Chapter 12 (1/2)
Chapter 12: Target: The Inuzuka's
Sakura backed out of the room promising to be right back leaving the irate patient to curse her and all shinobi for being overly destructive people. The man had hurt his back fixing up Training Ground S for what he claimed to be the six time that month. As the door shut, she sighed, having a good idea of who one of the so called hooligans were from the way he described how it appeared as if trees had simply exploded into kindling. Since it simply highlighted that she was being left out of something pretty grand, at least judging from the smiles that she had seen Tsunade sporting as of late. As she headed to the supply closet for some ointment for her patient she wondered just what was making Tsunade so happy. But in truth figured she already knew who was behind it, especially since Training Ground S was the one that she had seen Naruto at with her master as well as Hinata and Ino.
Thinking of the two younger kunoichi filled Sakura with quite a bit of jealousy. She had heard the rumors of the two girls having had dates with Naruto. Although they had also said that they simply appeared to be friendly dates despite the romantic settings. Sakura couldn't get the image of a freshly showered Ino leaving Naruto's apartment out of her mind. What also added to her doubts about the dates innocence was that she hadn't heard anything about it from Ino herself.
She had confronted Ino about the matter. But, despite having met with Ino with the intention of getting to the truth of the situation, she had quickly found herself on the defensive due to one question Ino had asked. ”Are you jealous?”
She could still feel the way her cheeks had heated up at the question but regardless had quickly denied that being her motive. Instead she had given some half hearted excuse that she couldn't even really remember. Ino had just given her a knowing sad half smile before replying, ”Then why does it matter?”
Unable to answer that without admitting that she was jealous Sakura had let the matter drop. But still a part of Sakura held out the hope that maybe Naruto would get around to asking her for a date. So she'd show up to his training with Kakashi and Yamato as he practiced adding his wind chakra to the Rasengan, however since even during his breaks he'd go sit under a tree after simply saying hi to her. She had begun to lose hope. Those hopes had been dashed when he had taken off running from her a little over two weeks previously.
She had gone straight to Ino in tears bursting into the blonde's family shop saying, ”He hates me doesn't he?”
”Who?” Her friend had asked coming around the counter.
”He doesn't hate you Sakura,” Ino said soothingly trying to calm her down. ”He's just…”
”Yes he does,” Sakura had said cutting Ino off. ”He just took off running from me.”
Ino had looked surprised. But she closed her eyes for a moment and a look of concern appeared on her face. As if realizing that the teary eyed Sakura was staring at her strangely, she opened them saying as soothingly as possible, ”Maybe something important came up or he probably remembered he left the stove on. You know how scatterbrained he can be at times.”
Sakura tried to smile but replied sadly, ”I wish that were true. But he's been avoiding me ever since…”
Ino suddenly pulled Sakura into a hug saying, ”Sakura…Naruto doesn't hate you, trust me. He…he just doesn't know how to handle you. As far as he knows you're still that thirteen year old girl that begged him to bring Sasuke back and truthfully I don't think you know how to handle him.”
With her head on Ino's shoulder as the blonde rubbed her hand up and down Sakura's spine trying to be as calming as possible, Sakura asked, ”What do you mean?” As she relaxed into Ino's embrace she picked up a scent that was both familiar and reassuring.
Sighing Ino said, ”Before he came back you'd talk constantly about how you couldn't wait for him to return. But as soon as he did everything became all about Sasuke.”
”I know. It's because you wanted to bring Team Seven back together. But Naruto sees it as a way to keep his promise to you and bring back the boy you claimed to love.”
”But Naruto sees Sasuke as a brother also,” Sakura said pulling her head away.
”True… but how do you see Sasuke?”
Ino smiled sadly as she trailed off and pulled back several steps before saying, ”I don't think I need to tell you how Naruto believes you see Sasuke.”
”But why avoid me? Was I acting so different from back then?”
Before Sakura's eyes, Ino seemed to change from soothing to sultry and as she closed the distance between them walked with an overly exaggerated sway in her h.i.p.s. Getting her face almost uncomfortably close, Ino ran a finger under Sakura's jawline and forced the pink-haired girl to stare into her eyes when she tried to look away. In a husky voice she said, ”If Naruto sees you as Sasuke's then perhaps the distance he has created between you is to prevent him from giving into temptation.
