Chapter 187 - 187: If Anyone Should be Thankful, it’s Me! (1/2)

”Oh, good to see you again, Theo.”

Klin, who was now in her human form, had a warm smile the moment they met in the clothing store.

Klin's new form was a young adult woman of about 20 years old. Her skin was light, and she had long, sky-blue hair down to the middle of her back, making her stand out in the crowd when combined with long eyelashes that enhanced her beautiful blue eyes. She had a slender figure, with appropriate curves, and full breasts that were approximately D-Cup.

Theo smiled, ”I'm happy to see you again, too, Klin.”

”Aw-hahaha!” Jka laughed out loud as he patted Theo's shoulder. ”Klin, our good friend Theo has invited us to stay with him.”

”Oh, that's wonderful.” She smiled.

Klin looked over to her husband. She could realize that there was something else unsaid. Her husband, who loved to talk a lot, had stopped at that, so there was definitely something that could not be mentioned in public.

”If anyone should be thankful, it's me!” Theo exclaimed with a meaningful look.

Klin, realizing this, just smiled and kept looking through some clothes.

Jka glanced at his wife and sighed, ”Theo, shall we go to a bar and have a drink together? Klin takes a long time when she's buying clothes.”

”What's wrong with that? Don't you want to see your wife in beautiful dresses?” Theo asked.

Jka scratched his head, then said, ”Yes, but no matter what she wears, she's gonna look beautiful!”

Klin, who heard him, quivered a little as her face turned beet red. She murmured, ”Husband… you're embarrassing me…”

Theo turned a bit and laughed at their display, finding their interaction cute.

”Aw-hahaha.” Jka laughed loudly in response, ”Theo, I've changed my mind, let's wait.”

Theo shook his head with a light chuckle. ”Good.” He smiled and sat on a couch in the center of the store with some other victims… *Cough* Other men who were perhaps waiting for their respective wives.

Jka, who sat next to Theo, said, ”This store knows how to treat people well. They even have coffee and snacks. If they also provided sake, it would be perfect.”

”Haha, but then, you'd be asking a lot.” Theo laughed.

”But it's true, drinking sake right now would be so nice!” A Demi-Human man joined their conversation, ”Nice to meet you, my name is Richard.”

”Nice to meet you, I'm Theo,” Theo replied as he nodded.

”Aw-hahaha. My name is Jka. Nice to meet you.” Jka laughed loudly when he realized that he had found someone with the same passion for drinking as himself.

”Also waiting for your wife to shop?” Richard asked.

”Yeah, she's the beautiful blue-haired woman over there,” Jka said, pointing to Klin.

”Oh.” Richard was surprised to see how beautiful she was, even when he compared her to his own wife. He then sighed soon after, since his own wife couldn't compare to her, but smiled all the same as he exclaimed, ”She's stunning!”

Theo raised one of his eyebrows at this, but Jka did not notice anything strange and just laughed proudly at the compliment for Klin.

”And you?” Richard looked at Theo and was shocked by his good looks, ”Huh… Theo?! Are you expecting your wife too?”

”No,” Theo answered with indifference.

”I see.” Richard, who regarded a certain contempt for Theo, didn't care about it. He thought with disdain, ”Humph! You think you're all that just because you're a little handsome, but in the end, you don't even have a wife…” He even laughed a little when he thought about it.

Theo, who saw this man's facial expressions change, didn't even have to read Richard's mind to know what he was thinking. He just shook his head and didn't pay any more attention to that foolish man.

Yet, this man's look of superiority went down the drain when he talked with Jka, who was oblivious to all of this. He simply continued professing about Klin without stopping, making Richard go green with envy.