Chapter 728 Crash Site (1/2)

Chapter 728 Crash Site

"There is no sign of anyone being on the airplane?" Cassandra asked with a puzzled look on her face

"Yes, it seems to But that's obviously not possible since the plane can't fly on its own, and it won't take off with zero passengers"

"So where did they go? I a you because you were the first one to arrive here Did you not see anything?"

"It is true that I was the first one to arrive here, but I still arrived 5is clear if anyone was on the plane when it crashed, they are le body"

"As I informed you, Ma'am The bodies could be in the sea"

"The plane crashed on the beach, and the shore is twenty meters away froically ended up in the sea? Not leaving even a single drop of blood?"

The officer shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Do you have any other explanation?"

"Yes What if everyone jumped out from the plane before it crashed?"

"Coed Cassandra and whispered, "That's so stupid Who in their right mind would ju to be able to walk again"

"Since they were going to die anyway, they chose to test their luck I would totally jump out of an airplane that's about to crash If I die, then… we'll, I die But if I ed to survive with one or two broken bones, I would appreciateyears"

"You aren't going to break just one or two bones, You are going to break your entire body Even if you survive the fall, you will be on the bed for the rest of your life… and that's worse than dying"

"I will not die until I see ain," John groaned "Anyway, I will search around the beach You get into that chopper and scan the area from the sky It would be better that way"

Cassandra squinted her eyes and said, "Who made you the boss?"

John left with a search party, while Cassandra got into the copter with two female officers"

John ith seven other officers, but he got separated from them as they all went in the separate direction

At the end of the beach, John noticed a cave, but that wasn't a surprising part He saw a pair of footsteps leading into the cave but not co out

'Even if the search party went to check in earlier, they should have cons of footsteps Did soo in there and still haven't come out?' John wondered

He took his torch and turned it on, but it wasn't turning on

"Oh, for fuck's sake Why now?!'

He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight

"I don't think I will need this, but… just in case…"

He took his gun in his other hand and went into the cave

He shi+ned the light on the ground to see the direction of the footsteps, but after a while, they disappeared

"Uhh… this is not good I should probably leave and return with the team"