”Temptation…” Sakura whispered as if under a spell as her heartbeat seemed to rise in volume drowning out the ambient noise.
Ino didn't respond instead backing up just as sultrily as before but with the distance between them opening up the spell broke and Sakura began to blush quickly saying, ”I… I should go.”
Sakura left the store more confused than when she had entered. But as the door to the shop closed behind her, Sakura stopped finally placing the scent she had picked up on Ino's clothes. It had been Naruto's.
Sakura let the memory fade grabbing up a tube of the ointment she sought. She had stopped going to watch Naruto train after that hoping that maybe her disappearing from his life would make the blonde come to her. Instead, all she got for it was two weeks of loneliness as well as finding that another female had entered his life. Thinking of the green-haired jinchuriki really dropped her mood, not that it had been very positive as of late. It was impossible to dislike the girl in part to her friendly and open nature. Also due to the fact that people being nice to her was still so new that the novelty hadn't worn off. But the way the girl always hung off of Naruto did raise her hackles at times, especially since it prevented her from talking to him due to embarrassment.
Dropping the ointment off with her patient she told him how to apply it before leaving. Making her way to the Nurse's Station, she heard the sound of laughter. Rounding the corner she saw the blonde that had been occupying her thoughts as of late sitting on the desk with his arms crossed while the two nurses on duty laughed at something he had said.
Sakura frowned recognizing the nurses as Kaori and Otoha. She remembered Kaori as the nurse that had shown her around the hospital when she and Ino had wanted to visit Sasuke and Lee after the Chunin Exams. Otoha she didn't know all that well, although from the few conversations they had, Sakura knew she was quite fond of the hot-springs that Konoha had to offer. Sakura again had to force down her jealousy as Naruto whispered something but from the way both nurses blushed believed he had begun flirting with them.
Getting control of her emotions she decided to use it as the opportunity that it was and began to head towards them to talk when a green-haired jinchuriki slammed into him full tilt knocking him back and over the desk.
Naruto didn't know what hit him until Fu who was dressed in a hospital gown began saying, ”Please hide me from her,” as she tried to hide by burying herself into his c.h.e.s.t.
”Who,” Naruto asked confused trying to pull the girl off to defend her from whoever was after the girl.
”There you are,” cut in a third voice. Managing to get to his knees, Naruto peeked over the desk as Fu moved to hide behind him to see Shizune standing with her hands resting on her h.i.p.s. Spotting the girl behind Naruto the dark haired first apprentice of Tsunade said, ”Come along Fu. The exam is almost over. I just need to inoculate…
”Honestly, it's only a shot,” Shizune said.
”I don't need it,” Fu said, ”I've never had one before and I've never been sick.”
”That may very well be,” Shizune replied, ”But you still need to be inoculated from diseases to prevent you from giving them to others as well.”
”It's okay Fu,” Naruto supplied, ”Shizune's very gentle.”
”Then you take it,” Fu quickly said her tone telling him that she didn't believe them.
”That's an excellent idea,” Shizune said her eyes lighting up; ”You never did have your physical examination after returning from your training trip.”
”Well a lot happened,” Naruto said lamely not liking where the conversation was heading.
”Well today's as good as any,” Shizune said. Turning she said over her shoulder, ”Now come along,” her tone telling the two jinchuriki she expected them to follow. Sighing in defeat, Naruto got up, nodding to the two nurses who were clearly amused by his predicament followed behind Shizune, dragging a still protesting Fu behind him.
Entering into the room, Shizune grabbed a clipboard and some papers from a file. After filling in all the relevant information she turned to Fu saying, ”I'm going to need you to step out for a while.”
”Well I'm going to have to ask Naruto to strip down as well.”
”I don't mind,” the orange-eyed jinchuriki said mischievously.
”That might be but…”
”It's okay Shizune,” Naruto said taking his jacket off and tossing it over a chair. He then quickly began stripping out of the rest of his clothes. When he was in only his boxers he asked, ”Do you need me to lose these too?”
”Yes,” Fu said surprising Shizune, who appeared tempted to agree but shook her head no. ”Aww,” Fu pouted again surprising Shizune especially when Naruto shot her a grin.
Commenting on it, Shizune said, ”My I remember the first time I gave you an exam. It was almost impossible to get you to let me examine you..”
”Well I've grown up some since then.”
