Volume 19 (1/2)


Dear Paul-sama,

It has been one and a half years

I will be 20 soon, and14


Orsted is knowledgeable, but it doesn't appear that he is good at teaching others

Additionally, because he rarely uses ic, there is no demonstration

He would teach chants and give pointers, but probably because he is a genius, s often happen

Maybe I'm just a bad student

I only get about a tenth of what's taught

Owing to thefrom my previous life, I could understand the principles and reach [Saint] class in the early years, but to surpass the walls of [King] class, that is not enough

For exaic 『Flash Flame [Flashover]』 is a way to make the flame spread in a vast area instantly

By using light to generate heat in the air, like Vegeta[1], but somehow it looks different (!)

Once I have used a ic with an incantation, I can immediately use the voiceless version of it, which puzzles Orsted

Orsted does not only teach ht other icians

Afterwards, he taught me numerous techniques from the Sword God Style, like what to be careful of and what to counter with

A ic when ainst

Therefore, icians and swordsly

Simple PvP tactics

As one who boasted high offensive ability due to having nuht eye, I was told that I could reduce the nu the them one by one

It's notin the past, but somehow, the result is different when I do it consciously

Training with Eris and Orsted, as well as occasionally teaching Sylphy, Norn, and Aisha, has had some beneficial effects

Through continuous training, I have attained:

[Saint]-class Fire and Wind ic

[Saint]-class Healing and Detoxification ic


It's very good progress for only a year

I can see that I have been fooling around too much in the past[2]

However, despite ic circle is still quite challenging for me, and I can't draw it very well

I can't be playing around now if I want to master so many arts

Anyway, I have grown a little stronger

Training with Orsted has also helped me do his jobs

After the uproar in the Asura Kingdom, there weren't many difficult jobs to handle

For exa an adventurer that was trapped inside a labyrinth,

Or helping a merchant stranded inside a forest about to become a demon's meal,

Or going to a slavehim somewhere else

Well, these were odd jobs;other people I also enjoy it

Basically, those e help noill become useful to Orsted in the future

For exa female dwarf thief called Tal Qi the other day

She wasn't iuild leader in the future

He would also become a man that would assassinate a certain person, but if that dwarf girl is killed, it will become Orsted's loss

Of course, it doesn't really o to kill that certain person, ould get in his way in the future, himself

But by helping step-by-step while considering the future is also a way Orsted could preserve his ic

By changing the past, he saves himself trouble in the future

It seems the key is to make sure that Orsted is in his best condition for the [decisive battle]

Orsted has learned [what to do for so loops

Which will lead to [this person will give e] in the future

By adding me into his team, he could move more efficiently than in all the loops he previously experienced

It was sinals randomly (!)

That's what I' some friends

That's basically why Orsted doesn't help me

He has so else to do in another place

Where the io there himself

Hitogami also doesn't interfere that much

At least, he doesn't interfere when I' alone

If you look at it, it's probably because he's interfering directly with Orsted, as the missions that Orsted does are probably critical events for Hitogami

Although, there were times when I worked directly with Orsted

When I do, one or two of Hitogami's apostles will definitely appear

Strangely enough, it was never all three at once Maybe one has been working behind the scenes?

For now, I'm not worried at all

Is it all right that Orsted is only doing some odd jobs?

More than that, why doesn't he take any offensive ami?

When I asked hihtly and said,

[According to the future diary, Hitogae the future]

So, it's okay e're doing right now

Hitogae the future

Byconfrontation would involve Cliff

In the diary, Cliff was dead

Hitogami is probably involved, but I can't be sure of that yet

Orsted also hasn't told me much about this matter

Anyway, I do my job, report back to the office,in my spare time

Such is my life

Oh, and speaking of work

I also i term solutions for work

First is the office--the hut in the Magic City Sharia suburbs

The place where we ic Armor][3] has become our office

Because it will be inconvenient for us to continue to use it as a base from now on, we have to renovate it

It is a one story building, but inside there is a conference roo room, and a research room

It's a good place to carry out strategy

I mean sometimes I need to rest a little because I am too anxious

Docuo, what to do, and who must survive, as well as what kind of impact it will have in the future, there is no way I could remember all of that (!)

