Chapter 137 Windigo (1/2)
Chapter 137 Windigo
They heard rattling sounds that didn’t come from the wet leaves they stepped upon, and upon closer inspection behind the foliage, they found glowing red eyes that weren’t co from the wisps
What was more, the many parties that came in with theh they were just meters apart when they entered
It was like the forest was alive and changed with every group
Luckily, Roxy didn’t separated fro louder, like the sound of cicadas in su nearer in their location until the sound stop and the silence that soon folloas deafening
Evie readied her staff, and Michael stepped in front of her and assu as I am around, you’ll be fine I took up Kendo at school and learnedhis roaned She was short, so Michael easily blocked her view He was more of a hindrance than helpful at this point
Evie took a step back to get a full view of thefro asped when the beasts caht
It was so tall, about two to three ed bark of a tree, but it had thick dark hairs all around its body
However, as hideous about this beast was its face It had a face of a sickly old dog with a long protruding jaw containing rows of razor-sharp teeth The skin surrounding itsred While deer horns were sprouting near its small point ears
� W I N D I G O ‖
Location: Illusion Forrest
“The hungry e the forest for scraps”
“Don’t run Don’t hide The Windigo is co”
Creatures of the dark that took the foro is chaotic evil by nature and will eat any living thing in their paths
They come in pacts like the wolves, and they can perfectly see in the darks Their nose can even sniff the smell of flesh meters away, and their ears can pick up the tiniest sound Their speed is also unparalleled, and they are great climbers
‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖
HP: 700
MP: 150
STRG: 25
DEF: 20
MDF: 10
INT: 5
AGL: 30
LCK: 10
‖ D A M A G E
R E S I S T A N C E S ‖
� Bludgeoning [Non-Silver Weapon]
� Piercing [Non-Silver Weapon]
� Slashi+ng [Non-Silver Weapon]
‖ D A M A G E
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
� Poison
� Darkness
� Necrotic
‖ C O N D I T I O N
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
� Sleep
� Charhtened
� Cursed
� Cold
‖ W E A K N E S S ‖
� Fire
� Water
� Light
‖ S K I L L S &
Passive Skill: