9 Chapter 9 - The reverse summoning jutsu (1/2)
after coming home Naruto went to see Karin and Kanarina and to talk that he would be away most of the day for the following 18 months
”Hey, Karin and Kanarina i have something to tell you” Naruto
”What is it?” Karin and Kanarina
”i will have some things to attend to for the next 18 months, so for the most part i won't be home at day, jo can look in the library if you want to learn some Ninjutsu” Naruto
”Okay” Kanarina
”Kay” Karin
After dinner, they went to bed, were they saw Naruto start meditating, unknown to them he was speaking with Kuruma about the his scroll.
”Hoy, Naruto, remember that my descendants aren't the only ones living at their living space” Kuruma
”What's that supposed to mean?” Naruto
”You'll see Naruto” Kuruma
-- Later that night--
*puff, a smoke cloud explodes where Naruto sat*
”where am i?” Naruto
”welcome to the lands of the Fox and Panda, Human” Big Black-Red Fox
”It's certainly rare to see a human here isn't it Kumumoro-San” Big Black/White Panda
”It sure is Meji-San” Kumumoro
”Human, would you poar your chakra here” Meji
”Sure?” Naruto
”Hmm, that's pretty impressive Human, may we know your name?” Meji
”My name is Naruto Uzumaki” Naruto
”An Uzumaki you say, hoho, that's a long time, i barely remember Clan Elder Lady Mekura teaching a human about sealing” Meji
”An Uzumaki came here to learn Fuinjutsu?” Naruto
”If my memory is correct than yes Naruto-kun” Meji
”Say?... why are there 2 animals here?” Naruto
”That Naruto-Kun, is because the pandas are the Fuinjutsu masters, while the foxes are the Senjutsu masters” Kumumoro
”Well thank you fore the introduction, i think i'll go back” Naruto
”Well then see you when fate calls again Naruto-Kun” Meji
”Meji, he isn't an old man, his a little kid, he won't understand it” Kumumoro
-- Back at Naruto's bedroom--
*starts meditating, while sitting in a lotus position*
after 15 min, the wind started blowing though the room with a calm wind ( less than 1 Km/H) as the longere he sat the stronger the wind became until, after 12 hour's, an explosion was heard for the room, as both Karin and Kanarina strommed into Naruto's room, only to see he wasn't there.