Chapter 555 Fetus is unstable. (1/1)

Chapter 555 Fetus is unstable

Lin Jing's words were like a stone that was thrown in the cal turned silent before everyone exploded, Shen Junxi as holding on to Su Bai slapped hi hi happened to my niece then I will rip your throat apart! Just you wait!" And then without any warning, he threw Su Bai against a tombstone just like Su Bai has pushed Su Wan But unlike Su Bai whose strength was feeble enough because of the alcohol he was drinking, he could only push Su Wan, Shen Junxi however was in his coth wasn't sth into that one throw thus, when Su Bai's head sushed out and the latter passed out because of the pain he was in, he didn't even have the strength to call out to anyone much less shout for help

And Shen Junxi was already furious enough to kill Su Bai after listening to what he had done to his sister but then the bastard had to go ahead and push his niece so hard that she hurt her abdo his head into a pulp, hoould he call anyone to help Su Bai? He turned around and hurried after Lin Jing and Lin Yan who have already rushed to the doctor as responsible for treating the patients in this village Behind the them The Lin brothers were really worried, they hoped that whatever they were thinking wasn't true and it was just a false alarm because if their doubts came to become the truth then they were afraid that neither of the good care of the rest of the Su Family

The five of them rushed to the house of the doctor and hurriedly knocked on it, worried that if they were a second too late they will lose everything that they held dear—— the doctor as concocting medicine inside was stunned when someone knocked on his door as if they wanted to break it open, he simmered the fla towards the door after skirting around the bed where his patients usually took a short rest after he treated them in case of serious injuries

Because he was old, his pace wasn't as fast as it once used to —— his pace was slow because of his old age but the person outside was in a hurry as he knocked on the door again basically pounding on it The doctor orried that if he was a step too slow the one as knocking ht really break his door open, so he had no choice but to force his old bones to walk a little faster

" What is it?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes at the pair of sturdy younga frail-looking young woman most probably she was the patient The doctor was old but his eyes were still as sharp as ever, as soon as he realised who the patient was, he carefully took a look and frohen he noticed the patch of blood on the young woman's clothes

" Doctor…this ishard and sharp, can you take a look and see what's wrong with her?" Lin Yan was really scared when he realised that Su Wan was bleeding so heavily, when she fell he noticed that there were a lot of sharp edges around the toot struck by so sharp and her stoestion, he didn't even think of it They have always been very careful and gave Su Wan the pregnancy prevention medicine every time one of them touched her, so Lin Yan was faintly assured that she wasn't pregnant at all

The doctor had a hunch about rong with Su Wan but he still asked Lin Yan to lay Su Wan down on the cot where his patients usually rested Then he took out a handkerchief and placed it on Su Wan's wrist and took her pulse while he was taking Su Wan's pulse, Lin Chen arrived with Lin Rui and Lin Yu The three of theet inside and had to stand outside the small shack where the doctor lived so as not to crowd the already crowded space that was filled to bri and Lin Yan ere just as tall and burly as the three of the withwhen he saw that the doctor was frowning and wasn't saying anything After seeing the doctor's expression Lin Jing couldn't help but get anxious, did Su Wan really get hurt when he wasn't watching but hoas that possible? He saith his own eyes even though she fell, her stoe of the toe, so hoas it possible that she got this hurt from just a fall?

The doctor didn't ask why the two youngthe woman on the cot their wife, he was already so old what hasn't he seen? He long knew the concept of shared wife and though he frowned upon the act of selling one's daughter to be shared by a couple of boorish ainst Su Wan just because she was a shared wife, if anything he pitied her

Poor girl, to be married to such burly men who didn't even kno to take care of her