Chapter 7 (1/2)
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.
Chapter 7: Target Temari
Naruto was sitting in his chair as he watched Yuugao sleeping in his bed. It was approaching diner time and despite feeling the urge to take a nap, he refused to get into the bed with the woman. Mainly because he didn't want to assume too much with her after all she could wake up and be quite upset with what had happened. In case that was the scenario Naruto had made sure all her weapons were far from her reach. He was just beginning to doze off when he heard a knocking at his door that startled him, causing him to knock over Yuugao's sword that had been resting against his chair.
He knew it wasn't Tayuya returning from whatever Tsunade had her doing around Konoha since she simply entered through the window. He also figured it couldn't be any of his other lovers as even though he had begun to lock his door he had given them all keys. Deciding to ignore it he heard Sakura say, ”Naruto, I know you're in there.”
”Damn,” he cursed under his breath returning his gaze to Yuugao. Although he had left her dressed in her Anbu clothing minus the armor portions he knew he'd have a hard time explaining why an Anbu was sleeping in his bed.
Moving to his door, he opened it only enough to slip out saying, ”Hey… what's up?”
”Why don't you tell me,” Sakura responded her voice giving away how upset she was by his disappearance from her life. ”You're the one that's been avoiding me.”
”No I haven't, I've just been busy,” Naruto said, but even he had to admit it was a half truth.
”But not too busy to find Ino and Hinata in order to ask them to train with you,” Sakura countered.
”Look Sakura, I ran into them when I was looking for people,” Naruto lied as smoothly as possible, ”Same with Tsunade, she's the one that told me you had a shift at the hospital.”
”Oh… so what are you training in?”
”Can't say,” Naruto replied. Sakura narrowed her eyes feeling betrayed as he defensively said, ”Hey take it up with Tsunade. She's the one that banned me from using or talking about it. She says it's not ready yet and doesn't want word to spread about it.”
Feeling panicked Naruto said, ”Actually I do.” When Sakura's eyes went wide in hurt and tears began to enter them he said, ”Sorry, that didn't come out right. It's just the place is a mess. How about we go to Ichiraku for some dinner?” Sakura nodded so Naruto locked his door hoping that Yuugao would keep until he got back.
Yuugao woke up slowly, which for an Anbu in the field could spell death. But for one that had her first s.e.x.u.a.l experience in over three years was probably to be expected. She knew it hadn't been a dream, despite having yet to take stock of her surrounds, as it was the only way to explain the small aches and pains of muscles used solely during s.e.x. As well as the fact that the her s.e.x.u.a.l urges that while having bothered her the most during her week of training with Naruto and had been an omnipresent distraction over the three years she had gone without were now gone.
Sitting up in the bed she occupied, she was surprised to find that except for her armor and weapons that she was dressed and about as clean as she could expect all things considering minus a shower. Leaving the bed she wondered where Naruto had gone to, figuring the unfamiliar apartment was his, but as she made her way around the room she began to feel guilty for her actions. It wasn't just a sense of betrayal to her previous lover, but stemmed from a sense of responsibility that she should have maintained control of herself.
She knew what she needed to do, but before that she decided to take a shower. After stripping, she stepped into his shower and was surprised to find that it had a couple of different shampoos used primarily by women. As the water ran over her, she tried to not only understand exactly what had happened, but why Ayame would take part in it. Yet, regardless of that she knew the fault was hers, as she should have been able to resist. She laughed mirthlessly as she should probably consider mentioning him to the head of the intelligence gathering division considering his skill at seducing women.
Well she'd probably bring it up to the Hokage when she met her since if she couldn't count on herself to stay in control didn't deserve to be running Anbu.
Sakura frowned as she watched Ayame and Naruto talk. As Ayame left to see to a new customer Sakura wondered just why things had changed between Naruto and her so much so quickly. Naruto had been gone for three years and when he came back it had almost been like he had never left. But she goes on a mission for a week and when she comes back it was like he was a completely different person. She tried to start a real conversation with Naruto. However, the window of opportunity closed as Ayame quickly saw to the customer before returning to pick up where she had left off with him.
