Chapter 212 Guild Wars: Fight for Victory! 10 (1/2)

Chapter 212 Guild Wars: Fight for Victory! 10

AllLambs suffered from Scar’s spell, and they weren’t spared fro on their screen

Their Thief and Leonel died just like that, and the rest were about to take potions to recover their health bar However, Gerald and Hidey weren’t just going to watch and let them do so

“Die!” Gerald aiirl even before for getting in his way Noas his turn to annoy her

Roxy blanked out, and she still hadn’t recovered froe She stood frozen as Gerald’s blade tore open a long gash in her side But instead of receiving the notification that she had died, it was Nikolai’s se that was supposed to end her life

“I got you, Sis Roxy”

“N-Nikolai” Roxy blinked, and Nikolai dissolved into particles before she could even utter another word

Though thanks to Nikolai’s sacrifice Roxy recovered fro a hook with her weapon, which connected brutally to Gerald’s stoe wasn’t big enough to kill hile hit

Roxy io, just in tiainst hers

Now, the tables had quickly turned in favor of Black Lion with Scar’s single move, and the croild in the stadium

Roxy was left to defend the front, and if she died, the es were open for the butcher

On the side, Scar’s sers and Fighting Lae to heal them from the curse They ht about now, and there was no longer any Thief to supply theainst three

“Wait” Scar’s sht off his face when he realized that Suuy was s the words uttered by his lips from a distance

“Got you”

Before Scar knehat Ren was talking about, a pair of hands wrapped tightly around his chest while a familiar warmth enveloped him from behind

Scar’s fine hair rose on end when he realized it was Sumeri!

But how?! How could she appear behind hi? Even if she used [Teleport], the distance shouldn’t be enough for her to go around his back Moreover, her HP was full, and she wasn’t suffering from the cursed status That only means that she somehow escape from his [Death’s Cavalry]

And Scar’s head was torn apart, for he didn’t understand how Sumeri could survive his attack And worst, she was behind hi Was it her special item?

Sumeri only smirked before Scar’s surprised face She then whispered near his ear, voice cold as her heart, “hell truly hath no fury as a woman scorned”


Before Hidey and Gerald couldBoOoO for seconds at the massive explosion

The impact sent waves and waves of force that the audience even clung in their seats while the gust of winds pushed them back

Ren chuckled at the turn of events, un winds and dusts from the explosion Yes, just like how his HP depleted at a rapid rate with each second, everything ithin the palm of his hands

To kill Scar, he needed hiuard down And no better ti in his victory Using [butterfly of Deceit] that Ren stored in his [Mind Palace], thanks to Evie, he timely used it on Sumeri when [Death’s Cavalry] made its march

The beauty of that spell was, besides the i Sumeri’s body with an illusion, he could also place her real body to a safe distance Since Evie had already evolved it to level two, the distance increased within a two hundred h to plant Su And since Scar’s group put too ht that everyone couldn’t escape [Death’s Cavalry’s] grip and eventually die

As for the explosion that soon followed Ren gave Sumeri the special item that he acquired from Hubert, [Atonize friends or foes But the ae it inflicts was a sure death sentence at the player’s current ATP

It was expensive, but it orth it

Too bad that Gerald and Hidey were ht have been killed too froht It didn’t change anything whether they were alive

The next round would decide everything

Ren should have been the one to use the [Atoive it to Sue, even just a little She needed that or she would explode

When the smoke and dust settled, Roxy stood fro by the force of the explosion earlier