Chapter 4 (1/2)

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 4: Target ”?”

Tsunade entered Naruto's apartment silently, she was surprised that the door was unlocked. But thinking about it figured that he either expected late night visitors like her, or wasn't concerned about burglars as long as he was home. She was careful to be quiet, not wanting to wake Naruto, since she was sure he was asleep considering how late it was. As she made her way through the surprisingly clean apartment, she caught her reflection in one of his window. The face that stared back was her new youthful one. Truthfully, every time she had seen it recently the memory of her giving Nawaki their grandfather's necklace popped into her mind. She supposed that shouldn't come as a surprise considering she was close to her new current age when she had given it to him.

She shook the sad memories of the years that would follow away before they took hold, instead concentrating on the future she planned to build with Naruto. Moving away from the window, she moved towards his bed having a hard time not scoffing at the sight since she knew he could handle any assassins that would attack him, if he woke up to greet them that was. But she did admit that he looked cute sleeping with his bed all disheveled from his tossing and turning. She was tempted to lean down and kiss him in order to wake him so they could pick up where they had left off. But she knew he needed his rest since he had taken whatever energies that he had left after leaving her to the training field where he had leveled one of them. Much to the crews that had to repair the training fields annoyance, which they felt the need to share with her.

She smiled at the memory of cutting the head groundskeeper off and coldly saying, ”I can understand your frustration with us shinobi for tearing them up. But keep in mind that we are there honing the skills that will keep you safe should the village be attacked. If anything seeing that much damage should make you feel a comfort our enemies will not share. Now, might I suggest you stop bitching about it and do what it is I'm paying you too!”

The man had quickly apologized and she admitted she might have been a little harsh on him. But it was trifling matters like that which was keeping Naruto and her from going at it like rabbits. She was about to leave planning to come back in the morning, since she knew he was an early riser when something lying against a wall caught her eye. Walking towards it, she picked it up and gazed at the notepad.

On the sheet of paper where two lists one of them called 'Needs' and the other 'Wants.' She recognized the handwriting as Ino's having seen many of the reports the Yamanaka had given her. She smiled seeing her name under the 'Needs' category beneath Hinata's. Seeing Tsume's beneath hers she guessed that these were the people that Naruto felt would be instrumental to his goal of unifying the shinobi villages. She felt the list was rather lacking and wondered why but got her answer from the way Ino's handwriting began to get shaky. She figured that the two blondes had got rather distracted in the midst of their planning.

Figuring that she could help fill it in better as well as put it in something a tad bit more stylish than a notepad she left the apartment running through a list that covered more than just Konoha.


Lifting his covers up, he saw a pair of honey brown eyes staring up at him as she p.l.e.a.s.u.r.ed him orally. He was surprised that almost instantly he felt the urge to c.u.m and before he could even try to delay it, shouted, ”I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g.” Which was when he was propelled from the dream to his tiny apartment only to find that at the very least the part where Tsunade was s.u.c.k.i.n.g him off was real. ”Oh Goddamn, what a way to wake up,” he said pleased as Tsunade made sure none of his seed was wasted.

Content that he was clean she said, ”Better than an alarm clock isn't it?”

”Yeah, there's only one problem though,” he said, noticing that instead of the twin pig tails she had used to wear her hair in. She had opted for a single one, when she had asked him about it before he left her office the day before she had mentioned she had worn it like that in her youth. He had told her it looked good but considering she had shown him when she was stark n.a.k.e.d hadn't really concentrated on it.

”What's that?” she asked slightly worried afraid she had crossed a line somehow.

Moving suddenly he pulled her up towards him and maneuvered her onto her side facing his door before saying, ”An alarm clock makes you want to get out of bed.” He then began to fondle her b.r.e.a.s.ts over the white half shirt she was wearing.

”Wait...Naruto wait,” Tsunade said quickly succ.u.mbing to his ministrations, ”There was something I wanted to show you.”

”Later,” he said placing a kiss on her neck before moving to nibble her earlobe, ”I want to pick up where we left off yesterday.” He then reached under the black skirt she was wearing and finding her soaking added, ”Looks like you do too?”

”Oh… but there's a lot to talk about…” Tsunade said trying to ignore the hand working between her legs.

He smiled at her attempt to stay on topic, but he lifted her leg and then began rubbing his recovered c.o.c.k over her panty clad p.u.s.s.y. When she shivered he asked, ”Are you sure?”

”That's the idea,” Naruto said with a grin as he began to move within her.