Sakura stared into her ramen and wished there was some way to go back in time to just before she left for the mission to apprehend the spy. For her to go back in time to a point where she still seemed to matter to the blonde.
”Sure Naruto,” Sakura said not matching his exuberance.
Picking up on her gloom he said, ”What's the matter?”
”You seem pretty close to Ayame all of the sudden,” Sakura said having grown rather jealous, although she refused to admit it, of the ramen waitress. ”Not to mention Ino and Hinata.”
”I've always been close to Ayame,” Naruto said calmly but with a hint of finality, ”I've just come to really understand how important she is to me. That's all.”
Sakura wanted to pry more but Naruto's tone made it clear he didn't want to discuss it with her further. Since Ichiraku turned out to be a bust as far as trying to reestablish what she felt had been their previous level of closeness, Sakura suggested, ”Would you like to maybe check out the new Princess Gale movie?”
Surprised at the invite Naruto almost accepted but since he still needed to talk to Yuugao said, ”Maybe later Sakura. I had a training exercise with an Anbu today and to be truthful kind of just want to climb into bed.”
”Oh sure Naruto,” Sakura said sadly, ”Would you mi…”
As soon as he heard his name he quickly said, ”Alright then Sakura I'll see you at training when Kakashi gets out of the hospital. Take care.” He then quickly took off in the direction of his apartment.
”…mind walking me home?” Sakura finished lamely even though she had already lost sight of him.
Naruto quickly returned to his apartment but as soon as he stepped inside could think of only one thing to say, ”Oh shit!”
”Carbon dating places the age of the section of paper that we analyzed as somewhere between one to five years old,” Tsunade said aloud reading the test report before placing the findings down.
”What does it mean?” Hinata asked having taken up a position as Tsunade's assistant to help ease some of the load on Shizune. She had also done so in hopes that learning more about how politics worked as she hoped it would make her more favorable in her father's eyes to be chosen as heiress.
”It means somebody went through a lot of trouble to make this scroll look older than it really is,” Tsunade said sparing a glance at the scroll in question. ”But whether or not it was Kanji I can't say.”
A knock at the door attracted their attention and Hinata activated the Byakugan before saying, ”It's Yuugao.”
Surprised Tsunade said, ”Let her in.” As Hinata opened the door the Hokage said carefully, ”Hello Captain is there something the matter.”
”I would like to tender my resignation from my position,” Yuugao said standing at attention.
”May I inquire as to why?” Tsunade asked feeling a small measure of panic wishing she had taken the time to ask Hinata if Naruto had sealed the deal.
”I would rather not say,” Yuugao said not exactly embarrassed since Tsunade had long since come to believe that when it came to talking about s.e.x that their inhibitions were far less. Therefore she believed that much like how they were hiding the changes that had happened to them from the rest of Konoha, Yuugao hadn't been brought up to speed and wasn't sure she could talk about it.
Taking a guess and making it sound more like an inquiry in case she had read Hinata wrong Tsunade asked, ”Did you do something inappropriate?”
Yuugao sagged a little in defeat saying, ”Yes, but I take full responsibility for what happened.”
Smirking Tsunade said, ”Well that's decent of you but I'm sure Naruto was chiefly responsible.”
Yuugao quickly said, ”He's still young Milady. I should have…”
”How was he?” Tsunade asked cutting her off and had a hard time not laughing at the surprised face Yuugao made.
Getting over her surprise Yuugao said, ”I'm not sure what bearing that has on my request.”
”Oh request denied,” Tsunade said, ”After all if I accepted it, then there would have been no point in having him seduce you in the first place.”
”What, you sent him?” Yuugao said her anger rising, ”Why?”
”I am quite aware of whom I'm talking to,” Yuugao said her voice continuing to get higher, ”And I think it begs the question what exactly are you playing at if you are sending a boy to sleep with me.”
Standing, Tsunade said her own anger ramping up, ”Considering that boy probably had you spread leg and m.o.a.ning for more I think…”
”If I may,” Hinata said interrupting the two women. They both glared at her, but she persisted as she said, ”Lady Tsunade, perhaps instead of getting angry you should take into account that it sounds like Naruto wasn't able to explain things to her.” Tsunade sat down grumbling a little about ungrateful women but calmed. Smiling, Hinata turned her attention to Yuugao saying, ”I think you need to understand that posturing doesn't change the fact that as far as to sleeping with Naruto goes. You don't feel as negatively about it as you are trying to sound.”
