14 Chapter 14: The Owls part 1 (1/2)
A/N: I'm sorry for the late update and short chapter. I have been sick recently and couldn't get in the mood to write.
I wanted to talk about the direction I'm taking the story in. I have read so many fanfics where the mc starts off with the heroes or something and goes on from there but I wanted to make my mc someone who is somehow connected with the heroes we all know and love. That's why I started off in the past then going forward. Even though there isn't going to be much of the hero meetups, for now, I think it's worth building up to.
○●○●○ Krius and Diana ○●○●○
Hi, how have ya been? Yeah, we are just gonna pick up from the last chapter if you don't mind.
Diana and I are on the roof of an industrial Building at the moment. Pretty sure you read the title so guess the city we are in, 'GOTHAM!!!!'
< Question: Who is the host speaking to? >
'Uh....the readers?'
< ... >
' Just ignore me would ya? '
Right now we are at Gotham and it's not how anyone would expect it to be. Apparently, the crime and corruption take over begins around 1930, the beginning of the Great Depression.
( A/N: Some of you might be unfamiliar with the Great Depression so I suggest some google history lessons, I had to learn this in 8th grade. )
I didn't really want to bring Diana to this city at this time but I got some business to take care of with the Owls.
Unlike the League of Assassins, The Court of Owls are fairly new in comics so let me explain, they are an ancient conspiracy that's been controlling Gotham for centuries. They are a violent cabal of some of Gotham City's oldest and wealthiest families who use murder and money to wield political influence throughout history. The leaders wear owl masks when meeting up and they have their own army that looks like an owl and human hybrids.
They even have their own breed of Assassins called the Talons.are a breed of deadly assassins absolutely loyal to the Court. They remain sleeping deep within their inner sanctum until they need to be used. They are experts at murder so they are called in when the Court needs someone out of the picture. The worst part about them is that they are hard to kill normally, There are many Talons for different time periods but I don't know if they have one active at the moment.
I don't want to control the entirety of the Court of Owls at this time but I will be able to control one or two of their wealthiest families. I just need some of their money as most of it to come from illegal businesses and they won't be able to do anything about it when it disappears.
Right now we are standing on the roof of the tallest building in Gotham, though it's not really that tall. My clones were running around Gotham's sewage system frantically to find the main base of the Owls. With Byakugan and Super speed, it didn't take long. I wasn't going to raid their base like the League's, I only wanted to leave a teleportation mark their in case I need to go there in the future.