Part 18 (1/2)
Give him an anodyne to keep him easy, and he's a dead man
But if you can only knock him about, and so put the poison in motion as towith a bone in his throat, he is safe Cornwallis has all this ti them by his proclamations, and protections, and lies
But, thank God, that ti monsters, these children of the devil, have let out the cloven foot, and the thing is now beginning to work as I expected Our long deluded people are opening their eyes, and beginning to see and ss of that 'Tophet', that political hell of slavery and ruin, to which the British ar, by murder and rapine, to reduce thes were coht themselves, would call upon their sturdy boys to ”turn out and join general Marion”
It was diverting to see how they would co upon their tackies; belted round with their powderhorns and sobgs, with rifles in hand, and their hu shtened in the face of Marion; and his eye beahtless boy, returning dirty and beaten by blackguards, froht in vain a thousand times to wean hiood news do you bring us?”
”Why, hy, sir general,” replies the youth, half cocked with rage, and staroes in the rice grounds, the British and tories came and took them and carried them all away; and I only am left alone to tell you”
Presently another co the horses and cattle down to the pasture, the British and tories fell upon them, and carried them all away; and I alone a, another comes and says: ”The British and tories caoods, and have driven my mother and the children into the woods; and I only am left alone to tell you”
Next co together in the field, and the British and tories came upon us and shot my father!
and I only am left alone to tell you”
Another co prisoners every week, out of the jail in Ca them up by half dozens, near the s, like dead crows in a corn-field, to frighten the rest, and ood tories of them”
Another states, that ”colonel Charles Pinckney, prisoner in Charleston, for striking a couple of insolent negroes, was cursed by the British officers as a d----d rebel, and driven with kicks and blows into the house, for daring to strike his 'Britannic Majesty's subjects'!”
Here Marion snapped his fingers for joy, and shouted, ”Huzza! that's right!
that's right! O my noble Britons, lay on! lay on the spaniels stoutly!
they want British protections, do they? O the rogues! show theive it to thes!
cut the them like asses!
thank ye! thank ye, Cornwallis and Rawdon! ht the wry face upon rin Thank God! the potion begins to work!
huzza, my sons! heave! heave! aye, there co which portends death to the enemy Now Britons, look to your shi+ps, for Carolina will soon be too hot to hold you”
Chapter 16
Colonel Tynes, the famous tory partisan, attempts to surprise Marion -- is himself surprised and taken, with nearly all his party -- the author, with thirty choice cavaliers, sent by Marion to reconnoitre -- defeat of a British party of horse -- anecdote of Scotch Macdonald -- surprise and slaughter of the tories -- captain Lewis is killed -- anecdote of an extraordinary lad
Soon after this last victory on Pedee, Marion hborhood of Black river; where he instantly got notice, that a large body of tories under the celebrated Col Tynes, were reat preparations to attack him This Tynes was a man of valor and address worthy of a better cause In several contests with the whigs, he had handled thehly; and was become such a terror to the friends of liberty in that part of the world, that they were greatly alar all his forces to attack Marion We were scarcely enca settle colonel Tynes' ood look out, for that he was a very artful and dangerous fellow According to their conjectures, colonel Tynes must have had no less than one hundred and fifty men: our number did not quite reach ninety, but they were all volunteers, and exceedingly chafed and desperate in their e of the British and tories Having, by this day's ot within twenty miles of the enemy, who supposed that ere still on Pedee, Marion instantly resolved to attack hiht
No sooner was this ues of the day appeared to be entirely forgotten All hands fell to work, currying, rubbing and feeding their horses, like youngfor a ball or barbecue Then after a hearty supper and a few hours' sleep, we all sprung upon our chargers again, and dashed off about one o'clock, to try our fortune with colonel Tynes Just before day, we came upon the eneuns first broke their sluot upon their legs,down
Three and thirty fell under our swords; forty-six were taken; the rest, about sixty, made their escape Colonel Tynes hie, fell into our hands
A day or two after this victory, the general ordered eant Macdonald, with thirty privates, and see if I could not gain soetown About reat silence through the dark woods, arrived at dawn of day near the enemy's sentries, where we lay in ambush close on the road Just after the usual hour of breakfast, a chair, with a couple of young ladies, 'squired by a brace of British officers elegantly etown
They had not passed us more than fifty steps, before they stopped short
I was confoundedly afraid at first that they had, somehow or other, smelt a rat; but it turned out, as we afterwards learned, that this was only a little courting party, going into the country to dine
On getting into the gloo fit for their sweethearts, lest that vile ”swamp fox”, as they called Marion, should come across them Whereupon the halt aforesaid was ordered, and a consultation held; the result of which was, that the girls should go on to their friend's house, and the officers back to town for a party of dragoons Accordingly the chair proceeded, and the officers galloped back by us, undisturbed; for we did not think it worth while to risk an alarinning to feel very hungry, for we had travelled all night and eaten nothing, we agreed to retire to the house of a neighboring planter, as known to be a good whig As we entered the yard, what should we see but the identical chair that had passed us a little before! -- and on stepping into the house behold the very sa ladies!
They were richly dressed, and well formed, and would no doubt have appeared handsolared fronoreat pertness, ”what business we had there?
The gentleman of the house,” continued they, ”is not at home, and there are no provisions here for you, and to be sure, you are tooa family of poor helpless wo viragoes were catechising us at this rate, I discovered with much pleasure, that the lady of the house did not utter a word, but walked the roo countenance Presently she went out; and showing herself at an opposite , beckoned me to come to her; when she said, in a low voice, ”Go back into the house, I'll be there directly