Shizune nodded before running her tests on him. As she was finishing up she gave him the shot in his arm and then did the same to Fu. Scribbling down some notes and telling them she was finished she was again surprised as Fu threw her gown over her head and began pulling her clothes on. Although she figured that Fu probably wasn't ashamed since she hadn't grown up with very much understanding of modesty she was surprised Naruto didn't react.
Standing Shizune said, ”Thanks Naruto, but I'm going to need you to come back.”
Slightly embarrassed she looked at the female jinchuriki before saying, ”Well there's one more part of the exam. I'm going to have to exam it.”
”It,” he asked confused but got the hint as Shizune eyed his groin and nodded towards it. ”Do you want to do it now?”
Naruto smiled as he began to grab ahold of his boxers to pull them down but Shizune quickly said, ”Um that should probably wait till a time when there wouldn't be an audience.”
”Aw,” Fu w.h.i.n.ed realizing Shizune was referring to her. But Naruto let the now blushing woman off the hook nodding that he understood. Shizune left the room to file the paperwork and to schedule an appointment to finish Naruto's exam.
As she left Naruto chuckled but noticed that Fu seemed rather flushed. Getting a bad feeling he asked, ”Are you okay?”
The girl responded by sitting up on the examination table and rubbing her p.u.s.s.y through her shorts said, ”Again Please.”
”Fu, we're in the hospital,” Naruto said just finishing pulling his pants up wondering why ever since sleeping with the female jinchuriki she'd experience moments of extreme arousal. He tried to pull her down from the table but Fu lunged forward locking her lips to his. Losing himself to the kiss he felt her begin to rub her hand along his manhood over his jeans. His d.i.c.k responded as expected and Naruto was about to pull Fu's shorts down to expose her soaking c.u.n.t when a knock sounded from the door. He cursed but acted quickly as he Hiraishined them to his apartment, where Naruto took his time in enjoying Fu's most recent outbreak of horniness.
Sakura frowned when she didn't receive a response since she had run into a blushing Shizune who had directed her towards the room. Opening the door, she thought she saw a flash of red but blew it off as her mind playing tricks on her. Looking around she wondered where the two jinchuriki were at and feared that Naruto had again ditched her somehow knowing she was the one that had knocked. She was about to leave when she saw his jacket sitting over the back of a chair. Picking it up, she smiled at his forgetfulness and tucked it under her arm to give it to him later.
Kyuubi smiled as she once more channeled her chakra into Fu. Since the two hosts were currently entertaining each other Kyuubi doubted that Nanabi would notice her presence this time. Sure, enough Kyuubi was able to approach the seal that contained the Seven-tails without being noticed. Remaining in the dark that surrounded the insect cage she noticed golden chakra being admitted from the small holes her tampering with the seal had opened. Kyuubi's grin grew even larger as she realized what Nanabi was doing. It was using it's chakra to stimulate the young woman's s.e.x.u.a.l in order to force its host to seek out Naruto.
Confident that the Bijuu understood it needed to keep a low profile since it had yet to stimulate Fu in a crowded environment, Kyuubi allowed her consciousness to leave. As even though Nanabi's d.e.s.i.r.e to experience more was a step in the positive direction, Kyuubi would wait until the Bijuu met her requests before taking things to the next level.
Naruto was walking through the halls of the Hokage Mansion. After taking his time with Fu to the point that she had lost consciousness, he had decided to go for a walk through the village. As he was redressing he realized that his jacket was missing. Figuring he must have forgotten it at the hospital he had headed there first. But, after checking the examination room had found no sign of it. He tried to find the two nurses he had been flirting with earlier to ask if he had been wearing it then but sadly their shift seemed to have ended.
He had asked Ino next since he had visited her just after training with Team Seven earlier in the day. Since his clothes had ended up on the floor of the back of her shop during his earlier visit he had guessed maybe he had left it there, but the blonde kunoichi assured him he had left wearing his jacket as he suspected. Next he had visited Hinata, who he had seen next as he had ended up once again stripping when he had enjoyed her own n.a.k.e.d beauty.
Finally, he had visited Tsunade but had been looking for Shizune. This time however he had ended up needing to strip in order to please the Hokage on her desk. Although Tsunade hadn't been able to point him in the direction of Shizune, she had told him that her first apprentice hadn't made any mention of his jacket.
