Part 3 (2/2)
”Reo, just before the Balkans took fire?”
”Yes That was a near thing, too But they weren't quite ready then Now they are ready, and they think we're not If I were asked, I'd say we ought to let theht because they think they can catch us napping; they'd think twice if they knew they couldn't do it”
”Are they blind and deaf? Can't they see and hear?”
”Quern deus vult perdere, prius dementat, Ponsonby, my boy”
The man in drab silk slipped into a chair next to Kirby's as a wolf slips into his lair, very circumspectly, and without noise; then he rutched the chair sidewise toward Kirby with about as much noise as a company of infantry would make
”Had a drink?” he asked, as Kirby looked up froer ale, please,” said Kirby, putting the paper down
A turbaned waiter brought long glasses in which ice tinkled, and the two sipped slowly, not looking at each other
”Know Yasmini?” asked the man in drab silk suddenly
”Heard of her, of course”
”Ever see her?”
”Ah! Most extraordinary woman Wonderful!”
Kirby looked puzzled, and held his peace
”Any of your officers ever visit her?”
”Not when they're supposed to be on duty”
”But at other times?”
”None of my affair if they do Don't know, I'm sure”
”Yes,” said Kirby, without vehemence
”Look at his beak!” said one of the twobird act that way? Look at his bright eye!”
”Wish ht, and my beak as aquiline; means directness -soldierly directness, that does!”
”Who is your best native officer, supposing you've any choice?” asked theapparently