Yuugao surprised said, ”How…”
”What color is her chakra Hinata?” Tsunade said getting what the Hyuuga was driving at.
”White,” Hinata said. ”If I had to guess I imagine she was truly on the fence about what happened.”
Tsunade nodded saying to Yuugao, ”Where is the little blond fool?”
”I'm not sure,” Yuugao said surprised she felt at ease talking about it with her leader, ”I woke up in his bed alone.”
As if on cue Naruto burst in saying, ”Tsunade, I screwed…,” but stopped seeing the woman he had been looking for as well as a glaring Hokage. ”Um never mind,” he said about to turn around and make a break for it. But Hinata closed the door in front of him prompting a w.h.i.n.ed, ”Hinata,” to escape from him.
He moved to one and Tsunade directed Yuugao to another before saying, ”Alright, now let's start from the beginning…”
Tayuya was sitting in a café as she observed her target. The red-head was dressed in a sundress with a matching hat. She hated it, feeling way to sissified but was pretty sure that Temari wouldn't make her as the girl she had done her best to kill three years ago. Temari was currently waiting on someone and judging by the way she was getting upset he was probably late.
In the week that she had been following Temari around Konoha she had come to learn one thing. Temari was tired of being alone. But she seemed to have set her sights on probably the worst candidate possible for her. Tayuya had the feeling from the way that Temari was dressed that she was planning to ask the Nara out. Naturally that would present a problem since Tayuya was positive that Naruto wouldn't move on her if the two got involved.
Another half hour later the Nara finally showed up stifling a yawn. Temari's whole disposition changed as he sat down offering some lame excuse. She went from a young woman about to take a chance on love to a Suna Jounin who was in Konoha to discuss details of Suna's hosting the Chunin Exam.
Smiling as she filled in some of her last notes on the girl in a notebook before she would add them to her bingo book she thought, ”Sucks to be you, you pineapple headed bastard.” Leaving enough money behind to cover her meal she made her way in search of Naruto because her punishment was up and she was going to get f.u.c.k.e.d.
Yuugao sat at Training Ground S waiting on Naruto. She still didn't know what to think about everything she had learned. After everything had been explained to her, she had promised to keep quiet and had been further surprised to learn that they could make her. They had demonstrated that by having her strip right there in Tsunade's office.
After making their point, Hinata had begun dragging Naruto out of the office mentioning something about her punishment being over. However, before they had made it to the door and still bereft of her own clothes she had made Naruto promise to meet her at the training grounds the next day even though technically it was his day off. She had expected him to put up a fight or even tell her that he didn't need to listen to anything she told him. But he had simply told her, ”No problem,” before being dragged out the door by Hinata.
Tsunade chuckled as Yuugao had begun to put her clothes back on. Still concerned her Hokage was being controlled she asked, ”Lady Tsunade, are you…”
”In control of myself,” Tsunade said cutting her off, ”Let me ask you this. If he was controlling me don't you think he would have done the same to you before leaving?”
Yuugao had been forced to accept Tsunade's point but then asked, ”Why send him after me if he already managed to convince you? You are my superior if you gave me the order I'd follow them.”
”True, but for how long,” Tsunade said pointedly. As Yuugao finished putting on her armor Tsunade could see that the woman was thinking but really didn't know how to answer so the Hokage said, ”What Naruto has planned is going to be dangerous. Not just for us from outside forces, but from those inside our own walls.”
”Surely you must be joking…”
”Am I,” Tsunade said, ”We became the strongest village by establishing favorable trade relations with our allies. However we always came out the big winner in them. In order to help bring about Naruto's goal we may have to forego such practices. While that won't hurt Konoha it will put a dent in several prominent merchant families' profits and as such they will not be happy.”
”Still that doesn't explain why me,” Yuugao said.