Bidding his lover farewell, he had decided to go looking for Shizune regardless, just in case. He smiled when he saw that he wasn't alone wandering the halls as he saw Tsume walking towards him. His smile grew bigger as she saw him and he noticed the slight baring of her fangs at him. As they walked towards each other both walking in the middle of the hall his amus.e.m.e.nt grew as it appeared that Tsume was crossing into his path. As they neared each other he became aware that Tsume was testing him to see if he backed down by moving to the side. Refusing to do so they collided partially into each other but only enough that their shoulders hit.
Instead of either apologizing they each kept walking their separate ways and he knew it was just about time to make his move when he heard her growl under her breath. Thinking of an upcoming event that the Inuzuka were sponsoring, he licked his lips as he thought up a great prank that he was sure would really push the woman's buttons making her seek him out.
Tsunade sat back in her chair staring out the window of her office. She squirmed a little due to feeling more of the seed that Naruto had left inside of her leak out of her freshly f.u.c.k.e.d p.u.s.s.y. She shook her head with a smile on her face thinking about how Naruto was scouring the village looking for his jacket. Considering the number of times he probably had to dress and undress throughout the day she figured it had almost certainly only been a matter of time before he left something lying somewhere. She supposed that it was a good thing it was something harmless like his jacket. She imagined he'd have a hard time explaining if his u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r turned up someplace it shouldn't have been.
Drumming her fingers along her desk she felt her good mood slipping away due to the matter of dealing with Mikoto. However, in the end she decided to put that off for now since despite alerting her predecessor of the Uchiha's revolt the fact of the matter was that when push came to shove she had sided with her family. It had only been luck that Itachi's blade hadn't taken her life despite his cutting her down. She wondered why Danzou had bothered to save her life, but sadly Koharu had no idea since she had been against it. She figured that he must have had plans to use her against either Sasuke or Itachi, but whether or not he had already put them in motion she couldn't be sure.
Figuring the woman would keep for now, she felt her mood pick up as she turned to face her desk once more seeing the special folder lying on top of it. The folder contained a mission request however this mission wasn't ranked in the same categories as the others. The mission it contained was a G-ranked one with the G standing for gratitude.
Gratitude missions were missions that came up from time to time that requested either specific shinobi or teams. As the name suggested they were missions that were generally so the client could show their gratitude to the shinobi or teams that had performed great or even simple tasks for them in the past. As such the prices that they brought into the village varied, but for the most part they were considered paid vacations for the person or persons requested. The mission sitting on her desk was sent by Princess Koyuki Kazahana. She was requesting the presence of Team Seven for the premier of her newest movies in the Land of Snow.
She still had some time to consider the matter, although she was positive that she'd send Team Kakashi since it was a personal invite by the Princess. But what really made her smile about the whole thing was that when she had looked through the back log of G-Ranked missions, most of them had been personal requests for Naruto to visit. At least two more were direct requests from rulers of their nations and since those rulers could also help Naruto's ambition along she was quite sure he would be making stops in the Lands of Bird and Vegetable.
Sakura flopped on her bed glad the day was over. As she laid there with her eyes close she picked up the scent of grass and ramen that she associated with Naruto. Opening her eyes, she saw his jacket sitting at the edge of her bed. She pulled it towards her, having chickened out of giving it to her teammate at his home. Mostly since she figured Fu would be there. Staring at the jacket that laid next to her, she could almost imagine the blond it belonged to. She then pictured him flashing his big toothy grin towards her much as he did before everything began going wrong, at least for her.
She felt a stab of jealousy as she thought about the new recipient of that grin, Fu. Team Kakashi, had trained first thing that morning since Kakashi had put Naruto's Rasengan training on hold for the day to get some teamwork drills in. As Kakashi had promised, things had seemed to get on track between her and Naruto, but it only seemed to last during training. When they talked afterwards, he was cordial and friendly, but not in the over top way he had been before.
After several hours Kakashi had called for a break needing to attend a meeting with his fellow jounin. During the break Naruto and Fu had taken off to eat at Ichiraku. He had invited her, but again it had seemed to be due to it being the polite thing to do. She had refused simply because she still wasn't sure she wanted to have another run in with Ayame, especially with Naruto sitting right there. She had instead eaten her simple lunch by herself and returned to the training field early. The two jinchuriki had done so as well as she had seen them sitting against a tree with several empty ramen containers surrounding them.
