23 Chapter 23: Furious Dianas Beatdown (1/2)
”Mother!!” Diana burst through the massive wooden door yelling out for Hippolyta. As soon as she enters, she doesn't even glance at me and analyzes Hippolyta all over.
”What has happened to you? Why are you so energetic so early in the morning?” Hippolyta stays calm and composed like her usual self and questions Diana. I already told her about the situation but she didn't tell me anything so decided to see how she was going to handle the situation.
”Mother...You...you are alright?” Diana was surprised to see Hippolyta all okay which was really understandable.
”Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be okay?” Hippolyta tries to feign ignorance and questions her. I don't think Diana would fall for that.
”But these past few days...where were you for the past few days?” Diana doesn't fall for it and asks again. As I thought there isn't any other choice, we would have to tell her.
”What nonsense are you talking about?” Hippolyta questions again pretending to be confused.
”I know mother! I know that you have been gone for the past few days!” Diana yells out loudly. She was visually disturbed and didn't know what was happening. She didn't know what Hippolyta was trying to hide from her.
Hippolyta who gets shocked by Diana's words looks at me. I am actually extremely nervous right now, any wrong move and it's awrap for Diana and I. Right now I could still somehow convince her but still I'm not sure at all. I nod at Hippolyta and join in on the conversation.
”Diana, we have something to tell you but before we do I need you to stay calm.” I use a very calm tone which alerts Diana. Hippolyta knows what I am about to do so she resigns herself for however, Diana would react.
”What? What is it that you want to tell me?” Diana controls her breathing and stands up straight staring right at me.
”Okay...I think.it would be better to just show you.” I breathe out and don't say anything else and slowly walk up to Hippolyta, bringing her closer to me then kiss her on her lips. She tries to resist but gives it within a few seconds. I don't look at Diana and continue kissing Hippolyta. We finally separate after a while and both turn to look at Diana.
”Hippolyta and I are in that kind of a relationship...” I don't know why but my heart started beating very fast which was really abnormal for me.