Anyway, I also made an arsenal

That is where I put the [Magic Aric ItemsImbued products I often use

Miniaturizing the [Magic Aro into the details on that right now

The are amount of tools that I use for work

If stolen, it's worth an entire life's fortune

With that in ht that it ht be stolen is scary

Maybe Orsted didn't want the hassle ofthat needs to be done (!)

Again, I should hire a er

But that's not all

A basement has been added to the main office

It is a huge baseic

The baseic teleport circle in each room

When you step into one of the rooms, you will be transferred to one of the major places around the world well that's the plan

Only five of these rooic teleport circles so far

Asura Kingdodo, and the southern part of the Demon Continent

Only those so far

It's because I also need to setup ic teleport circles at the destination as well

Also, Orsted doesn't go to places that have low population, but if there are too ic is difficult to set

Due to this, the number of teleport destinations are few

Of course, more will be added

Well, Paul-sama

That's enough about work, I'm sure you're bored of it by now

I' impatient

Now let's talk about the children, or rather your grandchildren

First, hter

Lucy Greyrat

She is growing up fast

We celebrated her third birthday just the other day

She could noalk and runs around the house with a [Dotadota] sound

After she learned soan to speak loudly- I think it's due to Eris's influence- and the house has become lively

In addition, Sylphy also began to teach her e recently

This girl got a special education froe of three

Sylphy isbeco mom

When she puts on the triangle glasses,[4] her night lessons with me suddenly become so intense

Well, let's set aside Sylphy for now, and talk about Lucy

She seldom meets me because of my work

Sometimes, there are times when her expression is a little surprised when I come back

It is a face that says [Who is this guy]

It is very sad

However, if Sylphy says [Greet your Papa], she says [Welcome back, Papa]

When she says it, she is so cute that I want to eat her, but what immediately follows is [Where is Papa?] as she faces me, and she hides behind Sylphy

I am very sad

The way this is going, it looks like I won't be referred to as a respected father by her in the future

If it becomes that way, I will be sad

Once, I brought Lucy to Orsted's place

This was to test whether Orsted's curse would affect Lucy

Testing whether what Hitogami said is true or not

I took her to hi that

As it turns out, the curse did not work on Lucy

When Lucyeyes

Reaching for his silver hair, she shouted [Papa! Papa!]

She said Papa!

It was an attitude that even made me perplexed

At the ti Orsted on the spot

That's a lie, I'm sorry

There is no way I would harbor such strong murderous intent

Yeah, I didn't have even a bit of interest in that

This is because Lucy is used to seeing Sylphy's white hair, and Orsted who has a siht look like a relative

When I told Orsted's na [Osute~tsu, Osute~tsu!]

It's how she pronounces it (!)

While giving sidelong glances to yback to Lucy

Lucy grabbed hold of Orsted's hair and tried to tear it off

When I said [Pulling hair is bad],

Orsted gaveanswer [Don't worry, just this on touki]

He doesn't seehter's approach

Of course, since Lucy is cute

However, with this, Hitogami's words also increased in credibility

[Orstedand ami]

When I told Orsted about it, he responded with,

[Do not trust Hitogami's words]

And, he stared at me with a scary look on his face

I didn't mean to trust them of course

However, I feel that not all of it is a lie

It is just a convenient way of thinking

However, recently, I started being able to read Orsted's ood

Even I will drop uard in front of such cuteness (!)

Not only that, since he experienced the saain in his loops, of course he's delighted to experience so new

Considering how uess that much

As a subordinate, I want to try to make Orsted's daily life merrier

And we've gotten sidetracked, haven't we?

Back to the topic, children, Roxy also gave birth

On that day, there was a heavy snowstorm

The office had not yet been completed

Orsted aiting on me when I returned from a successful mission

It's not uncommon that the president meets people directly

At that tiive a report to Orsted

Orsted, after finishi+ng his own tasks, often has plenty of downtime until the next task

When I was reporting in as usual that day, he said

[Isn't it about time?]

