Chapter 471 Glowing Garden (1/2)
Chapter 471 Glowing Garden
The deadwood servants created by the hallow could be harvested for valuable materials, even while alive, and the pores fro so required [Appraisal] to recognize the ingredients, understand their properties and harvest them The entire process required at least one hour of strenuous activity, so a Deadwood Hollow rarely tolerated peacefully
The pouch of [Rotting Spores] was redient for poisons and antidotes At the saredient in relation to concoctions that affected sleepiness and charms
Ren collected those materials while he could, but he did [Teleported] forward so he could escape Deadwood Hollow’s tight grip while his [Touch of the Golden Sun] and [Gravity Zone] were still in effect
Eventually, Ren made it out alive from Deadwood Hollow in one piece, just in time that his abilities deactivated, and he found himself in theGarden was a beautiful and dangerous part of the Mycelial Grove that unravels thedefenses Where Deadwood Holloas defined by its low profile, the glowing garden was difficult to miss if anyone knehat to look for
Bioluround ecosysteht not stand out as particularly dangerous
The web-like pattern of the clusters of fungi, the faint hurove, and the smell of death all tell an experienced that there wasGardens were most commonly developed beloater sources or in da that forround realroves enjoy
These caverns were also natural watering holes and passageways for all ht find theht
Buried just below the surface of the earth was the network of pale Mycelial roots that connected all the individual rooves Their thin fleshy fibers were nuarden was undoubtedly one of the hts Ren had laid eyes on Bioluminescence was one of nature’s n intent
Ren had often witnessed this display in highly poisonous plants or sea creatures There were deep-sea predators that used the flashi+ng lights of their bioluarden Its effect was blinding and nearly incapacitating anyone
The hallucinatory spores of Glowing Gardens were psychedelic in the extreme Those exposed could barely perceive reality and could be tricked by the fungus into assaulting their friends or inaniarden could drive anyone mad or trick them away from the paths and down some deep dark hole, never to return
Exposure to the Glowing Garden risked a physical assault on all fronts Anyone wouldn’t see where the attacks were cole to keep their senses, let alone find the creature The only chance they had at survival was to locate and target theGarden activated the [Grove of Hallucinations] in the first round, using its [Buried Body] feature to inflict as much mayhem as possible
The whole area becaarden could produce a hallucinatory sound beyond what the senses could perceive
p、A,nd A-n、o、ve,1
Ren could get out of the dreaht in front of hi her hand at hi her so vividly, like she was real, Ren couldn’t help but be lured deeper into the trance He took her hand and hugged her tight He didn’t care If this was a dreamhe just wanted to see and feel her, even for just a minute<readnovelfullcom>please visit ReadNovelFullcom</readnovelfullcom>