”Oh shut up,” she said leaning back and kissing him as they lay on their sides. She soon couldn't remember what it was she wanted to talk about instead deciding to delight in the joys of having a young and virile lover again.


Ino couldn't wait to tell Naruto that she believed she had found the perfect person to be his scout. Naturally there were a few drawbacks namely it would require the help of the Kyuubi, something she was sure Naruto wouldn't be thrilled with. However, Tayuya could easily go missing and nobody would even bother to care. There were some more heartless nurses that had often said that if anyone but Tsunade was Hokage they would have let her die years ago. As even the information she had on Sound was three years out of date and practically worthless.

But Ino still believed that at the moment she was the best person available so had used her shift to find out all she could about Tayuya's condition. She believed, well actually Tsunade believed, that after Tayuya's defeat at Temari's hands Orochimaru had cut his connection to her curse mark. The subsequent removal of it had disrupted her neural pathways thereby resulting in her coma. The problem was that as medical ninjutsu was at present; such an injury couldn't be healed easily or efficiently. Tsunade had consider going through with it regardless, but had only given the girl a twenty percent chance of even surviving so had decided not to. But she figured that maybe the Kyuubi could do what even Tsunade, could not which was rebuild those pathways.

She reached his door and considering the early hour thought it would be amusing to wake him with a morning blowjob. She opened the unlocked door to the sight of a spread leg Tsunade as she was plowed into by Naruto. Tsunade was on her side facing Ino giving her a grand view of her snatch as Naruto continued his assault. The one side of the white half-shirt the Hokage was wearing was bunched up over her tit exposing it so that Naruto could fondle it. His other hand was between her legs rubbing her causing the Hokage to m.o.a.n in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Ino had the presence of mind to close the door and locked it as well before walking towards the two. ”Ino…” the Hokage said breathlessly, but made no motion to stop or cover herself instead watched as her fellow blonde moved towards the brown leather chair Naruto had. The kunoichi then sat and threw her legs over the armrests spreading herself for both Naruto and Tsunade to see and began to rub herself over the pink p.a.n.t.i.e.s she wore.

”Oh… ka-Kami,” Tsunade m.o.a.n.e.d at the sight.

Feeling Tsunade begin to squeeze his d.i.c.k even harder Naruto said, ”You like that don't you. You like seeing one of your kunoichi watching as you get f.u.c.k.e.d.”

”Just be honest Tsunade,” Naruto said, rolling them so that he was on his back and giving Ino an even better view of Tsunade's p.u.s.s.y as he plowed it. Addressing the kunoichi watching them, he said, ”Tell your Hokage what you think about what you are watching, Ino.”

”I think its beautiful Naruto,” Ino said, ”She looks…amazing and content. I'm jealous.”

Naruto chuckled saying, ”Your time will come Ino. Are you as she described Tsunade, content?”

”Yes…yes Naruto,” Tsunade m.o.a.n.e.d as he began to really pound her for their audience's benefit. Moving as he was it wasn't long before Tsunade began to m.o.a.n out, ”Oh Naru…Naruto I'm, I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g.”

”Show Ino,” Naruto said.

”Look at me Ino,” Tsunade said reaching a hand down and spreading herself wider as she made eye contact with the girl, ”I'm going to c.u.m around Naruto's fat d.i.c.k.”

Ino began to rub herself faster before saying, ”It's beautiful…”

”Go ahead Tsunade, c.u.m,” Naruto said and she did, throwing her head back against his shoulder as she screamed her release as he filled her with his seed. She may have blacked out as well, because when she was able to focus again she caught the tail end of Naruto plowing Ino from behind as she was bent over the chair the younger girl had been occupying. As Naruto came, setting off Ino, he buried himself inside her to deliver his c.u.m almost directly into her w.o.m.b.

He pulled out of Ino, who sagged to her knees, and smiled at Tsunade when he noticed her awake. ”Welcome back,” he said joining her in the bed.

”Well you started it,” Naruto replied amused, before he then reminded her, ”You said we needed to talk.”

”Yes,” Tsunade said, ”First would you mind if I study the scroll this Kanji gave you.”

”Why,” he asked confused.

”You said it only contained the one jutsu, correct?” When Naruto nodded Tsunade continued, ”Something just doesn't sit right with me about this.” Naruto looked concerned prompting her to say, ”Not about what we've done, just the situation in general. I think I'll discreetly look into his background.”

Naruto nodded saying, ”Thanks.”

