Chapter 1431: Mutual Destruction, Deranged Dark Sect (1/2)

Everyone present had a Monument Tear so they had heard quite a bit about Monuhter was a typical Monuained massive power from the Monu hi Northern Territory’s incident, and beca, Zeng Long, Luo Yi, Ji Gui all guessed that Dark Sect would likely intervene However, even with their mental preparation, they didn’t expect Dark Sect to send Heaven Slaughter

After Dark Sect on Faction, Divine Sect, and Wupan Navy all suddenly seemed to become allies They all stared at the seven dark sect people

Chu Mu and Princess Jin Rou were surrounded by four factions Interestingly enough, when the Dark Sect people appeared, the four factions all ignored Princess Jin Rou and his presence

Of course, Chu Mu didn’t think that they would just let them leave After all, their real objective was the Monument Tear and not a life or death battle in Ilanced at the three factions and said a shocking state, Luo Yi, and Ji Gui all showed anger This Dark Sect person was really too arrogant From their perspective, any one of thenoring all of thehter immediately walked out Dark Sect people were usually fervent over dark type organisms When these five chanted an incantation, a thick dark aura came forth

In reality, this scent was liked by Chu Mu, full of dark elements and blood

The next rams appeared From their aura, one could tell that Dark Sect’s people were er than the other three factions No wonder Heaven Slaughter could say such rash words

Divine Sect and Snake Dragon Faction naturally allied Wupan Navy, on the other hand, didn’t seem to understand what “the eneantly alone

However, Dark Sect’s first target was Wupan Navy

Wupan Navy had six people total, each with Ocean Lord title and ith with Luo Yi and Ji Gui as head When the five Dark Sect individuals killed their way over, the leader Luo Yi had to intervene He knew that his subordinates couldn’t defeat the five Dark Sectglanced at each other They ondering whether they should help the Wupan Navy defeat the Dark Sect people

However, with a deeper thought, Heaven Slaughter and the other female Dark Sect member hadn’t attacked yet, so they kept to theion’s spatial support is very weak already Telling your subordinates to attack will definitely ion a death rily

Dark Sect’s five members were quite powerful Each technique they casted caused destruction to the space Before the fight even finished, it was likely that the space would beco’s words see Heaven Slaughter’s eyes shi+ned brighter and he replied in a very calm voice, “That would be perfect”

“You ’s face tattoos quivered

If he had a death wish, he didn’t need to drag theht he was an evil person that dared to do anything

However, Dark Sect people were truly s that harmed both themselves and their enemies Even if they died with their eneainst such a person in a world that could collapse at any tio crazy!

Dark Sect’s five people continued to fight the Wupan Navy The energy explosions caused the space to shi+ver One could clearly see all the places the spatial cracks reached, and that they were slowly expanding!

Dark Sect people ignored this scene Their main purpose was to kill the Wupan Navy This was the coave theo, but Wupan Navy eful Wupan Navy Chieftain had attacked Heaven Slaughter before After Heaven Slaughter got away barely, the only thing Heaven Slaughter was thinking of was how to exact revenge

This Imprint Valley incident was the perfect chance The scared Wupan Navy Chieftain didn’t dare to enter the Imprint Valley himself, so he would just kill all his close subordinates!

The large black hole constantly pushed doards The spatial cracks on the ground started to expand as well, creating a larger spatial blackhole

Seeing the black hole co pale They started fighting more reservedly towards Dark Sect, because they were afraid their energy would speed up the death in this space

“Chu Mu, what do we do?” Princess Jin Rou said worriedly

The space started shaking even harder If they continued this way and waited for the crack above them to connect with the cracks underneath them, the space will become a true void of death that no one will escape

Chu Mu originally thought the collapse of the space would cause everyone to stop their fighting Yet, the Dark Sect people appeared More terrifying was that all the Dark Sect people were prepared to die along with the rest of them