First thing he said

What's about time?

That's obvious

Because I was also quite anxious during work

I did not think that I would say this to Orsted, but I aive my report later], and left the office immediately

When I was in the street, I ran through the snow like a sno and returned home

After returning Roxy was in her last nancy

I was there just before she gave birth

If I waited two days, I wouldn't have ive birth

”Yeah, RudiI wonder if it's alright, I wonder if I'll really be able to give birth”

When I got home, Roxy had a worried expression

Repeating again and again, she asked, [Will it be be all right? It o of her hand

During the tiave birth to

During that ti type]

- But, Roxy's worries ended up right on the money

It was a difficult birth

The baby's shoulder got caught

It must be a the so-called shoulder dystocia [5]

I do not know the cause, but it could be because of Roxy's small body

She was in the norurudo tribe, but because the child is a half-blood child who has a big body, it was like she was giving birth at an early age given the size ratio

It was more than likely because I'm the father and human

Roxywas in a dangerous state for both mother and child

But, the worst did not happen

Lilia's skills and experience in this enius

With h the heavy snow, the party assembled was perfect

Aisha had experience as midwife from the time with Lucy and settled Roxy down

Her birth was dealt with smoothly, with no complications

As for Roxy's child, she gave birth to a girl Safely

We didn't have to give a C-section, and both the child and mother survived

She gave birth safely

The one as born is a girl

She was slightly bigger compared to Lucy when she was born

It's not like she was fat, but she has a fearless look

Who does she resemble?

[Her eyes are like Roxy, herto Sylphy

Maybe that fearless look is a mix of Roxy and me

Well, if you're a child between Roxy and I, you have nothing to fear

”It was a girl so her name is Lara”

She was named Lara

Lara Greyrat

We found out that she has the same hair color as Roxy soon after her birth

She had beautiful blue colored hair

It is the color that can be called the syurudo race

Seeing that, Sylphy and Roxy both made a complicated face

I did not knohy they made such a face at first

Roxy's hair color is gorgeous, and Lara is a girl

You will definitely becorow up, trust me

Sylphy then told ht be bullied because her hair color is different

This city is e number of various races other than human; however, most of the population is still human, after all

If her looks differ froht be bullied

Whether her original hair color ht cause problems for Lara, such as whether or not she is bullied, I don't know yet; however, I believe that she will always have love from her family

As a side note, Elinalise also gave birth along with Roxy

Probably because she's used to it, hers ithout a hitch

According to Cliff, I heard that his child will be [Born Soon!], but the next ti birth and had her slender body back

She is a veteran at childbirth

Her experiences in it is on a whole different level

Well, the first child of the Grimoire family was a boy, as named Clive

Clive Grimoire

Elinalise was very pleased, [I gave you an heir!]


I don't think only boys can be heirs

Lara and Lucy can too

If they want to follow my footsteps and help Orsted, I won't stop them

Also the curse didn't seem to work on them

But, there is one person who is inspired by Elinalise's words

It's Eris

She was often going to ith me until then

Like a part timer of Orsted Corporation?

By h all the insects standing in my way

But in response to Elinalise words, she said [Next is my turn!] and proceeded to suck me dry, even e're at work

As long as there is an opportunity, she won't let it go and goes commando immediately on me (!)

Iot crushed, but let's not talk about that

No matter what, maybe bad luck, but she wasn't blessed with a child

Eris felt really troubled about this

I often found her talking with Sylphy night after night after I got home

She didn't want her insecurity known to ht have heard some dreadful remark such as [maybe I need to do it more often]

Anymore than this I won't survive with that much of a nosebleed

Even though I thought that, it's a husband's job to help his wife overcome her insecurity

With that thought, I gave my best

Using all of e to Ougis[6], whether changing her diet, or having her do so in my power in order to ease her worries

Well I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it

I heard my mother, Zenith, also suffered from infertility for a period of time

Father must have worked hard to ease that worry once

Doing your best every night

And that's how Norn was born, who's currently diligantly attending school

Let's talk about Norn another time

Our efforts bore fruit, and Eris got pregnant safely

The nextlevel

It looks like her intense training every day was the main cause of her infertility

