Chapter 625 Wishing her dead (1/1)

Chapter 625 Wishi+ng her dead

These chapters are not fillers, I swear

Lin Yu wouldn't have got Su Wan involved in the dra Dai alone in thisZiet the fertiliser fro to revive the fields but he still walked to Feng Dai and whispered, " Listen, brother Daiill do our best but if things don't work out then don't bla Dai of course wouldn't blame Su Wan, she was the only one who came to his aid after his fields were destroyed like this, he wasn't that ungrateful of a man, so he siven up on these crops if they can be saved then it's great but if they cannot be saved then I would not blame you or anyone else It's my bad luck that I have a family like this, what else can I say whenwas eavesdropping on what Feng Dai and Lin Yu were talking about thus when he heard Feng Dai call hiunk, he felt like he has been slapped in the face Really? He was calling hi but a burden on hih to understand the sarcasm here, thank you very much!

Su Wan on the other hand was carefully assessing the dahten those crops that have been bent at an unnatural angle and try to be as careful as possible because there is a chance that they will snap in two halves if you are too hard"

" Got it," said Lin Yu as he picked up the sticks and ropes before he got inside the field It was a good thing that Su Wan didn't come down because the second Lin Yu stepped inside, he stuether and caught his foot

" Yu, are you okay—-" Su Wan shouted when she saw that Lin Yu really fell and hurried to get hiht —- ht up, not the bad one so I aet hurt" Then he slowly got to his feet before li a few paces away froh of pain that he was holding in because he didn't want to worry Su Wan But the truth was that his bad leg was caught in the entangled crops and was throbbing painfully but he couldn't let his wife know that he was hurting or else she will feel guilty

Seeing that her husband was li to her Su Wan glared at Feng Zihang who raised his brows and asked, " What? Why are you looking at me like that for? What have I done now?"

" You are such a crow beak, you were the one who said that anyone stepping inside the fields will fall now look at what you have done!" Su Wan snapped angrily at Feng Zihang before turning to Fang Ziunk and no beak, was he here to be disrespected?

However, before he could say anything, Su Wan called Fang Zied crops are a lot worse than I expected, I think he will need help"???ℯ?e?nov?? ???

She knew that Lin Yu was trying so hard to hide his pain not only because he orried that she orry about him but also because he didn't want to show his pain to her it was like a matter of pride to hiood doctor soon in the capital, because Doctor Gu raised his hands long ago —-saying that it has been too long and noas no way for him to treat Lin Yu since the wound has been left untreated for so long and only a well-advanced doctor can treat Lin Yu since it needed the bones to be broken and then snapped together again

Fang Zied to restore the crops back to their original shape somehow After they were done, Su Wan asked theain soth—- the two did as ordered

Once they were done, the two stepped out of the fields and then looked at Su Wan who sood job, tonight I will cook souys" After she was done, she turned to look at Feng Dai as standing beside her and said, " We have done whatever we could to revive them, noe all need to wait and see, if the crops will be able to get back to their original shape or not It will only take a feeeks at reat, if they can't then at least we did our best, right?"

Feng Dai nodded as he silently swore in his head to take care of his crops until the end of the week It didn't inal shape but there was no way he was going to give Feng Zihang another chance to create trouble for hi too looked at the crops that seemed to have been fixed so Dai and the others were praising Su Wan for her s her dead