23 Chapter 19 - of we go! (1/2)

As the day settled down, and afternoon arrived, Naruto was looking the details trough the report, that detailed what the mission requested from them. To sum it up,

Escort the lady and her acquaintances, Protect the cast while filming

--Uzumaki Compound, Konoha--

”With Itachi, Kakashi and me, probably can't go wrong since it's only a high c rank, so we should be okay” Naruto (talking to himself)

”Those guys in the land of snow have that chakra armor, that's gonna be bothersome, better take a katana with me.” Naruto (again to himself)

”You said something Nii-Chan?” Karin

”No, Nothing Karin-Chan” Naruto

”Dinner's ready!!” Kanarina shouts from the kitchen

”We're coming” Naruto and Karin

--Uchiha compound, Clan head house, Konoha-- (eating dinner)

”Nii-Chan, You are coming with us right?” Sasuke

”Yea, i will come with you guys” Itachi

”You are having a mission tomorrow?” Mikoto

”Yes mom” Sasuke

”Good luck my little boys” Mikoto

”We can handle ourselves mom, no need for luck” Itachi

”What is the mission about?” Fugaku

”It's an escort mission father” Itachi

”As your mother wishes, i wish good luck with the mission to” Fugaku

As the night settled ind, and midnight came, a young child roamed the empty streets of Konoha, a shop was still open with it's light streaming into the darkness of the surrounding streets, that shop was visited by the roaming child.

”What's a little child doing in a weapon's shop, in the middel of the night?” Shop owner

”Buying weapons, why would you go into a weapon shop, if you arn't buying weapon.” Naruto

”that's true, so what's the buy then?” Shop owner

”A katana, the bedst one” Naruto

”A moment kiddo” Shop owner

*shop owner looks trough the storage*

”Is this a qualified one?” Shop owner

”May i test it?” Naruto

”As long as you don't hit anything” Shop owner (used things normally costs less, capitalism bois)

”thanks” Naruto

With this he did a technique of the Iaijutsu ( from wiki, Iaijutsu is a combative sword-drawing art), with a strike at stomach level. it was executed in under a second.

”I'll take this one, How much?” Naruto