7 Chapter 7: ?° ?? ?° ?° ?? ?° ?° ?? ?° part 1 (1/2)
A/N: I think I forgot to mention this but the system gives reward based on how great the missions are. For example : Queen Hippolyta would never bow to anyone but the gods, not many people can defeat the amazons by themselves and Diana wouldn't just submit to anyone. If the missions aren't something out of the ordinary then he wouldn't get anything.
Shoutout Normanbatez for pointing it out.
○■○■○■○■○■○- Continued from last chapter○■○■○■○■○■○■○■○■
As Queen Hippolyta was leading me to her bedroom I was thinking of buying some skills beforehand.
'System is there any skills available in the store related to sexual sensitivity or some kind of hormone manipulation?'
< Yes. There are
Advanced Sexual Techniques 10,000 ap
Hormonal Manipulation 95,000 ap >
What the hell? Why is that so expensive ?
'What are the application of the Hormonal Manipulation?'
As soon as I asked that, my jaw dropped. There were so many abilities related to this skill it's not even funny. I won't have all of them at once though. It seems different people have different affinities for the abilities from Hormonal Manipulation. In my case the ones I start with will be the primary for me but there were so many abilities. I started looking through the list and three of them stood out for me.
+ Orgasm Inducements
+ Sexual Inducements
+ Chasity Inducements
Lemme explain,
Orgasm Inducement, has the ability to influence the sensation of sexual orgasm in the user or others.
Sexual Inducement, can influence sexual arousal in the user or others to make them lustful and crave sexual interaction.
Chasity Inducement is the opposite of Sexual Inducement. It has the ability to cause a state of abstinence in the user or others to refrain from sexual pleasures, drug induced pleasures, and etc.
I will probably be using these three abilities more than any of the other ones. I mean can you blame me? Who wouldn't?
Seeing these abilities gave me an idea so I immediately bought the skills. It might prevent me from getting new powers for now but I will think about that later.
After walking for 10 minutes we finally arrived at her room. We went in as I locked the doors. Her room was well-decorated with the bed close to the fireplace for warmth, but also allowing her a view of the ocean. The bed was a king sized round bed. There were various kinds of paintings all around making the place look very lively.
Hippolyta was quiet throughout the while walk. She was probably processing everything that had happened uptill now trying to make everything make sense.
I went ahead and sat down on the bed.
”Hippolyta come here.” I signaled her to come and sit beside me.
”What? Why?”
She questioned me but couldn't do anything as her body moved on it's own. She was sitting right beside me in seconds.
”Hippolyta how about we play another game ?”
”Another game? I will not fall for your tricks again!!”
”Oh calm down, you might like the conditions.”
”What conditions? ”
”How about this? I will try to make you climax for 30 minutes straight and you just have to make sure you don't. If I win you will have to give yourself to me willingly and if you win I will release you from my bind and you don't have to listen to me anymore, also you can get what you wanted from the previous bet.”
”How dare you think of such things!! Do you really think you can satisfy me? Though I'm not proud to admit it, the only one who was able to seduce me was Zeus, the ruler of Gods. Do you really think you can match a God?”
”Well I guess I won't know that if I don't try for myself, right ?”