Chapter 292 - 292: Foolish fox. I will not harm you. (1/2)

A huge thank you to my sweet patrons on *******: Adam - Alberto Kalach - Alex Akins - Andrew - Andrew Haynes - Andrew Meyers - Ausner Gentil - Belinda R Warren - Bluebane2 - Bradley White - Cadastral - Cameron - Cedrik Legault - Colonel Doloryas - Corey McC.u.mber - Crasy - D Woodard - Dakota - Daniel - Daniel Castro Jr. - David piris peña - Deadpool2695! - Declan - Derrick Engram - Donald Lewis - Fate Hydrax - Flemming Pedersen - frisk1 - Frodo the Fourth - Gamesempie - Godoffaer - Hades - Hmm is it time - Isaiah D Minor-Hudson - James Woolbright - Jamie Kilday - Jared Spitzer - Jerry Truett - John - Johnie Kirk - JOHNNYBOY 117 - Jonah Bönisch - Joshua Wicklund - JS - Justin C Stonesifer - JWR - Karina Andersen - Keegan Storey - Kureigu - Kyle - Ladislav L - Lance Jonker - Lorraine V - Luis Perez - Mason - Matthew Swaney - Matthew Tiffany - Maurice - Maurice patenaude - Michael Buchoff - Monxta - Mr.Apples - n8 - Narcox - Nathan vanbrunt - Nicholas Arleas - Nicola Zuccaro - Nikolas Kovács - Panda Daoist - Peaceang Goreng - Pedro Sousa - PhantomNite - Quellec - quiler - Richard Schröder - Rolaph Pluviose - Santiago Peña Cueva - Ser - Shadowmeister - Sidney Lucas - Sith Lord - searchnresqtoo - Slade Holson Charles - starvires - Talsen - The Nameless One - Tiago Ferreira - Tropaion - TuHnIx - Verinuarmu - Zachary w - Zeka - Leroy - Joseph Suh - Nic - Daniel Palmborg - Anthony Rebolledo - ShadowXK - Alexandre Lajoie - Cbnr2336 - Osvaldo Martins.

I thank the newest Patreons: xxStarLordxx - Manuel.


Klin returned from the cellar, bringing a bottle of wine. She smiled as she said, ”I'm very proud of the wine I made this time.”

”Oh, I can't wait, then.” Theo smiled.

Klin graciously poured wine into three glasses and sat down next to Jka. She says, ”You can try it.”

”Right.” Theo nodded and took and sipped the wine.

”It's very good, Klin,” Theo said with satisfaction.

”I'm glad you liked it,” Klin said with a gentle smile.

”Okay, Theo. What did you want to talk about?” Jka asked.

Theo replied with a serious look: ”I'm going to the Naga Empire in a month, participate in the tournament and also resolve my conflicts with the Red Dragon Clan. I also put your two names in case you want to participate in the tournament.”

”Hmm... what do you think, dear?” Jka looked at Klin.

Klin had doubts about this: ”Wouldn't we be a hindrance? I mean, we are still weak, being at the beginning of the Superior Student Realm.”

”In this regard, I will give you, if you decide to, 20 million points to exchange with me. Using these points, you can easily penetrate the next Realm. Of course, if you don't want to go, I'll understand.” Theo added: ”You don't have to give me an answer now, you can think and answer later.”

”Okay.” Jka said seriously, ”Let's think about this, before we give you an answer, okay, Klin?”

”Yes, I know you're doing this to help us, so let's think carefully.” Klin nodded.

”Okay, I'm going back now. Thanks for the wine.” Said Theo.

”Are you going yet?” Said Jka: ”Come back again to drink with me.”

”I turned,” Theo said.




Listening to the sound of the television coming from the living room. Theo walked to the living room.

”See what movie?” Theo asked.

”Theo?! Welcome.” Yuki got up and went to him: ”It's an action movie. Anyway, I'm a little sleepy... are we going to our room?”

Of course, Theo noticed her real intention. He nodded, ”Come on.”

”Ara, are you going to sleep yet?” Ariana asked, ”Before that, kiss me goodnight!”

”Okay.” Theo walked over to the couch and kissed Shina, Ariana, Zaira, Zaika on the lips. He also kissed Little Yui and Little Emma's cheeks.



After a long and intense ”battle” with Yuki. It was late at night and Yuki was already asleep. On the other hand, Theo was still awake, unable to sleep, thinking about the big blue cat inside his divine sea.

Making an exact copy of himself, Theo left it for him when he got out of bed. He walked to the balcony of their room.

The balcony in their room was relatively large. It had a table and chair; it also had a couch overlooking the stars. Sitting on the couch, Theo pulled out a vintage of red wine. Filling a glass with wine, he drank and sighed as he looked at the stars.

Theo avoided thinking about it all day, but now that he was trying to sleep, the existence of such a strong being living in his divine sea bothered him a lot, but he didn't tell the girls, because he knew it would only leave them concerned.

['Foolish fox. I will not harm you. If I wanted to, I would have done it already.']


['This is Isis's voice... were you reading my mind?' Theo asked worriedly.]

['That's why I said you're a fool, I just did it now, because I was thinking so intensely about myself.' She responded with disdain.]

Hearing her voice in his mind. Somehow, it seemed to be beside him, as if it were whispering in his ears.