Chapter 351 A Short Mission 1 (1/2)
Chapter 351 A Short Mission 1
In Kalibo Forest, near the hu Talons, were in thea Hidden Boss
They set out when the night fell since the Boss only showed itself once the light was gone and darkness took over
In the jungle, a small brackish stream splashed a cool scent of water and rich decay Due to the surrounding stillness, their eyes could even catch a gli from tree to tree Noise from their activities was aletation sed the reuild with a rich backer, which hy they could afford to hire World Conqueror to help them kill the Boss The Hidden Boss’s infor Talon was confident that their invest it
Isolde and Leonel tried to like their current client, but they si Talons was coht be shrewd, but he was powerful enough to lift the weight of an entire party, so he had earned the right to be shrewd
The people fro the line Their contract clearly stated that for a Hidden Boss, they needed at least ten players whose ATP was nearing hundreds
Players nearing fifties in ATP were fine as well, but there must be at least twenty of the what the Hidden Boss was like
Clawing Talons didn’t follow the conditions stated in the contract and only brought five players with ATPs nearing the hundreds When asked about it, they merely said that so to explain
In that instance alone, Leonel and Isolde should have backed away However, they still proceeded onwards since the leader of Clawing Talons, Edgar, begged to continue, saying that they had already spent soTalons had already deposited half of the agreed price, so Leonel and Isolde shrugged it off and pressed on Ren also told them that no matter what happened, they must find the Hidden Boss
But the more they continued their journey to the Hidden Boss’s location, the hts, they made Isolde and Leonel handle allthem, which forced the pair to use their own iten
“We need to be in full health e face the Boss,” was Clawing Talons’ excuse ht your own healer,” was their occasional quote
“We’ve paid an enorar often said
Isolde would naturally counterattack, “It’s so that your il Our contract clearly stated that World Conqueror would only provide two players to help out, while you should have at least provided ten ed, and it wasfive uild, was to leech off the EXP and gil
The EXP and gil were sharable, but Clawing Talons were just looking at the side while Isolde and Leonel did all the work
If not for Leonel stopping Isolde, she would have blasted the five extra baggage to smithereens She would’ve really done it even with Leonel trying to soothe her if only it wouldn’t leave a lasting bad iroup
Instead, Leonel tried to cal her attention to another topic that she loved, her guns<readnovelfullcom>please visit ReadNovelFullcom</readnovelfullcom>