Part 28 (1/2)

Yashted with him She ran toward him, curtsied to hi a chair for him, and made them set it near the middle of the hence he could see the s the men away on either side until he had a clear view

But he knew enough of the native mind, at all events, to look at the smoke and not remark on it It was so obvious that he was meant to talk about the smoke, or to ask about it, that even a Gerh Gerh to look in silence, and so to speak, ”force truain, of course, was exactly what Yas trulance at the more than thirty men who crowded near the

The Ger but Geret a better view of them He scanned each face carefully, and eachthat he had been analyzed and ticketed and stood aside

”I have seen all these before,” he said ”They are hters, I have no doubt But they are not what I asked for Howthe allegiance of a single native regiment It is ti me a soldier!”

”These also say it is all talk, sahib-words, words, words! They say they ait until the fleet that has been spoken of comes to bombard the coast For the present there are none to rally round”

”Yet you hinted at soldiers!” said the Geriment ready to revolt!”

”Aye, sahib! I have repeated what these say When the soldier comes there shall be other talk! See yonder ss, and the Gerarden and Delhi walls and roofs at what looked very much more important than it really was It looked as if at least a street must be on fire

”He made that holocaust, did the soldier!”

Yasmini's manner was of blended awe and admiration

”He was suspected of disloyalty He entered that house to iht across the sea He was followed to the house, and so, since he would not be taken, he burned all the houses Such, a man is he who comes presently Did the sahib hear the ? No? A pity! There were many soldiers in the mob, and many thousand discontented people!”

She went close to the , to be between the Gerht, and let hi She gazed at the billowing smoke as if the hope of India were embodied in it

”It was thus in 'fifty-seven,” she said darkly ”Men began with burnings!”

Brown eyes, behind the Gerlances, for the East is chary of words when it does not understand The German nodded, for he had studied history and was sure he understood

”Sahib hai!” said a sudden woman's voice, and Yasmini started as if taken by surprise There were those in the room who knew that when taken by surprise she never started; but they were not German ”He is here!” she whispered; and the German showed that he felt a crisis had arrived He settled down to meet it like a soldier and a man

”Salaah strode down the nity the West may some day learn

”See!” whispered Yasuard with him!”

By the door at which he had entered stood a trooper of D Squadron, Outraer in uniform, but dressed as a Sikh servant The ht stature, and attitude appealed to the Gerht of sea did to the ancient Greeks


The Gerlowed, but the rest of hinity

”We have”You are the Sikh hoht-the Sikh officer-the squadron leader!”