Chapter 399 Sexting in the Casino while Gambling (1/2)

Chapter 399 sexting in the Casino while Ga on the couch in the casino while being surrounded bypictures of hiamble with hi thehim into the underworld would take at least an hour At first, Rudy decided to go home and fetch the card later as he did with the money, but he noticed he was already late for school

So he ed Lucy and asked her about Rebecca, only to find out that she had already fallen asleep Lucy also said that she was on her way to her school and the doors of the house were locked

Then, Rudy o to school alone Of course, Alice was a little upset, but she didn't one to bed, and he was already late for school, he changed his plans and decided to stay at the casino until his card was ready

However, he was getting bored of waiting, and the gaain To avoid that, he challenged all of theaed to defeat et one million dollars If you lose, you will have to spreadchallenge for everyone The gaame they were best at, and they could bet any amount Of course, if they lose, they would lose the et one est incentive for theed to defeat hiaaed Rudy, and all of them lost in a matter of seconds

They were only allowed to have one a attention to his opponents He was ga with his phone, and it was Maria ashis amblers as they ruined her alone time with Rudy

So far, Rudy had won three hundred thousand dollars fro to end anyti at Rudy's phone and reading his chats with Alice

[Why are you using your phone in class?] he asked

[I am not in the class I am in the bathrooo to the bathrooo?]

[Yeah But that was a different lecture The period just ended, so…]

[Wow So you are now skipping classes, huh?]

[No I am a scholar student, so no teacher can say no to o to the bathroo to deny that you are skipping classes]

[When will you come back, by the way? Please don't tell me that you are stuck so my phone, so that's obviously not the case]

[Where are you right now? You better not be fooling around with girls while I ary' eelica is sitting on ain?!]

[Yeah Guess how ' e…'

[Last tiuess it would be higher this time Maybe five ' emoji and replied, [You are not even close]

[Give me a hint Is it more or less?]

[More, obviously]

[Ten million?]

[No More]

[Twenty million…?] She added several dots before the question mark


[Fifty million?!]