They hadn't noticed her arrival so she had caught them in an unguarded moment of Fu leaning her head against Naruto's c.h.e.s.t as the blonde gently stroked her hair. She had needed to leave feeling a mix of emotions not the least of which had been envy.
Lying on her side, she pulled the jacket closer to her face as she closed her eyes and imagined herself in the female jinchuriki's place allowing the scent of the jacket to help her imagination along. She could almost feel the gentle strokes along the back of her head. She imagined herself leaning away from his c.h.e.s.t to stare up into his cerulean eyes. He'd stare at her gently and with a warmth that seemed to fill her being, before breaking out into his bright smile that conveyed the pure joy of being alive.
For a moment she imagined him leaning down but the vision ended as she suddenly m.o.a.n.e.d out loud. Surprised she realized that during her daydream she had begun rubbing along her slit over her shorts. However instead of stopping though, she put the daydream on hold to continue her current actions. Now conscious of her arousal, she again pictured the blond except this time clad only in his boxers.
It was easy to picture due in part to Naruto would often strip down on a mission to catch fish in nearby streams when it was his turn to catch dinner if they were conserving supplies, just as he had done during the second part of the chunin exams. Seeing the tone and athletic body she imagined his current clothes hid she began to pick up the pace of her rubbing burying her face in the jacket. Spurred on by his scent washing over her, she stopped her rubbing long enough to bury her hand in her shorts. Flipping onto her back she spread her legs apart the heels of her feet pressing down in the mattress as she began rubbing her p.u.s.s.y directly.
She brought her free hand up to her b.r.e.a.s.t and began groping it over her shirt. Finding her n.i.p.p.l.e, she began to tweak it as she moved the b.r.e.a.s.t around in circles. Rubbing her c.l.i.t she was forced to pull her hand from her b.r.e.a.s.t to bite down on her knuckle to prevent from m.o.a.ning out loud and alerting her mom to what she was doing. She began to imagine that it was Naruto who was responsible for the pleasant sensations racking her body. Although having never seen Naruto's d.i.c.k she imagined that it was quite large and that he was lining it up with her passage. When the phantom Naruto penetrated her she buried a finger inside her c.u.n.t working it in and out of her slick tunnel. As she did this she imagined Naruto telling her how good it felt to be inside her, and imagined herself telling him how good and right it felt for him to be there.
Raising her h.i.p.s off the bed she really began working her finger inside her and imagined Naruto telling her he was close. Picturing herself clamping her legs around him the fantasy played out with Naruto c.u.m.m.i.n.g inside of her which in turn triggered her o.r.g.a.s.m as a result of her self p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. Tensing, her release soaked her p.a.n.t.i.e.s and shorts. Letting her h.i.p.s fall back onto the mattress she gave her mound a few gentle rubs sending shivers of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e through her. Pulling her hand from her shorts she spread her fingers, blushing at the sight of the strand of her release that clung between them. Staring at them she had a flashback to the first time that she had come to realize that Naruto had become more than a teammate to her.
She had been talking with Ino shortly after Sasuke defected. At the time her friend had been taking the loss of her crush rather hard, much harder than her in fact. When she later had wondered why she received a flash of a bandaged Naruto promising to bring him back. But she hadn't quite made the connection then so listened intently as her just turned fourteen year old friend complained about how unfair it was.
”Are you listening to me Sakura,” Ino had said getting the sense that Sakura was ignoring her.
”Yes Ino, I've heard ever word,” she had replied without looking up from her medical book, but really hadn't since Ino had complained about the matter several times already and general said the same thing. Behind her book she silently said what she guessed Ino was going to say next.
Guessing correctly she silently said along with Ino, ”Go ahead and play it cool then, at least you got to say good-bye.”
Sakura frowned behind her book since in truth she really hadn't. No instead she had begged to go with him. Sakura stifled the sigh she felt not wanting to let Ino know how she really felt about the matter. As Ino had droned on she had begun to feel disgusted with herself. Had she really been willing to give up everything she had in Konoha simply to live with the person she believed she loved. Sadly, she wasn't sure. But one moment really shown a light on just how selfish her plea to leave with Sasuke was. That was the moment Naruto gave her the thumbs up after telling her that he understood the pain she was going through and that he would bring Sasuke back to her.
