Chapter 319 - 319: Status of girls. (1/2)

Special thanks to the newest Pa treon: Hades, and Patryk Sikorski.

Edited by: Eluna.


Mei Zong: ”...”

Letting out a sigh and although she got a blushed feeling through her cheeks, Mei Zong asked: ”You are kidding, right?”

”Hehe. Well, yes.” Theo argued with a chuckle as he weakly smiled at her: ”Well, maybe you saw a video of me on the internet.”

”Video on the internet?” Mei Zong asked with interest: ”What type of video are you talking about? I don't remember seeing you in any kind of content, though my memory has a very particular capability to recall...”

Removing the cell phone from his storage ring, Theo handed it to her with the video playing.

”Oh! I think I'm remembering it now!” Mei Zong was impressed by his singing voice, but she didn't quite remember seeing the video directly. 'Maybe I saw it at a glance...'

”Here, you can take it back.” Mei Zong handed him the phone and Theo put it back in the storage ring.

”By the way. Theo pointed to the griffin that was next to Mei Zong looking at him with adoring eyes: ”Your partner is adorable, but why is she looking at me like that?”

”Ah, are you talking about Tifa? Well...” Mei Zong started to remember everything that had happened before and smiled awkwardly: ”She was like that after being exposed by your aura when going through the Celestial Tribulation, although I am not sure why, but she said that you are the ”King” or something.”


”Hmm.” He changed the subject once again: ”I'm going back to my city. What do you intend to do now?”

Mei Zong said with no intention of hiding: ”I am going to the Naga Empire, my Sect will participate in the tournament, but I am going separately, due my cultivation progress.”

”I understand. Good luck with that tournament.” Theo said with a smile and started to walk away.

”Thanks, and bye, bye.” She waved a hand in farewell and turned to Tifa: ”We are going now, Tifa.”

”Yeah.” Tifa took one last look in the direction of Theo, before flying off with Mei Zong.



When Theo came back. Yuki and the girls had already finished stabilizing their cultivation and affinity.

”Hmm. You all had a lot of improvements, this makes me happy. ” With a pleasant smile, Theo said to the girls.

As in response to Theo's words, all the girls gave him a meager gentle smile.

Theo used his enhanced divine eyes to see through the girls' cultivation, starting with Yuki.



Breed: Magic Animal.

Species: Silver Blizzard Fox.

Cultivation: 5th Superior Wizard Realm.


Lineage: Cold Metallic Dragon.



Divine Ice Level 1.

Divine Metal Level 1.

False Heavenly Fire Level 3.



Clean: Level Maximum.

Illusion of the Nine Heavens: Level 4.



Cultivation Technique: Snow Draconian Princess - Initial; Low Advance.

Breathing Technique: Cold Metallic Dragon - High Advance.

Attack Technique: Cold Gusts - High Advance.

Attack Technique: Cold Metal Dragon Art - High Advance.

Movement Technique: Cold Cloud Raises Foundation - Initial; High Advance.

Spiritual Sense: Manual of the Divine Celestial Spirit - Initial: High Advance.


Theo passed all this information to Yuki and then, since knowing her exact status, it was easier to know where she would need to improve.

”Thank you, my love, now it's more clear where I need to work..” Yuki smiles lovingly.

”You do not have to thank me.” Theo gave his hand gently over her head.

Then he saw Little Yui's status.



Breed: Magic Animal.

Species: Metallic Dragon.

Cultivation: 6th Layer of the Superior Wizard Realm.


Lineage: Cold Metallic Dragon.



False Celestial Ice - Level 3.

Divine Metal - Level 1.

False Celestial Wind - Level 2.



Clean: Level Maximum.

Illusion of the Nine Heavens - Level 5.



Cultivation Technique: Art of the Metallic Dragon Initial; Medium advance.

Technique: Metallic Dragon's Breath - High Advance.

Attack: Art of the Cold Metallic Dragon - High Advance.

Movement Technique: Steps of the Metallic Dragon - High Advance.

Spiritual Sense: Manual of the Divine Celestial Spirit - Initial: High Advance.

Attack: Divine Practice of The Nine-tailed Fox: Fifth Stage.


As with Yuki, Theo passed this information on to Little Yui, then looked at Little Emma's status.



Race: Spiritual Magical Animal.

Species: Spiritual Red Dragon.

Cultivation: 7st Layer of Superior Wizard Realm.


Lineage: Red Dragon.




Divine Fire - Level 2.



Clean: Level Maximum.

Illusion of the Nine Heavens - Level 4.



Cultivation Technique: Magma Domination - High Advance.

Breathing Technique: Dragon Breathing High Advance.

Attack Technique: Supreme Art of Medium Advance Magma.

Attack Technique: Red Dragon Art High Advance.

Movement Technique: Flame Boost - High Advance.

Spiritual Sense: Manual of the Divine Celestial Spirit - High Advance.


After passing all the information needed to her, it was time for Shina who was beside.



Breed: Magic Animal.