Chapter 303 - 303: Bebel, weve made progress! (1/2)
A huge thank you to my sweet patrons on Pa treon: Adam - Alberto Kalach - Alex Akins - Andrew - Andrew Haynes - Andrew Meyers - Ausner Gentil - Belinda R Warren - Bluebane2 - Bradley White - Cadastral - Cameron - Cedrik Legault - Colonel Doloryas - Corey McC.u.mber - Crasy - D Woodard - Dakota - Daniel - Daniel Castro Jr. - David piris peña - Deadpool2695! - Declan - Derrick Engram - Donald Lewis - Fate Hydrax - Flemming Pedersen - frisk1 - Frodo the Fourth - Gamesempie - Godoffaer - Hades - Hmm is it time - Isaiah D Minor-Hudson - James Woolbright - Jamie Kilday - Jared Spitzer - Jerry Truett - John - Johnie Kirk - JOHNNYBOY 117 - Jonah Bönisch - Joshua Wicklund - JS - Justin C Stonesifer - JWR - Karina Andersen - Keegan Storey - Kureigu - Kyle - Ladislav L - Lance Jonker - Lorraine V - Luis Perez - Mason - Matthew Swaney - Matthew Tiffany - Maurice - Maurice patenaude - Michael Buchoff - Monxta - Mr.Apples - n8 - Narcox - Nathan vanbrunt - Nicholas Arleas - Nicola Zuccaro - Nikolas Kovács - Panda Daoist - Peaceang Goreng - Pedro Sousa - PhantomNite - Quellec - quiler - Richard Schröder - Rolaph Pluviose - Santiago Peña Cueva - Ser - Shadowmeister - Sidney Lucas - Sith Lord - searchnresqtoo - Slade Holson Charles - starvires - Talsen - The Nameless One - Tiago Ferreira - Tropaion - TuHnIx - Verinuarmu - Zachary w - Zeka - Leroy - Joseph Suh - Nic - Daniel Palmborg - Anthony Rebolledo - ShadowXK - Alexandre Lajoie - Cbnr2336 - Osvaldo Martins - xxStarLordxx - Manuel - Luis Daniel Zegri Salazar - Mr. Sharpe - king_solomon - Brian Drainville - Sam Cloots - Alexandre Lajoie - Christopher Conrad - Nick.
The next morning.
Ariana had a more mature expression and aura. It was amazing how a woman could change after losing her v.i.r.g.i.nity.
”Ariana, I am impressed with the level of your current cultivation.” Said Shina. She could hardly believe what she was seeing.
”Congratulations, Ariana,” Yuki said with a smile decently.
”Thanks.” She smiled. Of course, Ariana understood that Yuki said congratulations to her for losing her v.i.r.g.i.nity and officially becoming Theo's wife.
”Mizuki, cultivate at the Workshop again?” Theo asked.
”Yes. Staying in that place is helping to improve my cultivation very quickly.” Mizuki replied.
”Oh, is it even faster than when you're in your clan?” Theo asked with interest.
”Not exactly.” She explains: ”There are rooms with special formations in my clan. It is true to say, that there are rooms that are 2 times faster to cultivate than inside your workshop.”
”Hrm, well. It's not a big deal then.” Theo jokes. But in the end, it was what he thought. Since the dimensional room was 20 times faster.
Mizuki noticed this. She wondered, 'How good is it to cultivate in that special room they go to?'
She was already aware that it must be very special. It was just looking at the speed that Theo, Ariana, Shina, Yuki, Zaira, Zaika, Little Emma, and Little Yui were cultivating.
”Mizuki, I prepared a gift for you, as you gave me the corpse of a being in the Spiritual Realm,” Theo said. He went over to her and handed over a 1-liter bottle with water inside.
Of course, this was not just a bottle of water. This water that was inside was the water that he received from Rosario.
”H-How... did you get this?” Mizuki stammered in amazement when she asked. She knew what it was and had already drunk this water before, but it was only once to help her move to the Spiritual Realm.
”I'm not going to go into too much detail.” Theo said with a smile: ”I was just lucky to save Rosario's daughter's life and she gave me a considerably good amount of that water.”
”You saved Lady Rosario's daughter... no wonder you could have received something so good.” Mizuki was convinced. She knew even among the Elftree peers, Rosario was one of the most important leaders.
”Okay. We are finished with breakfast.” Shina said, ”Shall we go to Workshop to cultivate?”
”Yes.” Everyone agreed at almost the same time.
While Mizuki who walked beside her daughter, she couldn't help but hold tightly to the bottle he received from Theo. If she used that, she would definitely get better.
Arriving at the Workshop, the kids weren't there, since today they had class. However, the girls at the orphanage, especially the girls who would participate in the tournament, were training diligently.
”Good morning.” Theo and the girls told everyone.
”Good morning.” They said.
Inside the [Dimensional Room].
”Are you going to do the same as before, Theo?” Zaika asked.
”Yes, this way is faster and more practical,” Theo replied.