When one trains hard, it's harder to get pregnant

But if the child is strong, she could get pregnant, but in Eris's case her training was far

Even if the egg already fertilized, if it's not i

That's why Eris took a maternity leave

Even though she can't come with me to work, she's still happy

While stroking her already swollen belly Eris s [Mufufu]

As the only one who knows her since she was young, I can tell you it's her true feeling

SomehowEris looks like she has become respectable

The late Sauros-sa happily on the other side right now

I learned of Eris's pregnancy about one o

She's 4 nant now

If she see sickness

When I came back fronancy

She ain once it reached stable period It worries me

I've sent a letter to Ghyslaine the moment I found out

Ghyslaine would be very busy now because Asura's king, as on sick bed for a long time, passed away

Ariel will become Queen soon

First Prince Gravell tried for his last stand, but that's already futile

It's not likely Ariel will lose to him

However, with that kind of rival, Ghyslaine won't have any free time for the next 2-3 years

After Eris's child is born, ill try to visit Asura Kingdom

By the way, Eris only thought of boy's names for her child

So, I decided to think up a girl's name in secret

Whether it's a girl or boy, as long as the child is healthy, I'ood with it

So that's the wives and children

Fa, and work

Besides lacking ti life everyday


It is about Zenith-Okaasan's memory

There are still no signs of it returning

At so as well

She almost didn't speak a word

I tried asking Orsted about her, but didn't find any clues to a cure

If even he didn't know then I can't think of any way to heal her

Well, maybe this is the first loop for Orsted where Zenith became an invalid, so he doesn't know

Maybe soic ItemsImbued products exists that can cure her

I won't give up, I will definitely find a way to cure her

Anyway, I think for noe'll just be taking it step-by-step without worrying too much

Dad, once, in Holy Kingdom of Milis, you scolded me

That I' my mother and more worried about other women

Although I didn't intend to, please forgive ain

I will do everything I can

Sincerely yours,

--- -

And with that I closed my diary like usual

Rather than a diary entry, more like a letter addressed to no one

However, by writing these things, there are days when I got a sudden motivation from it

With such strong motivation, I could move my body better

”All right, let's go”

Feeling ic circle

My work begins

Angelique Karentail, nicknae

She was born in a s, close to the jungle

Her parents were phare was raised to become one as well

Before she reached adulthood, her parents died in a ic beast's [Goblin] attack, but that's not unusual in a village like this

After finishi+ng their funeral, with the villagers' help, and overco her sadness for their death, she took over her family home and business

Ange has one person whom she could call a close friend

Fam Haindora

A hunter born and raised, she is both Ange's coht a disease that infects only adults, and her father was killed by a goblin [7], along with Ange's parents, when they went in the forest together to collect medicine for her

In other words, Fae's parents

Thus, Fae

Once upon a tied Fam

But after some conflict, it was settled

Now, this duo of best friends is known to everyone in the village

Like that, these two people will be 20 years old this year

”Oh I wonder if there isn't a good man somewhere”

Muttered Fam

Skillfully re fur from her vest, and leather pants [8]

Wearing thick leather boots, carrying a long bow and quiver of arrows at the shoulder, and machetes on the waist

She is dressed like a bandit, and looks dirty But, overall, it can be said that she is a beautiful woman ell-defined features

”At least, he won't be in a place like this”

Ange answered

She's a pharmacist, but she wears leather pants so she could move easier

There was also a knife strapped on her waist, and an adze as well

If there was a very large difference between these two girls, it was that Ange carries a large basket

The basket's contents were a variety of nuts and ed orderly and took about half of the basket's total volume

These two girls, now inside the forest

They're harvesting e's pharmacy

”Well, he has to be rich, handsome, but naive, and a bit aard in co hands”

”Just an average guy foras he's nice and normal”

”Ange, you have no dream!”

