Chapter 863 - 863 Out! (1/2)

Chapter 863 - 863 Out!

863 Out!

“Unless he is sold to irl!”

These were two extremely furious roars

The first one was Lin Sanniu, and the second one was Lin Laosan and Li Cuihua


Lin yuelan’s words not only infuriated Lin Laosan and Lin Sanniu but also to the villagers ere just watching the show

“This … Isn’t the girl going too far?”

“I agree”

“That’s right This is her blood-related little brother, how can she let her blood-related little brother sell hi sister?”

“Yup, I know If she really wants Lin Darong to be her servant, shebe her servants”

“This is really too …” Too what? he had wanted to say that she was too heartless

However, when he thought about the actions of Lin Sanniu, Chen Xiaoqing, and the rest, they were heartless too

Therefore, he couldn’t say that Lin yuelan was too heartless because she had been forced to be so

Especially when Chen Xiaoqing knelt down like this!

Tothem in her eyes

Lin Sanniu roared at Lin yuelan, ” Lin yuelan, don’t go too far! He’s your little brother How could there be a sister in this world ants her little brother to sell hiraceful!”