Chapter 203 - 203: Was the Kenedy Clan Destroyed? (1/2)

After having finished his business at the Kenedy Clan, Theo posted all the videos ”Panic” had made. Because of the live video he had streamed, it made a significant impact in a short time. Even people in the Spiritual Kingdom were watching his videos.

What pissed off a lot of viewers was Jordan Wiz. Many Elftree were enraged to learn that it was he who had captured Thereza, who was also an Elftree.

”Rosario, go help your daughter, from the video we saw, she should be fine now, but still, we cannot be certain. Besides, you can just let us go after that bastard Jordan Wiz.” Said a young-looking woman wearing a green dress.

Rosario, a young-looking woman, very similar in appearance to Thereza, with long green hair, considered her options for a few minutes. She ended up sighing as she said, ”I'll go help her, Sakura, but you have to be sure you're going to capture that bastard, okay?”

”Yes, you can leave it to us!” She said with a confident smile. In the end, they had over a hundred people by their side in the Spiritual Kingdom.

This wasn't a force that could be underestimated, ten of their best would also be going after Jordan Wiz.



In the Kingdom of Beasts, Jordan Wiz had just found out about the videos of Panic talking about him. The realization that he had been found out made him clench his butt so hard that he couldn't pass a pear.

”These bastards, I told them to watch out for this ”Panic” guy, yet they somehow fell into his hands.” Jordan Wiz mumbled furiously while he continued fleeing the Kingdom of the Beasts.

He knew that soon, many powerful beings would be coming after him. Especially the Elftree. They were the ones he feared the most. He was riding a green dragon above the clouds, not wanting to be noticed.

Jordan Wiz knew he'd have to go far away if he wanted to survive. He didn't have anyone able to fight the Elftree for him, either. After all, they were the most powerful beings on Fallen Star Island.

”Damn it, damn it, everything was going so well, but then this ”Panic” bastard had to show up… If I ever get my hands on him…” Jordan Wiz's eyes turned blood red, ”Let's see if I don't stab him to death and devour his heart!”

Jordan Wiz thought about it more, but he was furious. He knew he couldn't just go to Ravena City since there would probably be powerful people hanging around there.



It was early morning by the time that Theo returned to the orphanage. Many of them had already woken up.

When Theo arrived, he was greeted by Shina, Yuki, Zaira, Zaika and little Yui. Because they followed ”Panic” on the Internet, when the video began to be broadcast, they received notification and also watched it.

”Theo,” Shina asked, ”does the Kenedy Clan no longer exist?”

”Well, almost all of them are dead, and now only the few who had no idea what the clan was doing are alive,” Theo answered.

”Oh, that means the people in the Workshop can go back to their families, right?” Zaira asked.

”Yes,” Theo answered, ”I'm going to talk to them about this now. There's something I want to discuss with you, too. But I think it should be done with everyone together.”

”Oh, you want me to call everyone in the orphanage too?” Shina asked.

”Yeah.” Theo answered, ”This involves them, too, so it would be nice if they were all present.”

After exchanging a few words, Theo wondered what to do with the people he still had inside the Dimensional Room. He knew that many of them were very traumatized, so they couldn't return to society as they were.

He thought about helping them. Using his mental power would also help him somewhat since he could refine his mental power by getting used to it. But, since there were over five hundred people in there, he considered leaving it for later.




Everyone stopped what they were doing the moment they saw Theo arrive at the Workshop. They looked at him with pure adoration and reverence. After all, if it weren't for him, they would probably still be suffering at the hands of the Kenedy Clan.

Theo sighed as he replied. ”Haven't I asked you to just call me Theo?”