”Fam, let's look at reality”

In the village inhabited by these two girls, there is no such young man like in Fam's description

It's not like there is none at all, but most of them are already married

Millis devotees are not so e

But having e chief of course

The current chief is almost 50, and already has five wives

He won't get ain

”Also in reality, and If I get married, maybe it's with Dochin”

Dochin son of the Village chief, 20-years-old, he's the sairls

However, he's already married to his fiancee as selected since their birth He also already has an heir

There is also a rue chief soon

If that happened, he could marry his second wife

According to the village tradition, when soe chief, he must choose his second wife and marry her

It's the talk of the village on ill be his nuht now

For that man, there are plenty of unmarried maidens to choose from

”Well, Dochin probably won't choose me”


”No, what if he selects ht?”

”I don't think so Fam, I think Dochin is still scared of you”

Because they're froether froe

There were seven of thee

At the time, Fam often made Dochin cry

Ange thought she would end upone of them some day, but unfortunately that didn't happen

Froe, leaving only three woeneration

Dochin then e ended up as leftovers

”But, I think Ange has a chance, since you're so cute”

”Well, I won't Cause I'e I can't work if I e”

”Noyou will soe it, and has some remembrance about his time ” [9]

”I hope you are right, ha-ha-ha-ha”

And, Ange said that with a laugh

But, the truth was she was thinking about so else entirely

(I wonderthata Prince, won't come and take me as his wife, huh?)

Although Ange told her close friend to look at reality,

When she was a child, she heard such a story fro for it

It is a story of a little adventurer with blue hair[10]

She was journeying alone as an adventurer fro an A rank adventurer in no time

That storyheart race

But still, at that time it was just a simplistic story from the other side of the world

But it's no longer just a fantasy, it happened 10 years ago

A certain adventurer appeared in the village vicinity 10 years ago

On the way leaving the forest, she tried to reach West Port

That adventurer stopped at Ange's village

A small adventurer with blue hair

She was just like how the bard described about her

It was in that moment that the other side of the world, the story became reality

She stayed overnight in the village, and told the 10 year old Ange at that time about her adventures

It's not a fantasy story product from someone's delusion, it was a real story

Faainst the boss of the Labyrinth

Ange's heart was racing when she heard the part of [Entering a Labyrinth searching for a cool man] was the purpose for her adventure

The adventurer succeeded in capturing the labyrinth but still failed to fulfill her purpose, that story never-the-less left a great ie's heart

Froe had some kind of admiration for adventurers

So of delusional encounters

She was in a pinch froallantly appears to her aid And to that person, she offered herself as a forratitude


And, it's where her delusion coony

The longing is just longing

A delusion is just a delusion

There was no way such a convenient thing will occur, and Ange knows about that

Delusions about such e is only a pipe dream

Mere fantasy

The Ange noas only looking properly at reality

5 years ago, she felt the feeling of sadness and loneliness fros

”Ange be careful, we're entering that guy's territory”

”Yeah, I know”

They have coe places her basket by her feet

This tiirls came to this cave in search for material for a certain medicine in this cave

A disease called Iburi Disease, which as becoredient for the cure is inside this cave

”It cannot be helped, if it's for Dochin”


Currently, the son of Village chief Dochin was infected by Iburi Disease

The Iburi Disease, it's a disease that spreads all over the body and will cause certain death, if the patient didn't drink the medicine within 10 days

However, there is a sure way to cure it, that was by using interious

Froerous in most of the world's cities

But, this deadly disease is feared in a ree lives

Because it takes at least ten days to travel to the nearest city, where an interician could be found

Their childhood friend and future village chief, Dochin, is inflicted with such a disease

For that matter, this sae's parents' deaths

Fam's mother was also infected by Iburi disease,

In an attee's parents and Fam's father entered the forest to search for its medicine and perished

It is a disease that caused these two girl's relationshi+p to become closer

And that accursed disease is now sinking its poisoned fangs into their childhood friend


Carefully, the two girls take each of their steps

The ingredient for the medicine is a flower that only blooms at the foot of this cliff

They don't need a lot to le portion

Just five or six petals

With that ah for one person

” Gulp” [11]

These two girls gulp when they reached the clearing