A Year of Great Undertakings - Book 6, Chapter 112: Failed Produc (1/2)

Boom, boo the sky above Glooroaned under the barrage of firepower as waves of flames bathed the entire city

At the saun

The towers’ attacks were quite in-line with the era in which they were constructed Lightning began to crackle and ather at the tops of the towers Tendrils of lightning reached out, scattering a bolt in their direction

The soldiers activated their defensive barriers The Ravagers held up physical shi+elds, which began to shi+ne with a blood-colored light The Harpies utilized joint Arcana Techniques to forion All attacks that entered the region would be gradually nullified The Boundless Sect also utilized joint techniques to defend the bolts danced across the surfaces of the barriers like snakes, filling the sky with a blinding silvery light

The two sides were already exchanging blows as soon as the battle had begun, each side deht Very few casualties had appeared, however

But as tirate, the casualties began to appear

A few of the weaker toere unable to withstand the violent assault of the cannons Once their barriers had shattered, the towers began to cruh they did their best to unleash one final bolt of lightning, the overwhel wave of attacks made it seem much weaker in comparison The Astrals inside the towers, however, were able to escape into the towers further behind

The Astrals were losing those Arcana Towers, but the co continued to beat down on theht up in the more violent area of the storm Their shi+elds were destroyed and their bodies were blasted to bits before they were even able to react Sist the huy disrupting the storroups of soldiers were hit harder than others, resulting in more casualties

The obstruction in the tunnels and the sneak attacks in the region of darkness had all been small skirmishes The current battle they were locked in, however, was a true war In the blink of an eye, an astounding number of lives had been lost

“These Arcana Towers are too powerful,” Lonely Skyleap lance at Su Chen “There are too many of them, and their defenses are too sturdy If we keep pushi+ng on like this, I’m afraid that ill all die before we destroy theh the towers are quite powerful, they are ie formations is inappropriate Give the command to disperse the forainst the towers’ attacks As soon as their barriers shatter, they are to i in reserve will advance and activate their barriers We’re going to take turns fighting”

As the coe Instead of si their way forwards, they chose to stay on the outskirts of the towers’ range and pick the on wearing out their opponent

This new strategy greatly di, but their rate of advance slowed, and they were expending ate casualties, it was all worth it

The battle entered a slow, tedious rhyth to take the initiative to attack, instead choosing to lob shells at each other froion that contained Gloo

Even though the forest of toas strong, none of the towers could e of that weakness and cycled his forces, decreasing the number of casualties even as the towers continued to fall one by one

Perhaps because they realized the unsustainability of the situation, the Astrals began to an to forathered and assu dancing across its body appeared, wielding a giant sword and shi+eld, followed by a giant tree, which shook its leaves, causing countless green fruits to fall to the ground Fierce, short, greenish-gray people popped out of the fruits Finally, a dark black shadow began to slowly creep across the ground No tangible figure was associated with the shadow, but that didn’t stop it froe aura

As soon as these four strange existences appeared, a shockingly powerful wave of energy burst forth froy immediately suppressed the allied aran to charge directly towards the allied armies

“So we need to take the initiative to attack, huh?” Su Chen was not surprised

Constantly being forced to defend while on the back foot would only get theive them the opportunity to counterattack Otherwise, they would be slowly ground to death, just like what had happened before

The only way to disrupt their opponent’s rhyth

These four creatures were most likely one of the secret treasures that the Astrals had prepared for moments like this

It was no surprise that a race that loved to perform research like the Astrals had some tricks up their sleeves

Su Chen’s eyebrow arched when he saw the creatures “Qingluo, you go and deal with that black flashan, you handle the tree creature The other till be up to you to deal with,” Su Chen laughed as he gazed at Lonely Skyleap and Danba

Danba said, “The giant creature wielding the sword and shi+eld is ours Lonzell, you go and handle hied towards the bronze warrior

Lonely Skyleap frowned He had originally wanted to take on the bronze warrior The dark shadoas siet a grasp on and deal with However, Danba had acted too quickly, and there was no way that Lonely Skyleap had the fact to ask Danba to let hi he could do but turn to a Harpy general beside hio and stop that shadow”

When Su Chen saw the Harpy general take flight, he sighed, “I’h”

Lonely Skyleap harru Arcana Master”

“Still not enough,” Su Chen replied

“Hm?” Lonely Skyleap was taken aback

The Harpy General naestured, a web of interweaved lights descended on the shadow The shadoever, continued advancing as if it had felt nothing The Harpy soldiers around it had already begun to turn into slag

Gentle Float was badly startled and began to attack repeatedly, but nohis attacks were, he was co

As the shadow advanced erratically, it sed everything that got too close to it

Gentle Float was forced to begin retreating as he continued to try and find as effective

Su Chen was also observing carefully

Suddenly, he frowned “Careful!”
