Chapter 714 Requirements To Join Harem Membership (1/2)

Chapter 714 Requirements To Join Harem Membershi+p

"H in love with you?" Ruby asked with a ine you being all touchy and possessive like Maria, to be honest But that's a sight I would rather see than iine," Rudy responded honestly

"I can be possessive if I truly want so to your response, does that mean you want to add me to your hare You already live withthat never has and will never happen again I won't allow any living existence to stay with my harem, even if it's a woman

You should consider yourself lucky that you are under ht why you are allowed to live withvoice

"I was going to ask you that Tell iven the Lord's mercy?" she chuckled

"Maria asked you to stay with the harem because she wanted you to join my harem She invited you to joinyou to live with her

Then you ran away and uilty that she was forcing you to do so you didn't want to do She kept quiet for obvious reasons But she is always anxious that you will leave her one day"

"you are lying…"

"I a she said the day you disbanded the Ross Syndicate"

"There is no way I would re word by word"

"Well…" Rudy placed his hand on the back of Ruby's head and said, "Allowfrom two different perspectives One is mine, and the other one would be Maria's"

Rudy didn't share hison that day It was like watching the footage of the sales

Once Rudy had shown Ruby everything, he hugged her as he could feel Ruby's e"

"You need one, though"

"Shut up Don't be kind toyou have done to me"

"My deal from that day still remains, but there is one more condition I won't let you live forever with my harem All birds leave their nest one day So be a oman and decide for yourself"

"" After a pause, Ruby looked up into Rudy's eyes and asked, "Are you saying that you will kick me out if I don't join your harem"

"Hey… that's the worst way to put it I was asking you to make a decision Listen, you are well aware that you can't stay with Maria for your entire life You have your life to live too I a