”Eventually they may begin to move against me and if so, they will most likely quickly gain a powerful ally in Danzou,” Tsunade said, ”That recent debacle with Sai is all the proof I need of that. Even if I can't prove it yet. Having the head of Anbu with us will help stave off any threats to the stability of the village.”
”Still that does leave one big question though,” Yuugao said preparing to leave the office.
”And that is?”
”Can he actually pull it off,” Yuugao said her skepticism bleeding into her voice.
”If anyone can it's him,” Tsunade said having no doubt about the truth of what she said.
”How can you be so sure?”
”Well, after learning the truth of what happened between you two, why did you still demand to see him this weekend?” Tsunade asked a smile appearing on her face.
”To take stock of whether he is the man you and the others seem to think he is,” Yuugao answered.
Laughing lightly she said, ”That's not all I think you'll be taking stock of.” Before she had left Tsunade had stopped her saying, ”Yuugao take it from someone who knows the pain you've felt. Take this for the golden opportunity that it is, because he'll give you everything that you give him in return and more.”
Yuugao hadn't blushed but did have to admit there was something to what Tsunade had said, since she figured under normal circ.u.mstances the last thing she'd want to do is spend time with the man that had tricked her. But she did recognize the fact that during their encounter Naruto had respected her wishes that he not c.u.m inside of her. That he would listen to her d.e.s.i.r.e even when he didn't need to was a big positive in his favor as far as she was concerned.
She heard Naruto approaching so put her recollections on hold. ”Right on time Naruto,” she said standing to face him.
”How can I possible refuse free training?” he said giving his bright smile. Yuugao tried to deny it but she did find it rather dashing.
Shaking her distracting thoughts away she said, ”Good, I'm glad to see you are enthused. Now strip.”
”You heard me,” she said beginning to take her own clothes off.
”Um…wouldn't you rather do this in a bed or a motel,” Naruto said nevertheless following suit.
”Considering this is training I feel this is the perfect venue,” she said placing the last of her clothes to the side.
Naruto said just as n.a.k.e.d, ”Um…okay,” before approaching her with the intention to hug her close to him. But as he got within reach of her, she grabbed his arm twisting it painfully behind his back. ”Ouch…ouch, I can't really say I'm enjoying this,” he said as she bent him forward.
”Now if you weren't so busy thinking with your pecker you would have asked just what this training entails,” Yuugao said pushing him away from her as she let go.
”Well can you blame me,” Naruto said rubbing his abused arm. ”What sort of training has us standing buck a.s.s n.a.k.e.d in the woods?”
Anbu training she said, ”Tell me are you uncomfortable?”
”Well I might be if we hadn't already of…”
”Fair enough, now what if I was a man?”
”Um… we wouldn't be having this conversation n.a.k.e.d that's for sure,” Naruto replied flippantly.
”Which is exactly my point,” Yuugao said, ”Our enemies will use such means to try and make us uncomfortable if captured. That is why in order to combat that I routinely have my Anbu spar n.a.k.e.d against each other. It's one of the reasons these privacy barriers were created.”
”Well I guess making Anbu is off of my list of things to achieve then,” Naruto said and despite herself Yuugao did crack a small smile before.
”Please try and take this seriously,” she said dropping into a fighting stance. Naruto followed suit and she said, ”We'll be grappling so it'll be all in close fighting. No kicks or punches. You'll only be able to win by submission.”
Naruto changed his stance to better suit the conditions before nodding aware that Yuugao may attack if he indicated he was ready. As expected as soon as he gave her the sign he was prepared she was charging him. Naruto deflected her first grab attempt but when he went in for one of his own was a little hesitant. Yuugao seized on that hesitance grabbing his arm and tripping him. She then wrenched it behind his back. With him laying face down in the dirt she said, ”What's the matter Naruto, first time wrestling with a woman?”
”Well honestly it's the first time where wrestling n.a.k.e.d actually meant wrestling,” Naruto said in a way that Yuugao could practically see the smile on his face.
Letting him up she said, ”Well this time it does. The score is now one nothing. Let's see what you are made of.”
