Chapter 440 Early Morning With Lilim (1/2)

Chapter 440 Early Morning With Lilim

Hours passed by, and the sun had risen It was early , and the car was still parked at the sa outside of the car with the door open while facing the passenger's seat, and Lili Rudy's snake after hours of exploration

Rudy was chatting with Alice on the phone after he got her ot out of the bath,] she replied after ten minutes

[That was a quick bath Only 10 et ready and 10 ly she had expected Rudy to ask that

[So I pick you up after 30 minutes?]

[Yeah Are you ready yet?]

Rudy lowered his gaze and saw his snake going in and out of Lilim's mouth

[Yeah, I am ready Just call ht away and kidnap you]

[Oh, by the way Do you know anything about the sightings?]

[What's that??] Rudy asked with double question marks

[I aon flying over It was very blurry and at a distance Perhaps, it was zoo the video And obviously, most of the comments said it was fake and edited

But since you are faht you would know about it Do you think it was real?]

[This isabout this Can you sendto send it as soon as I saw that video last night But it was taken down by the uploader I searched on social media and yourtube, but that wasn't helpful]

[Now that's suspicious Let's talk about it e are on our way to school I will also get ready And I also have soht now, but I want to see your live reaction]

[I bet it's about another girl]

[Wow You have beco my cuain looked down and couldn't help but chuckle after seeing the delightful s him off

"Say, I have actually never done this before, and I was never a fan of it, but can I record this?" Rudy asked calmly

Lilim raised her brows and asked, "Why would you want to do that?"

"I don't know I just felt like it And this angle actually turnsas you don't show it to anyone"

"I ed "Or theybefore you start recording?" Lilim asked hesitantly


"Can you pat irl', daddy?"

"Uhh…" Rudy patted Liliirl"