Tsunade looked at him surprised saying, ”You suspected something as well.”

”Well yeah,” Naruto admitted, ”I mean, I've had this jutsu for only a week and plan on trying to use it to unite the shinobi villages. All he seems to want to use it for is seducing rich women. Although he did say it wasn't really effective against Kunoichi. He said they had techniques to counter them.”

”Some of the other villages may, but Konoha doesn't really not anymore at least,” Tsunade said thinking.

”What do you mean?” Ino asked recovered enough to join the conversation.

”Why her?” Ino asked wondering why the teacher that taught her how to act like a civilian would be someone the Hokage thought she would need to consult.

”Let's just say, although she didn't teach you techniques to seduce men she is well versed in the arts that a class like hers used to pass on,” Tsunade informed the stunned girl.

”I guess I should add her to the list then,” Naruto said.

”Don't bother,” Tsunade said looking around the bed before finding what she was looking for.

She held it up showing Naruto the black book. ”A bingo book,” Naruto said confused.

Giving a smile she said, ”Exactly, but one made especially for you.”

Naruto took it and could see blue and red tabs sticking out of it. On each of the tabs, which acted as dividers, were printed the symbols of the various countries or shinobi villages. Some of the sections appeared larger than the others with Konoha's being the largest. Opening the book to the first page which was behind one of the red tabbed dividers, he found an entry for Tsunade with her picture and measurements as well as various information like what foods she liked. Her picture had a red X through it. Flipping the page he found the same for Ino and the page after had Hinata's information. The third page though had Sakura's but no X.

Guessing that he was holding a bingo book for the various women Tsunade expected him to seduce he said, ”This is great, but I don't plan to seduce Sakura.” Tsunade frowned and asked for an explanation but he pushed on saying, ”The red tabs are marked as the 'Needs' I take it. There are quite a few entries more than I would have expected.”

Tsunade wanted to know why Naruto wasn't going to go for Sakura, but figured he would talk about it later or at the very least guess when her apprentice returned, depending on how Naruto acted. Replying to his comment he said, ”Well judging by Ino's handwriting I guessed that the two of you got a little sidetracked while thinking of women.” Smiling as both blushed she said, ”It also seemed you were focusing on clan heads, and there is more to any village then that. Turn to the page after Sakura's.”

Naruto looked up and arched an eyebrow saying, ”How does the Head of Anbu help me unify the villages?”

”Naruto,” Tsunade said patiently, ”her position carries considerable weight in the military aspect of the village. You have to understand, all the villages are basically two parts, civilian and military. The Hokage straddles the line by dealing with both aspects of the village. You can get all the clan heads behind you, but if the military portion refuses then you will fail.”

Naruto nodded flipping to the page after that and saw a mousy looking girl with stray strands of hair sticking out at various spots and thick glasses. Reading her entry he saw she worked for the Cryptology department. He looked up at Tsunade who upon seeing his confusion said, ”She's one of the best cryptographers we have, and since the village's intelligence units are constantly sending us reports that pass through there. Having an asset who can discreetly pull those reports and send them to me is to our benefit.”

”Sounds good,” Naruto said, ”Do you think you can make another one for me?”

”Why,” Tsunade asked confused.

”Well I plan to find a rogue-nin in order to convert her to our goal in order to infiltrate other villages and gather intel on targets for me,” Naruto said.

”I see,” Tsunade said, ”Was that what the question marks at the end of the needs list were for?”

”Yeah, but I don't have any idea of who I can use,” Naruto replied.

Speaking up Ino said, ”I do.”

Both blondes turned towards her and giving them a pleased smile she said, ”We can use that Sound-nin in the Coma Ward. Her name is Tayuya and I doubt anyone will miss her.”

”That may be Ino,” Tsunade said with a frown, ”But her chakra pathways to her mind are fried, which is why she is in a coma.”

”I know,” Ino said sounding a little put-off that Tsunade felt the need to remind her of that, ”But if the Kyuubi could make you young again, then I'm sure she can repair the damage the destruction of the curse mark did.” Ino turned her gaze to Naruto expecting to see him happy by her finding someone, but seeing the frown worriedly asked, ”Don't you like my idea?”

Naruto smiled at her to put her at ease, but said, ”It's not that I don't like it, but… I just got done telling the Kyuubi that I needed time to think. Going there so soon to ask for a favor seems a bit desperate.” Turning to Tsunade he asked, ”Can you think of anyone that would fit the bill?”