Once both of them were set they began again. As the morning went on, Naruto did indeed get over his hesitance and won almost as many as he lost. What was going to be their last match before breaking for lunch, ended with Naruto pinned on his back and with Yuugao using her knees to hold down his shoulders. ”Looks like I win Naruto,” Yuugao said looking down at the smiling blond trapped between her legs.
”I don't know about that,” Naruto said with a cryptic smile, ”I think you are forgetting something.”
”And what would… mmm” Yuugao started to say but m.o.a.n.e.d as Naruto gave her exposed snatch a lick. ”Hey! This is serious train…ohh.”
Pulling away from her lower lips Naruto said, ”I am taking this seriously. But let's face facts, if I was fighting an enemy kunoichi in the buff. There are a whole slew of different moves that I would be using.” Upon finishing his sentence Naruto went back to munching on her p.u.s.s.y with gusto.
”Wait…oh…wait Naruto let…let me shower first,” Yuugao said trying to push his head away but wasn't having much success.
Naruto pulled back long enough to say, ”Seems like a waste of time to me since you'll only be getting all sweaty again. Don't tell me the big bad Anbu Head Captain Yuugao is embarrassed. Isn't this training supposed to help alleviate that?”
” little bastard,” she thought before saying, ”Fine, have it your way Naruto.” Then in an amazing display of flexibly she bent backwards leaving her knees on his shoulders, she arched her back until she came face to face with Naruto's c.o.c.k. She gave the tip a gentle lick before swallowing his d.i.c.k while he continued to dine on her nether region. Naruto looked up at Yuugao's toned stomach as she arched backwards to suck him off. Feeling her tongue swirl around his c.o.c.khead sent a thrill down his spine. Naruto slid two fingers into her as he munched on her c.l.i.t causing the Anbu captain to pull away from his d.i.c.k to m.o.a.n, ”No… no fair.”
”Aw, is the Anbu leader accusing me of dirty tactics,” Naruto said teasingly. He was about to go back to nibbling on her c.l.i.t when Yuugao after taking his d.i.c.k back into her mouth, in a display of grace and strength pulled her lower body from his mouth and deposited it between his spread legs. Looking down at her, Naruto could see her smile around his d.i.c.k as he said, ”Hey I wasn't finished.”
”Now who's complaining of dirty tactics,” she said amused removing her mouth from his tool but letting it rest against her cheek as she gently stroked him. She was about to take him into her mouth again when Naruto grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her onto her back. Grabbing her ankles and kneeling between her spread legs he began to rub his length along her slit.
”Seems the only way to settle this is to take it to the next level,” Naruto said smiling down at her as she shivered with p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at his c.o.c.k knocking at her entrance for permission to enter. He received it in the form of Yuugao reaching down and guiding him into her slippery tunnel.
They both g.r.o.a.n.e.d as he bottomed out inside of her. Naruto began working at pleasing her sliding back and forth within her as he held her ankles apart. As he found a steady rhythm he watched as Yuugao began to rub her c.l.i.t m.o.a.ning, ”It's…it's so good. I've missed this feeling.”
”You won't have to miss it anymore,” Naruto said picking up his pace to match the speed with which she was rubbing herself.
”Ah…ah Naruto I'm… I'm going to c.u.m,” she said panting, ”I'm cuMMING!”
Feeling her tighten around him Naruto let himself go as well but pulled out coating her stomach with his c.u.m. Yuugao looked down surprised as she felt his warm seed cover her stomach. She ran her hand through it and looking up at him said, ”You came outside.”
Rubbing the back of his head Naruto said, ”Well yeah, last time you told me too and I didn't think the reason behind it changed. I'd be a real bastard to disregard your wishes.”
Yuugao could feel something change inside of her at his words. That he'd remember and respect her wishes even if she hadn't told him this time it was necessary. She began to rub his seed into her skin causing Naruto's erection to return.
Coming to a decision Yuugao got on her knees and looking into his eyes positioned him to enter her once more. As she slid down his c.o.c.k, she kissed him gently at first before sliding her tongue across his lips. Naruto opened his mouth but before she could dart her tongue inside it was met by his own prompting the two to dance around each other. She began to raise and lower herself on his staff slowly at first but as the kiss heated up her pace increased as well.
