Chapter 317 The Final Battle with Jibblinplip 1 (1/2)
Chapter 317 The Final Battle with Jibblinplip 1
As they neared the ar ball of flesh at the center of the rooure It looked like a Colossus, except it had armor made of the same substance as its flesh
ǁ T H E H E A R T
O F J I B B L I N P L I P ‖
“The beginning of theHeart of the Continental Ooze and the most protected body part of Jibblinplip
The Heart constantly chas nonstop, while its core rested inside its protected space In this plane, the core is i it to the plane of its origins
‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖
HP: 500 000
MP: 1 000 000
STRG: 10 000
DEF: 20 000
MDF: 15 000 +1000 [Domain Bonus]
INT: 10 000 +2000 [Domain Bonus]
AGL: 10
LCK: 400 + 100 [Domain Bonus]
‖ D A M A G E
R E S I S T A N C E S ‖
❶ All Magical Dae
‖ D A M A G E
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
❶ Acid
❷ Poison
❸ Psychic
‖ C O N D I T I O N
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
❶ Blind
❷ Charmed
❸ Deafened
❹ Exhaustion
❺ Frightened
❼ Sleep
‖ W E A K N E S S ‖
❶ None
‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S
Passive Skill:
❶ Basically Mindless
The Heart is immune to any effect that required to control its mind
❷ Stationary
The Heart is immune to any effect that would move it out of its space
❸ The Core
When Jibblinplip’s Heart is reduced to 0 hit points, it will reveal the core, which is the original piece of Jibblinplip fro [Banish concentration for the required duration will return it to whence it came, and the rest of Jibblinplip ither and die within a week
If the core is not banished within an hour, the Heart will come back to life with full hit points
Active Skill:
❶ Multiattack MAX
–– The Heart uses the Ooze Tendrils and The Madness
–– Cost –50 000 MP
❷ Death from Above MAX
–– The Heart chooses a point fro a hundred meters, and opens an orifice that releases a cloud of concentrated toxins All creatures affected in the area will suffer continuous poison dae
–– Cooldown 2 minutes
–– Cost –40 000 MP
❸ Ooze Tendrils MAX
–– The Heart for, and floor
–– Upon a successful hit, the creatures will suffer bludgeoning darappled, the creatures are restrained
–– Cost –20 000 MP
❹ The Madness MAX
–– The Heart chooses an area to attack fro a hundred meters, and assaults its e will suffer Confusion that lasts for one minute
–– Cooldown 2 minutes
–– Cost –20 000 MP