Chapter 385 - [Bonus ] Cant Afford To Carry Thar Weight (1/2)
Chapter 385 - [Bonus ] Can’t Afford To Carry Thar Weight
"Elder brother !" shrieked Lin Yan as he tried to snatch the string fro but the latter has already thrown it at Lin Yu, ith an unusual speed took out two threads and threw the string back at Lin Yan as startled and instinctively caught the stringthe threads around their wrists " you! Are you all idiots! Didn't you hear what mother said? You all can die because of me How can you? Why did you do this!"
" because you are our brother," said Lin Jing si the silky smooth feel under his hand Aye, it has been years?- after Lin Yan grew up he didn't let him pat his head at all " we can't watch you die, and we can't let Wan Wan suffer alone either This is e are supposed to do, alright ?"
" but -"
" no but second brother, we are brothers" Lin Chen crossed his ar " and even if you keep on with your ifs and buts, it's already done deal We have already tied the string around our wrist and it looks quite durable I don't think it will break even if you stretch it So give up and save your breath"
" third bbrother is right," said Lin Yu shook his head incredulously at hi to snatch those threads from them" you can't possibly eexpect us to stay as passive onlookers now that we know this, right? And especially when it concerns bboth you and Wan Wan, we don't want to lose either of one you, hhow can you even think about it ?"
Lin Yan felt his eyes sting as he clenched his hands but despite all his efforts, he still felt so hot trickle down his cheeks " you all You all are such idiots! I swear! You idiots! You dummies! Why do you care so much about me, I am so cold and I don't speak warmly to you either and Iand I always scold you two, you idiots!?You are such idiots!"
" i called idiots," said Lin Chen dryly " oh come on second brother, treat us a bit more tenderly will you ?"
" idiots! Idiots! Du dummies "?but that only made Lin Yan even more hyper as he cried " you didn't have to, I'm not worth it You could have lived without me, dummies I'm not worth your life! Idiots! Stupids"
" that's right we could have," said Lin Jing to which Lin Yu and Lin Chen nodded, " but we don't want to, ant our fussy Yan to stay by our side and you knoould rather not see either of you lying dead and cold in a coffin, if possible let your elder brother pass on first because I aht So, at least let me do what I can, okay?"
" We don't ant to do that either" chimed Lin Yu " it's scary to think of our lives without you, ssecond brother"