with radio, and adapted for land or water flying Besides, there was the new and powerful speed boat bought for the three of them this summer by Mr Hampton and Mr Temple

And their ho, too On the far end of Long Island, miles from another human habitation, with dense woods, miles of lonely beach, and the open sea--all at their coht not be so exciting a suht to be able to have a pretty good tier from Jack caused Frank to face about His chum had taken the receiver froain?” asked Frank

”Yes,” replied Jack, rising and joining his chu to a tall, broad figure swinging over the top of a low sandhill frolance followed in the direction Jack indicated Although Bob was still distant there was a purposefulness about his stride and about the way he waved a response to their greetings that caught his chu on his mind,” he said, with conviction ”Wonder what it is?”

”Maybe, he found soreed Frank ”I didn't feel like hitting it up with hi fever It would be justI wasn't along with hiure disappeared in a fold in the sandhills, and Frank reust over interference in the radio receivers, began to question hi for Bob to arrive

”What was it like this time, Jack?” he asked