Chapter 238 The Break of Dawn (1/2)
Chapter 238 The Break of Dawn
“The Night Thing?”
Creeping through the shadoas a large beast, larger than ht Crawlers, the creature had a solid form
A ruesoon head, and the rest of its body slithered like a centipede, and itswith acid
“W-what is that thing?”
“What kind of beast is that?”
Voices rang in alarht not live to see the dawn at the appearance of a new threat
� N I G H T T H I N G ‖
Location: The Great Valley
“A foul creature designed to bring terror and ruin to every living thing in The Great Valley”
The Night Thing is a twisted creation of the Evil Gods who sought dominion over the other Gods and all its inhabitants and expanded their influence and land
The Night Thing is an apex predator of terrifying ferocity and power Furiously annihilating everything that stands in their way and their Lord’s wishes
Unlike with Night Crawlers, the Night Thing had a solid body Alar off all but thethe Gods
With a ravenous hatred for all inhabitants, the Night Thing settled for nothing enocide of those who defile its God’s wish and its own
‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖
HP: 100 000
MP: 1000
STRG: 100 +50 (Night Bonus)
DEF: 200 +50 (Night Bonus)
MDF: 150
INT: 50
AGL: 150
LCK: 40
‖ D A M A G E
R E S I S T A N C E S ‖
� All Magical Dae except powerful Skills
‖ D A M A G E
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
� Poison
� Burn
‖ C O N D I T I O N
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
� Sleep
� Necrotic
� Paralyze
� Dizziness
� Charhtened
‖ W E A K N E S S ‖
Strike in the Head
‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S
Passive Skill:
� Eater of Night
The Night Thing could consuht Crawler to recover its HP
� Dark Vision
The Night Thing can see perfectly well during the night
� Torht Thing will suffer Poison
� Terrain Overrun
The Night Thing can move freely in all difficult terrains on land
� Spell Suppressor
The Night Thing can suppress basic-level spells that didn’t reach the second stage
Active Skill:
� Multiattack LV5
–– the Night Thing can make three attacks Bite, Pincer and Spit
–– 70 hit if LCK is higher
–– 50 chance of inflicting Poison
–– Cost –100 MP
� Devastator LV5
–– the Night Thing dealt AoE dae within twenty e is dependent on STR
–– Cost –200 MP
� Bite LV5