As Ino continued to rant Sakura realized that at that moment something had changed in her as well. Even at that point at the gate her opinion of Naruto hadn't been all that stellar; she cared for him as a teammate but had still regarded him as something of a buffoon. Thinking back she understood that she had never really had a good understanding of the blond. But that moment at the gate made her understand one thing, Naruto would put everything on the line for those he cared about. And that all the times she had viewed him as getting between her and Sasuke had been exactly what they appeared. Earnest and honest attempts to gain her heart.
As Sakura thought that behind her book she became aware that tears had begun leaking from her eyes with the understanding that the person that had caused Naruto to go through the pain she had been feeling at Sasuke's leaving had been her. Luckily for her though Ino realized that her ranting had made her late to attend to her family's shop. Therefore she had left unaware that her friend was crying as she half-heartedly waved good-bye back to the blonde.
Back in the present Sakura wiped her hand against her shorts before getting up from the bed to bathe. As she stripped she wondered if there was some way to undo the damage to her and Naruto's relationship. But at the moment she couldn't think of anything since there was one roadblock in her d.e.s.i.r.e to recapture Naruto's affection, Sasuke.
Wrapping a towel around herself she thought, ”It's true, karma is a bitch.” Moving to the bathroom she dropped her towel and started the water running. Her earlier thought was a result of the fact that the reason she had been so insistent to return Sasuke had to do with the fact that she was no longer sure she loved him as she had so often claimed when she was younger. Meanwhile, her feelings for Naruto had only grown stronger as a result of his absence, but she had still needed to return Sasuke for one reason. Unless Sasuke was in the village even if she came around to loving Naruto. She was sure there were many people, possibly including Naruto, who would believe her feelings were simply a result of Sasuke being no longer around to receive them. Therefore, she had needed to put her energies into doing just that. As while she still wasn't sure just how developed her feelings for Naruto had become she was sure that the path to his heart would require bringing Sasuke home.
But no doubt as a result of her past treatment of the blond, it had all blown up in her face to the point that she seemed to no longer matter to him. And what was worse was as she expected, everyone was convinced that her misery was due to Naruto no longer seeming to care about returning Sasuke. Resting her forehead against the walls she wrapped her arms around herself as her tears mixed with the falling water as all she really wanted was Naruto to look at her with the same warmth that he had used too.
”Welcome to the Twelfth Annual Konoha Dog show. Please enjoy yourself,” the woman attending the stand that sold the day passes said as she handed Naruto his.
”Thanks, I intend too.” Walking past the gate, Naruto was surprised at just how big the event actually was. Although from his traveling through it the night before he supposed he shouldn't have been. He stopped as a man walking his show dog stopped at a tree and the animal raised its leg to leave its mark behind. He smiled since it would have to get up into the tree to get his.
After his run in with Tsume the previous day, he had drunk close to fifty bottles of water in his attempt to mark every tree inside the grounds with his scent. If the fact that Naruto was marking territory she no doubt considered hers, due to the Inuzuka sponsoring the dog show, didn't send her over the edge then he didn't know what would. As he walked through the event he noticed that a few male Inuzuka's were affected by the act as well as they barred their teeth ever so much when he moved close enough to them. Whether or not they were conscious of it though he couldn't say, but he was beginning to feel disappointment creep into him after his third time traveling the throughout the grounds since it appeared that he had gone through a lot of effort and water but his target was a no show.
Still he decided to have a good time regardless and put off searching for Tsume in order to actually take in some of the events. But eventually after watching some them which featured snooty people and their prim and proper pets decided to move along. As he moved throughout the event he began to wonder why the Inuzuka would bother to sponsor something like it, as having seen some of their nin-dogs he was quite sure they'd eat the ones being shown for breakfast.
But making his way towards the back of the show grounds he noticed that it became less crowded with stands featuring rich civilians and their show dogs, but more salt of the earth type people. He saw one massive dog that he was positive the only award it would receive was meanest looking dog on earth. He reached out a hand to pet it as he had some of the others much to the owners' objection, and almost lost a hand to it as it round on him. Jumping back he was chided by the civilian who the dog belonged to saying, ”You're not in that weaksauce competition anymore boy. The animals here are meant to be warriors.” Naruto c.o.c.ked an eyebrow confused, but before he could ask the man to elaborate saw a woman that had often been in Tsume's company when he had exposed the woman to his enhanced pheromones so made a beeline for her.