Tsunade thought for a moment before saying, ”I can, but for now I think you should go with Ino's idea. The woman I have in mind is dangerous, and not to be trusted.”

”A Sound-nin is trustworthy though,” Naruto said disbelievingly.

Grinning, the Hokage said, ”You'll just have to use your charms on her. Besides, since she's been abandoned by Orochimaru who else can she turn to. She might like having a purpose again.”

”And the woman you're thinking of?”

”We'll discuss that when I feel you have a bit more experience under your belt and have tamed a few hostile women. Now who is it you plan to go after next?”

”Tsume, maybe,” Naruto said.

However Tsunade shook her head saying, ”I think you should wait on her and make sure to take it slow.”


Collecting her thoughts Tsunade said, ”The Inuzuka are not like the rest of the clans in Konoha.” Seeing both blondes looking at her in confusion she clarified, ”They don't pass their leadership down via bloodlines but often through battle. Tsume is only in charge of her clan because she is the strongest, the Alpha if you would. That means she is often on the lookout for challengers to her position. Now if a stronger person came along and she recognized him as such she may step aside. But if not, a fight would ensue, with the victor being the head of the clan.”

Ino understood what Tsunade was driving at saying, ”Basically she would even consider a man trying to seduce her as a challenge to her authority.”

”Precisely, and even if you decided to go for her daughter Hana, there would be no guarantee she would be the next clan head.”

”I guess I'll have to come up with a strategy for Tsume than,” Naruto said.

Tsunade nodded before standing up from the bed and returned her henge so that she appeared as she had since returning to Konoha. She leaned down to kiss Naruto being sure to thoroughly explore his mouth as he did the same to her, before saying, ”You should talk to the Kyuubi, make it a step to earning your trust. If she believes she can do it then I'll be sure to make it look like Tayuya died. There won't be much of a fuss, but she'll need to be stashed here until she's ready to assume her duties.”

”If she even accepts,” Naruto said.

Placing a kiss on his forehead she said, ”Have some confidence in yourself. You after all managed to seduce three women in the span of a week. Unless you're saying we're easy.”

Looking at the two blonde kunoichi he quickly said, ”Of course not. It's just I knew you guys, so you were somewhat comfortable around me.”

”Well then consider her a test for kunoichi that you don't have a relationship with yet,” Tsunade said as she made her way for the door. ”Ino I know you don't like working the Coma Ward but starting tomorrow you'll be spending all your shifts there until Naruto makes a move on Tayuya.”

”Understood,” Ino replied, ”I take it once he does; I'm to get her out of the hospital.”

The Hokage nodded before taking her leave. Once she was gone Naruto smiled as he gazed at Ino who was still in his chair. Sitting on the edge of the bed he fisted his c.o.c.k wagging it at her saying, ”Did you come by for some breakfast?”

Ino slinked off of the chair crawling on all fours towards the smiling blonde. Once between his spread legs she said, ”Now that you mention it, I am feeling rather famished.” She then proceeded to do her best to quickly get him to release his load for her to enjoy.


Naruto began walking through the sewer that represented the seal. He and Ino had spent most of the morning enjoying each other's company. The kunoichi was currently resting her eyes after their latest coupling. Deciding to approach the Kyuubi to talk with her, he was somewhat surprised to find her waiting.

Commenting on it he said, ”I take it you already know why I'm here.”

”Yes,” Kyuubi said, ”I was able to gleam the details while you and the blonde enjoyed each other.”

”And…” Naruto said letting the word hang between them.

”And the least you could do is ask yourself,” Kyuubi said sounding disappointed. Naruto figured it was since it felt her effort to get on his good side would be long and difficult. And considering the session he and Ino had just enjoyed she was probably more anxious than ever to experience s.e.x.

However she did have a point so he said, ”You're right. Kyuubi, would you please help us wake up Tayuya?”

”Alright,” she said immediately surprising him. It showed as she laughed lightly hiding her mouth behind the sleeve of her kimono as she did so.

She lost some of the cheer as he asked, ”What's prompting you to be so accommodating? I figured you would have held out for some concessions from me.”

Dropping her hand she said truthfully, ”Well I could say I was doing it to prove that I am willing to help you. However if you require a selfish reason then if I do try and force you into giving me what I want then you may simple decided to convince the Senju to let you meet this woman she was talking about. Considering your current power over her, not to mention you may simple screw her into meeting your demands it is in my best interest to help you with a minimal of fuss.”

