Part 22 (1/2)

”Is she what you seek also?” Tarahtfully ”She seems so How are you called, wench?”

”I a the last word ”Now let reed on You, , I will sell into Koth, where your pretty face may please a mistress” Tarahed Karela turned her attention to her ”And you I will sell into Argos, where you may dance naked in a tavern in Messantia, and please the patrons one by one for the price of aof ale”

”I am a princess of Ophir,” the veiled woman said coldly, ”who can have you impaled on the walls of the royal palace Do you dare speak so to one before whom you should tremble?”

Karela sneered ”I not only dare speak so, by Derketo's Teats, ifI'll strip you on the spot to see if an Argossean tavern will have you Most Ophirean noblewomen are bony wenches who could not please a ht”

Steel whispered across leather as her blade left its scabbard ”I'll have old now!”

”She will indeed do,” the scarlet-cloaked woman said ”Take her”

Karela spun toward Tara with a be no move toward her or his sword, then two ht cavalry dropped fro heap she was borne to the packed-earth floor

”Derketo blast you!” she howled, writhing futilely in their grip ”I'll spit you like capons! Codless jackals!”

Taramenon plucked her sword from her hand and tossed it into a corner

”You'll not be needing that any longer, girl”

Despite her frenzied striving, the cavalryed Karela to her feet Fool! she berated herself Taken like a virgin in a kidnapper's nets! Why had she not wondered why there was no horse for the woman?

”I suppose it's too much to hope for that she's a hed ”Much too much, I should say”

”Treacherous trull!” Karela snarled ”Cata! I'll peel your hides in strips! Release me, or h to think I came alone?”

”Perhaps you did not,” Taraht I saw no one the last time you claimed to havefifty ands can do against theh, Taramenon,” the veiled woe There was talk of stripping” She eyed Karela's tight breeches and snug-laced leather jerkin, and a note of malicious amusement entered her voice ”I would see that she is nottoo bony for hed, and the three ht furiously, and when they were done there was blood on her nails and teeth, but she stood naked, heavy round breasts heaving with her effort Lecherousthe curves of lush thighs and narroaist Dark fearded herthereen-eyed wo of her are like a shrinking girl on her wedding night for these of any others

The tall nobleman touched his cheek, now decorated by four parallel sanquinary streaks, and exaertips Suddenly his hand flashed out; the force of his slap was such that Karela and the two e her!” the veiled woman said sharply ”Your beauty is not ruined, Taramenon Now bind her for transport”

”A taste of the strap will do her no darowled, ”and I would teach her her proper place” The name so shocked Karela that she missed the veiled woman's retort

Conan's patroness! Could the woman have learned of her own connection with the Ci to dispose of a rival? Well, she had the Ciain for her release, and if Derketo favored her she would have this treacherous noblewo by her heels beside him

Karela opened her mouth to make her offer-Conan's freedo pushed the words back into her throat Like a starving panther she struggled, but three men were too much for her

With ease that seee, wrists strapped to ankles, knees beneath her chin, thin straps laced around and around her, digging deep into her flesh When one of the cavalrye leather sack theherher to Conan, flooded her face with scarlet

”At least she can still blush,” Synelle laughed as Karela was stuffed into the sack ”Froht she was lost to all decency Carry her to the horses We must hurry Events proceed more quickly than I would like, and we must meet them”

”I must return to the palace to pay my respects,” Taramenon said ”I will join you as quickly as I can”

”Do so quickly,” Synelle said smoothly, ”or I may put Conan in your place”