Chapter 269 Stranded (1/2)

Chapter 269 Stranded

"Where are we?" Jane lanced around "I have never used the secret passage at night, so this is round, this looks like an entirely different world"

"It's another die activated a portal, and we ended up here"

"What should we do?" she asked in an anxious voice She spread her wings and flew in the air to see the vast area

Rudy did the saher than her since he could see farther than her

"There is nothing but sand everywhere What type of world is this?" Jane hugged herself andaze and uttered, "I don't feel anything Is it because you are a vampire, and the desert represents the sun? I mean, deserts are hot because of the sun, and the vaainst the sun"

"That could be it It's my first time in such a place But there are deserts in the vah they are cold"

"Yeah, it's night here, so you are safe And actually, this is my first time in a desert too I have been to the sea beach, forest ca, and recently to the mountains and snowy mountains too"

Jane looked up at the sky and saw a full white h her poere being sucked

Rudy noticed Jane shi+vering, so he followed her gaze and looked up, but he couldn't find anything strange For him, the moon was still white

"Jane?" Rudy tapped on Jane's shoulder to get her attention

"Huh?" Jane blinked and turned to Rudy with a pale face She tried to tell hiain, it hite

"H? If you don't like this place Then I can teleport us back to the palace There is no need to worry," he said in a cal a little dizzy, I guess"

"Are you thirsty or hungry? I just ate and drank the best ry and thirsty as though I have been starving for days"

A brief pause later, he said, "This place is under a ht just be because of the desert, but I aulped down and placed her hand below her neck before nodding

"Yeah I feel thirsty…"

Rudy pulled his collar down his shoulder and said, "Go ahead and drink my blood"

"Are you sure? Aren't you thirsty too?"

"Well, I can't drink your blood, so I will create some water with my powers," he replied with a soft scoff