Chapter 49 Dread Widow (1/2)
Chapter 49 Dread Widow
Pressed with no option but to follow their leader, Isolde and Ragnar entered the Boss’s roonar to Isolde
“I met Ren when I attempted Thunder Cave He warned ot wiped out in the end And the rest was history”
“So he’s a beta tester then?” That was the only explanation Ragnar could think of why Ren knew soon the Boss that otherwise, ten players who probably have double digits ATP couldn’t defeat
“Is that a proble with threat Ren and Leonel were nothing but nice to her, and she would not have sonar
“Not really I really didn’t care,” Ragnar said, eyes on Ren “I just don’t want to die in the hands of soer I just met all because he was too overconfident
“I wanted tothat he IS a beta tester put my mind at ease, at least”
Isolde looked to the side and clicked her tongue “Then you shouldn’t have joined our group in the first place,” she grumbled under her breath
When everyone was inside, the giant door closed and cobwebs for it froround, and specks of dust settled when the wall shook
When everything quieted, torches burned a blaze and illue e cobblestones, moss, vines, roots, and thons and thons of thick cobwebs
[Warning! You have stepped into the domain of Dread Widow!]
Everyone looked over the ceiling when the dust fell froiant spider whose eight legs were six th, deadly and pointy Its body was the size of a one-story house It had two glowing red orbs at the center of its bulging stoe mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth
Leonel’s eyelid fluttered, and he wobbled from where he stood while Ren steadied hiulped and used her [Monocle]
[Used Monocle x1
Re number of Monocles: 1]
ǁ D R E A D W I D O W ‖
Location: Gargantuan Cave
These horrific creatures spawned froineered to serve its ons, unsettling stealth, and unshakable loyalty to the [Mother of Spiders] Dread Widow spread their webs far and wide in pursuit of their mistress’s enemies
‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖
HP: 2 400
MP: 200
STRG: 16 +3 [Domain Bonus]
DEF: 20 +10 [Domain Bonus]
MDF: 10
INT: 19 +4 [Domain Bonus]
AGL: 25 +5 [Domain Bonus]
LCK: 8
‖ D A M A G E
R E S I S T A N C E S ‖
❶ Bludgeoning [Non-Magic]
❷ Piercing [Non-Magic]
❸ Slashi+ng [Non-Magic]
‖ C O N D I T I O N
I M M U N I T I E S ‖
❶ Poison
‖ W E A K N E S S ‖
❶ Fire
‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S
Passive Skill: