Chapter 6 - Wake Up As Mafia Boss (1/2)
As the demon wolf howled, the surface underneath made a huge crack. The echo forced the kids to cover their ears, but the butler didn't step aback. Instead, he grinned, fixed his gloves on his hands and clicked his neck from left to right. He stretched his arms and bend his body with delight.
”Greetings, you demon pedo. You've chosen today. My Don wants you dead, this dawn.” he gave a royal bow and raised his head with a grin. ”Former Head Butler and Consigliere, and the sole right-hand of the great leader, Justin. Remember this name and don't be ashamed. I'll ensure your life won't be in vain. C'mon little puppy, let's have a little walk, shall we?” the end of his mock, waving his right hand to come after him.
The demon creature understood his words of mockery. Its fangs improperly grew bigger in the size of a long spear, showing an antagonistic sight to the butler. The aura around its body made another huge crack in the surface within its sphere. In one glance, the beast disappeared and suddenly Justin has pushed away after. Four to five consecutive bites and strike of claws from left to right approached the man. When it finally saw an opening, its mouth ate him as fast as it can. But the person it thought ate was just his after-image and finally realized it facing a mage. But it never minded his movements 'cause he was angrily traced. It sensed his presence behind its back and used its tail to strike him. However, the butler dodged it by bending his body in ninety degrees before it reached him. When it turned around to give him another blow, a heavy uppercut hit its chin, sending the angry beast up the air for three hundred sixty degrees spin. The demon beast fell in the ground like a wimp and the butler mockingly compared itself from a blimp.
”Oh my, you've hurt so much? I'm just warming up and gave you a light touch. C'mon, C'mon. Give me some hype already, you filthy sc.u.m,” his word made the beast more frustrated and angered once again. When it stood from its feet, the veins showed up and its powerful aura to give him pain. A huge cloud of black shadows appeared in the air and encircled the creature in pair. The clouds steadily reshaped after it but smaller than its origin. Four medium-sized demon kin formed and lined up with a mocking grin. The Alpha beast ordered its minions to attack the butler simultaneously. Obediently followed its first command and rushed to his direction beforehand.
Although outnumbered and poorly equipped with only a short sword hanging on his left waist, the butler galvanized and bravely faced his opponents. The beast's minions onslaught his body but didn't leave a mark so badly. One of them tried to bite his head but its teeth broke into pieces whilst the butler mumbled a proponent. He grabbed the neck of the toothless and threw its body towards its buddies. They tried to split but their bodies quickly hit.
”Is that all? Boring after all,” he raised his arm, targeting the minions who were harm. ”It's boring to the point I'll puke. Time to finish before somethin' fluke. ” A black shadow underneath of their feet swallowed their breath. The Alpha, surprised, lowered its tail when it witnessed its instant death.
But the Alpha courageously summoned more than a dozen. But in one cast of [Dark C.u.mmonue] from Justin, his special and powerful tier spell buzzed in. The minion's personal shadows swallowed their origins and dragged them all into hell. It gave the butler a deep p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e while watching the suffering of the poor creatures that were trying to escape from his spell. The Alpha, on the other hand, was starting to rethink its next move, trembling in fear as it witnessed the gruesome death of its frontier.
”Hoho, is that all? Are you telling me those puppets of yours worth to scratch me? C'mon, you should summon a thousand … no… more than a million of them if you want to defeat me.” Justin said, walking towards the demon wolf. Cracking his fingers, his **** face gave another fear. The demon wolf started to step back when it finally sensed his huge mana flowing around his body. For such a long time, it had never seen anything like him. It doubts whether the person a human or not. But one word accepted, that this person was extremely dangerous and couldn't be defeated alone. Hence, it opted to escape from the upcoming death. But Justin knew its plan, showing his crescent moon smile.
”Hoho, you're deciding to withdraw now? Do you truly think I would let you do that? Well, it's normal. For the puppy, I mean, a weak-hearted c.o.c.kroach-like you, wave its tail down. You should've done that before when you've still time. Too bad, it's already too late,” he grabbed his sword holster, ”I was planning to use this one but looking at your despicable face, you're not worthy.”
The gust of wind blew loud and the surface quaking as the butler showed his inner mana. The demon wolf rethought for a new strategy to prevent its death. Rolling its eyes to find an escape route, it saw the kids behind the rock. The filthy creature smirked when it saw an opportunity. It disappeared in the butler's sight and rushed its body to the twins.
”Oh shit,” Justin snapped his fingers and some shadow sticks shoot the beast but even it hit its limbs, it didn't stop to approach the kids.
”Graaaarwh!” The few seconds of silence as the beast's mouth attempted to assault the kids. The twins closed their eyes, concurred to accept their death and covered each other from the fangs. But as it is approaching them closer in two inches, one click from the trigger he carried, several bullets hit the creature's face.
A young man wore weird clothes, carrying a black Tommy gun appeared. He reloaded his gun and restarted his shooting, hundreds of bullet shells fell. The beast, impaired, lose its half-cheek, wherein its inner flesh such as its tongue and teeth from the left side, appeared.
Hermes Archnemesis, who pulled the trigger, walked in the scene. He reluctantly shot the beast without remorse.
The young Don gave it another round of bullets and fired its feet, cutting it into pieces. The demon wolf loses its right legs and arms, the dust of smoke covered its body when it fell.
Justin, held the barrel, stopped his boss from killing the monster. He, too, was shocked by the sudden interference of his Don.
”Boss, let me do it.” his butler insisted but his request rejected. Hermes pushed him away, continued to shoot the decapitated beast. Justin grinned, trembling in happiness because of his boss showed assertiveness.
”What would you do to that creature?” his servant asked, slowly step forward three steps ahead of his boss. ”Are you capable to kill that creature?” Justin's ears twitched in excitement. He was honored to see the growth of his boss. It was the first time he saw him killing a mere animal until its totally wrecked. He had never seen someone capable of doing that on his age.
”Capable? You're ridiculous.” The young stomped the head of the beast twice.
”So, what're you going to do with those subjects?” Justin pointed out the twins. ”We've already saved them though.”
”Generous men do not create victims, they nurture victims.” His butler, surprised, amazed on his logical reasoning. ”Still, this creature was a broken stone. It was not a human life. The most glorious battles in history have those with the biggest number of dead. As if we pay tribute to death and not to life. Anyways, hey kids, please step aside, close your eyes and cover your ears.” the twins didn't think twice and obediently followed his request. But it was too late to advise them to do it because they already saw the whole scene from the beginning.
The butler was confused. Even Hermes didn't understand his words either but his mouth spouted it out loud. Although he didn't want to interfere, his body instinctively moved. When he foresaw beast planning to assault the twins beforehand, he tried to search for a weapon and luckily found the gun under his chair. He picked it up, loaded in and that moment happened in an instant.
”I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” he aimed at the head, he saw it struggle and its eyes shed in tears from pain. ”You won't achieve your dream without getting your hands dirty. My name is Hermes Archnemesis. The person who'll kill you. You're my first victim. So be grateful for that. How unfortunate, sorry, that's how mafia works,” said the young Don as he brutally shoots it until the body was completely shattered. Its blood flowed in the ground whilst its entire body was piercing into pieces one by one.
The demon beast's heart dropped from its ribs followed by its intestine and another internal organ. Its eyes were craving its final sight to its murderer as determine as a spartan. The young Don didn't show any mercy to its victim and pulled the trigger until the end. When he hit the brain, the blood hit his mask as it resembled a shadow fiend. His butler paused for a minute and returned to his senses, immediately moved closer to his boss and used his handkerchief to wipe out the blood dripping on the ground. The bullets stopped coming out from the barrel, a small smoke was the last scene when he shouldered it over his apparel. The scarlet-raged sight disappeared and completely went zinc white. The previous hunter, who hunted its prey, passed away.
'What the hell? I'm faintly embarrassed. Those words come out from my mouth and I couldn't stop to face out. The flask of blood dripped so long from my mask. Bluffing is a must. Thank goodness, Justin came to remove it that makes me sniff better. I keep my cool for much longer.' he thought.
”Amazing,” the only word interpreted by the twins who were watching from the scene.
When Hermes has finally cooled down, he clapped his face before he turned around. In his right, the young Don witnessed the corpse of the demon beast swallowed by a dark shadow and vaporized like a bubble. He approached the twins afterward. But the children, scared and hopeless, petrified when he gave a glance, although, he had saved them earlier.
”My Don, the mess was cleaned up,” said Justin. ”What will you do to the little peasants? Do you want me to purge them or enslave them like an ant?” his words made the twins even more frightened from before.
”Shut it, neither purge or enslavement is the best option. We're not here to commit such an impeccable crime for both. Shut your mouth or I will be smack your throat.” Hermes replied, showing an evil stare to his servant which he delightedly accepted as a compliment. Instead of being afraid, his butler was undismayed, as well.
”If you insist, but if they've done a wrong move and say something unpleasant from their choice of word, I won't tolerate such disrespect to you, my lord. I mean, my Don.” Justin stepped back, putting his arm in his right c.h.e.s.t with his head bowed in respect.
Hermes's eyes smiled showing his gratitude. He approached the twins, with a friendly approach as an alternative and raised up his hand over his head no weapons to be seen. But instead, his approachable presence made the kids in quiescence.
'Am I that scary to make them feel like that? Seriously, they're making me feel bad.' He thought.
”Hey, hey, hey, kids. This young masked man is a friend.” He stepped forward for two steps. ”I know I'm a stranger and new to your eyes. But please don't show me that kind of face, your sights are showing a block of cold ice.” The young boss saw the little girl's wound in her right knee, he quickly approached her, asking if she was alright but her twin brother threw a tiny rock in his forehead from the right. Hermes stepped back, his rock leaves a cut from its scratch and he quickly hides the bleed part. He was surprised by his attack, he concludes the brother must be the eldest and he thought his action will hurt his younger sister. The young boy misinterpreted the young Don's intention. He opted to help her not to hurt them yet the eldest rejected his attempt.
”Oh, you have some guts. Your attack leaves a tiny cut. Do you want me to reply with the same way, you mutt,” said Hermes, opposed to his option to say this out loud. ”Wait wait wait, hold it right there. I'm friendly you know.”
”You're showing your true colors, July we must not befall in his scheme. Your mask shows an imperative aura and more scary than the beast..” the twin brother replied, putting his sister behind his back.
”Haha, you mean this,” Hermes pointed his mask and boisterously laughed. ”Oh my, so you hit me just for that reason? You're kidding me. Do you want to go to prison? .... Naah, If you think I look so scary then why I'm approaching you so friendly? This mask... It's for my own safety. You know people have kind of disease so he needs to cover his mouth in order to prevent infecting other people. But this is how you treat your savior after all we've done? The people of the village must be gone mad. They haven't taught you, children, what should be paid to the people who risk their lives. No wonder they produced someone like you, an irritable little —”
”—Don't belittle our people. The villagers are not —” the twins saw the butler, cracking his fingers. ”Don't get too close to us, sir!”