”Okay…” Naruto said surprised at just how much thought Kyuubi had put into her reply, ”…thanks I guess.”

Sighing Kyuubi said, ”Anyway, this will be far more difficult then what I did for the Senju.”


”Because, in order for me to use my chakra to help her. I will need to use a considerable amount of power. But unfortunately I will not be able to do so the same way for the Sound-nin.” When Naruto c.o.c.ked his head in confusion she explained, ”I was able to use a great deal of my power discreetly because you had penetrated the Senju. If I tried to do the same thing without that penetration then we would have every Anbu in a hundred block radius on us in moments.”

Naruto looked uncomfortable saying, ”Okay, since screwing a comatose girl is definitely out of the question. Could you maybe help her if I touched her?”

”Maybe…” Kyuubi admitted, ”However the problem would be your seal.”

”Why,” Naruto asked.

”Your seal is designed to prevent too much of my chakra from getting out. So for me to help the girl, I would need to overpower it, and as you know when I do that it tends to be flashy thus limiting my control. I was able to use it better while you had s.e.x with the Senju because you were in an excited state making it easier to bypass the seal, and since you were connected to her, none of my chakra bled away making it difficult to detect.”

”Well how about you try while you are standing outside the seal like now?”

”Unfortunately most of my power is trapped behind it,” Kyuubi replied.

”True, but you may find you don't need so much if you can use the little you have without fighting the seal.”

”I'll try,” Kyuubi said sounding unsure of her ability to succeed.

Giving her a smile he stuck his thumb in the air saying, ”All I ask is that you do your best.”

Kyuubi quickly turned feeling her cheeks heat up saying, ”Well then tell the Yamanaka to prepare and we can try tomorrow night.” She quickly returned to her cage so her host wouldn't see her red cheeks, leaving a confused blonde who shrugged his shoulders and allowed his consciousness to leave the seal.

He came to in his bed a nude Ino lying next to him. She was cuddled up into his side and was absentmindedly tracing the muscles of his c.h.e.s.t with her finger. His breathing changing must have alerted her to his waking up because she said, ”Is she going to help?”

”Yeah, and she is doing it willingly,” Naruto answered, ”But she says there may be a few difficulties that she'll have to overcome.”

”Really, turning back time for the Hokage was easier then waking a coma patient?” Ino asked disbelievingly.

”No, but unless you want to watch me have s.e.x with said coma patient then it's going to be harder,” Naruto replied.

”Who knows she might like it,” Ino said giving a devious smile.”Besides is that the end goal anyway.”

”It might be, but I…I guess she deserves the same chance to refuse that you, Hinata, and Tsunade enjoyed,” Naruto said.

Ino got up slightly to look into his eyes and she kissed him hotly. When she broke the kiss she said, ”That's why I'm glad it was you that was given that jutsu. You have a heart and a conscious Naruto, never lose those.”

He was spellbound by her blue eyes so simply nodded. Ino climbed over him before making her way to his shower. When she reached the door she placed a hand on the frame and looking over her shoulder said, ”I need to relieve my mom at the shop. Would you wash my back for me?”

Naruto shot out of the bed to follow her into the bathroom and he even eventually did get around to washing her like she asked.


Sakura looked at the walking injured that was the new Team Kakashi. Or better yet Captain Yamato and Chouji. The bastard Sai that had been Sasuke's replacement escaped after meeting with Orochimaru in the chaos that had been their meeting with the spy, who had turned out to be Kabuto. But the glasses wearing triple traitor was apparently at least loyal to Orochimaru.

After they had managed to escape from the Sanin, they had noticed that Sai was gone. Fearing his capture, they had managed to track him to a base where they learned he had joined with the Sound willingly. But what was worse for her was seeing Sasuke again. He had been so cold and when she had tried to remind him of the bonds that he, her, and Naruto had shared he had laughed. He then in a display of power destroyed the roof of the base and after easily handling all three of them was about to finish the job but had been stopped by Orochimaru of all people.

Sakura had been heartbroken, and truthfully still was, about what Naruto and hers teammate had become. But somewhere in her mind, she began to wonder if that was what Naruto had encountered three years ago. Had Sasuke been that cold even then? She knew that Naruto had been hurt, but she had just assumed that it was the Sound-nin that had escorted Sasuke away from the village. But was it possible Sasuke had done it, and if so, why didn't Naruto tell her?

