Chapter 582 Life Goals Of The Lord (1/2)
Chapter 582 Life Goals Of The Lord
"Your mother?" Rebecca with a confused look on her face
"Yes She is the… the best person in the world"
"Even better than Elena?" Rebecca asked curiously
"Yes She is on the top I… I tried to become like her, but I couldn't She is far above my reach But I recently found a neay to reach her, and I hope everything works out well"
"Was your ood person?"
"What is she like?"
"I cannot tell you…"
Rebecca smiled and said, "I understand You don't want me to become like you because you think you are not how I think you are"
"That's one way to put it, yes"
"The other day… when I said I want to be your sister… I wasn't lying I really do want to be your sister But… so since I last saw him, and I have no idea where he is Did he leave us behind? Were we a burden to him?"
Rudy had searched for Rebecca and Jessica's parents since day one, but he couldn't find any information about them He had even talked with Anthony, as supposedly Albert's best friend, but he didn't know anything about him either
Anthony said they slowly became distant over the past decade, and the last time he saw him hen Jessica was born Rudy didn't miss that opportunity to ask him about their mother, but even he was unaware of that
Unlike in 2008, Rudy could use the internet or any other type of database to search for Albert he had to rely on physical data such as newspapers Daily, he checked the names of dead people in different newspapers and even visited the neighboring towns and cities' local shops to learn ularly checked all the ceravestone of his naave up The best way to et about Albert was to never remind them of him
'I don't knohere he went or if he is even alive, but I have no empathy towards that man'
When Rudy was a kid, his classmates teased him as he had no father, so he would often co Rudy was trying to do right now
She wanted Rudy to forget about Albert, but that was impossible in Rudy's case as he was teased about it at school, and only Alice, Eric, and his twin sister— Erika, would come for his help
Even Eric and Erika didn't have a father, but they were made fun of like Rudy because Rudy was poor
One day, when Rudy asked Rebecca about his father, she lied to hi her father's picture to him and said that he died in an accident when he was s the sa, after which he was never teased for the saain
However, now that Rudy had learned the truth, he bla '