Still on edge from her last o.r.g.a.s.m it wasn't long before she felt another approaching. Breaking the kiss she whispered into his ear, ”Naruto I'm close and this time I want to feel your jizz inside me.” Naruto began thrusting inside of her harder as she allowed him to set the pace obviously trying to come with her.
She was nibbling on his ear as he said, ”Here it comes.”
”Yes…fill me Naruto…fill me completely, make me yours.” Leaning back her arms wrapped around his neck she shouted, ”FILL ME!”
As her p.u.s.s.y began milking him of his seed, he gave her what she wanted letting his o.r.g.a.s.m coat her insides. Yuugao felt a smaller but no less intense o.r.g.a.s.m pass through her as a result of the warmth entering her w.o.m.b. The pair were breathing hard in the aftermath of their session. Eventually Naruto leaned backwards onto the ground taking her with him. She pressed against the side of his c.h.e.s.t and heard Tsunade's words of, ”He'll give you everything that you give him and more.”
He looked at her with a kind smile and said, ”I think we'll call that one a tie.”
It took her a moment to process what he was talking about, but when she did she laughed long and hard something that if any of the people under her command had heard would have believed they had been placed under a genjutsu.
Tayuya was lounging around Naruto's apartment when the door to it began to unlock. Seeing Tsunade enter she was about to tell her that Naruto wasn't there, but the Hokage beat her to the punch saying, ”Ah good I was hoping I'd find you here.”
”What's up?” Tayuya said as Tsunade took a seat in Naruto's leather chair.
”Well I feel it's time that we begin putting you to work in the field on a sort of training mission,” Tsunade said.
”Isn't that what I've been doing?”
”Only partly,” Tsunade said, ”You've gathered your intel on Temari and now it's time for you to help Naruto put it to use.” Tayuya grimaced causing her to ask, ”Is that a problem?”
”With the target maybe,” Tayuya replied, ”When I saw him after my punishment ended he found out I've been tailing Temari. He seemed uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with the sister of his friend. He said something about it being against some code or some shit.”
”What about the target herself?” Tsunade asked.
”Heh, she'll be easy for him to get on her back,” Tayuya said with a tight grin. ”She's so desperate for someone to see her as a woman it's not even funny.”
”Fine, then I am going to amend your mission. I want you to make it so that Naruto finds it almost impossible to resist taking her.”
Tayuya was a bit worried about the backlash she could face from such a mission and said, ”What if he gets angry at me for manipulating him?”
”Don't worry, I'll take full responsibility and I'll also assign you some help,” Tsunade said standing to leave. ”I'll get you some fake I.D's to help you get in and out of Suna. But try and get Naruto to seal the deal before he gets into village.”
Coming up with a plan from what she observed of Temari over the week Tayuya said, ”Sure no problem. He won't be able to raise too much of a fuss if she's the one begging for it.”
”Good, make it happen.”
After the weekend session of training with Yuugao, Naruto entered Tsunade's office to find Ino already there and the two appeared to be just finishing a conversation. ”What's going on?” he asked smiling at the two women.
”Just going over some last minute details about the mission I'll be sending you on,” Tsunade answered sending a sly smile Ino's way, who returned it.
”A mission,” Naruto said a little surprised, ”with just me and Ino?”
”Not exactly, you'll be escorting someone to Suna,” Tsunade informed him but before she could give more details a knock at the door interrupted her. ”Come in.”
Naruto turned to see Temari enter the room. Upon seeing that she was last to arrive she asked, ”I'm not late am I?”
”Not at all,” Tsunade said watching Naruto's reaction. But she really hadn't needed to as the blond jinchuriki figuring out what his lover was up to turned to her and mouthed the word no. She kept the frown she felt from her face but said, ”Ino, why don't you and Temari go discuss the route you'll be taking to Suna. Naruto and I need to talk about some unrelated matters.”
Ino nodded, leading Temari from the room distracting the girl by asking if there were any towns with good shops along the way. As soon as they were gone Naruto said, ”No, not Temari.”
”Oh and why not,” Tsunade asked leaning back into her chair.
”She's Gaara's sister,” he said his tone sounding final.