She was on her way to see him since Captain Yamato had said he would handle reporting to the Hokage. She tried Ichiraku first and saw Ayame chatting with a blond haired boy who strangely enough was sort of acting like Naruto. Ayame seemed to be smiling and Sakura wondered briefly if it was her boyfriend. But even as the boy told her some story the smile never really seemed to reach her eyes. Almost like she was trying to convince herself something was there in the boy that wasn't.

After being told by the waitress that Naruto hadn't stopped by, noticing a slight frown on Ayame's lips as she said it, Sakura decided to try his apartment. She was just about to knock on the door when it opened and Ino began to step out. She was looking into the apartment as she said, ”I'll see you later… Sakura!?”

”Ino… w-what are you doing here?”

”Obviously I was visiting with Naruto,” Ino said a little guardedly.

To Sakura, Ino smelled freshly showered and she noticed her hair was still a little damp. Her eyes narrowed as she said, ”Since when do you…”

”She was helping me with some of my plants,” Naruto said walking towards his door, ”I've been busy training lately so kind of neglected them. She helped bring them back to life.”

”I see…” Sakura said watching the two, ”I guess you do tend to hyperfocus on certain tasks.”

She frowned though, as a cat that ate the canary smile appeared on Ino lips as she said, ”You make that sound like a bad thing though Sakura. In the right situations that can really be a godsend.”


”Any way,” Naruto said quickly knowing that Ino was referring to his tendency to thoroughly enjoy his girls until completely spent if he could, ”thanks for your help Ino, but don't you have to relieve your mom.”

Ino got the hint, and gave a small wave wishing she could have kissed him goodbye, but knew he didn't want Sakura to know about what he was up to. Sakura's frown deepened as Naruto leaned against his doorframe and watched Ino leave with his arms crossed. She wasn't sure, but she thought he was watching her rear as she walked away. When the blonde disappeared around the corner of the hall he turned his attention to her and said, ”What's up?”

”Can I come in,” Sakura asked surprised he didn't offer.

Naruto felt a little self-conscious about letting her in considering he had needed to open a window to air it out a little since the smell of s.e.x had been rather thick. Hoping that it had a little he said, ”Come on in.” Sakura entered the room and was surprised that it was so clean while Naruto went and busied himself in the kitchen.

Sakura saw him preparing tea and waited for him to say something when it became apparent that he was doing the same thing, she asked, ”Aren't you going to ask how the mission went?”

”I figured that was what you were here for,” Naruto said with a shrug as he waited for the kettle to begin boiling.

The kettle began to steam so he poured it into two cups handing one to Sakura. She took a sip and recognized it as a white tea that Ino liked. Staring at him as he sat in his leather chair, she wondered when he had even begun to drink tea. Naruto waited for Sakura to collect her thoughts as he enjoyed the tea that Ino had brought since she figured she was going to be spending a lot of time over.

”I take it that the mission wasn't a success,” Naruto finally said causing Sakura to nod. ”Oh well, did you at least find out who the spy was?”

”It was Kabuto,” Sakura replied, ”But apparently he betrayed Sasori. We…we ran into Sasuke.”

”Was he there to help Kabuto kill Sasori?”

”No, our teammate Sai betrayed us. He met with Orochimaru for some reason, but after we tracked them down we ran into Sasuke.”

”Oh,” Naruto said watching her closely; she appeared on the verge of tears so he figured the meeting had gone rather poorly. ”I take it he's still being a stubborn bastard and refuses to come back.”

”He… he-he tried to kill us,” Sakura said sadly. Looking at him hopefully she added, ”Maybe he's still under the curse marks influence.”

Naruto sighed but said, ”I really don't think the curse mark is controlling him Sakura.”

She looked at him and although she believed it was probably true a part of her had come here hoping Naruto would tell her otherwise. That he would in effect tell her everything was going to be okay. Much as he had when she had confided in him about her fears that Sasuke would seek out Orochimaru on the night he had ended up defecting. Feeling betrayed by her expectations,she snapped, ”So you are just giving up on him now. Is that why you blew off this mission?”

”I blew it off for the very reason I gave you Sakura,” Naruto said calmly which infuriated her more, ”Do you really think my being there would have changed anything? Sasuke doesn't want to come home, I think we'll get a better understanding of what he plans for the future if he finds and kills Itachi.”

”But… what about what Orochimaru has planned for him?”

”Sakura do you really think Sasuke is going to allow that snake to take over his body if he hasn't completed his ambition?”


”Look Sakura, have faith that Sasuke has at least thought out what he's doing,” Naruto said cutting her off.